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Strengthened by Joy

Dwelling Place Anaheim

Release Date: 06/03/2024

Righteous show art Righteous

Dwelling Place Anaheim

Today, Alan continues our series on “Mercy Triumphs”. When God draws near, darkness collides with righteousness, sparking a movement of worship and reverence. His Word restores, His judgments bring justice, and His mercy triumphs. As we seek Him, He rains righteousness upon us, leading us deeper into worship and transforming our hearts.

Mercy Triumphs | Alan Scott show art Mercy Triumphs | Alan Scott

Dwelling Place Anaheim

In our message today, Alan encourages us that God’s mercy always triumphs. Through Psalm 103, we are reminded that “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”  In His dealings with us, God always puts His mercy on display and His Divine longing is to display His mercy in and through our lives. We are called to be a people who understand, walk in and worship God for both His kindness and His righteousness.

Get Ready For The Deluge show art Get Ready For The Deluge

Dwelling Place Anaheim

This week, Kathryn shares an encouraging message from 2 Kings 3 and Psalm 126.   The Lord is saying, look over the dry places - the places empty but ready - the places pregnant with promise, yet still dry. The voice of the One who called us into the desert, is the same voice speaking now - over the dry valley of the things we’ve been crying out to Him to move in.   And He is saying, “this dry valley will be filled with pools of water. It’s not going to come the way you’ve seen it come before - don’t look to the same old places. Don’t look to the sky, don’t wait for the...

Hallelujah show art Hallelujah

Dwelling Place Anaheim

In our final part of the ‘Beloved in the midst of battle’ series, Alan encourages us through Psalm 149. We see the ones who remain in his love, rejoice in being honored. There is an invitation to sing for joy from the place of rest. And as we release the sound of joy in His love, it becomes the sound of judgement over His enemies. This can seem a little confusing to us. It can feel like a departure from intimacy. But intimacy is about giving ourselves fully to Him and His ways. There is an intimacy within praise and there is a beauty in the judgements of God.

Beloved in the Heat of Battle show art Beloved in the Heat of Battle

Dwelling Place Anaheim

We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. We will come through the struggle. But it’s really not a win to come through our personal struggle devoid of tenderness and increased intimacy with the Father.   The good fight is to bring him a loving heart conquered by love. The good fight is for tenderness in the thick of darkness. It is the fight for softness of heart when the love of most grows cold and weariness and numbness threaten to take hold. And to all His conquerors, he invites to become more than conquerors. His beloved lovers resting in Him.

Anchored as the Beloved show art Anchored as the Beloved

Dwelling Place Anaheim

Today, Alan continues our conversation on the “Beloved in the midst of Battle”.  We are beloved. When we live knowing this and no longer as orphans we no longer need to protect ourselves. We no longer need to prove our spirituality, our authority or our identity. We no longer need to promote ourselves. Those wrestles that are so constant in our hearts turn into resting in love and wrestling for the sake of others. We are the beloved and we have learned to rest.

Beloved in the midst of Battle. show art Beloved in the midst of Battle.

Dwelling Place Anaheim

Alan opens up a new conversation today: Beloved in the midst of Battle. We never cease being beloved. We never cease being in battle. Being beloved doesn’t protect us from battle, it prepares us for battle. We are to live as the beloved in the midst of battle. When the battle is raging, we can discover that in ALL these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.

Step Into What Is Next show art Step Into What Is Next

Dwelling Place Anaheim

James encourages us today through Acts 18 where Paul discovered that just next door, God was moving. Breakthrough was right next to Paul even though it didn’t feel like it. But to get next door, he had to have next level thinking, he had to take a next step, and he entered what was next. Not so that he could escape what was happening around him but so he could enter into what God was doing around Him.

Guest Speaker: Andy Byrd show art Guest Speaker: Andy Byrd

Dwelling Place Anaheim

We're so excited to welcome Andy Byrd this week. Andy and his wife Holly are committed to community, Christ-centered living, revival, and cultural reformation. Andy is part of the leadership of University of the Nations, YWAM Kona and is committed to the nations, with a heart to raise up generations with a burning heart for God and for others. Together, they’ve helped birth “Fire and Fragrance Ministries and the “Circuit Riders” movement which helps train and release missionaries.

More Episodes

Kathryn kicks off our new summer series and invites us to be strengthened by joy through the book of Philippians.

The keys in being strengthened by joy is to enjoy God’s presence, to expect God’s goodness, to embrace God’s process for our life and to enter God’s purpose for our life.