We Work Rest and Play
“… don’t worry about moments of uncertainty.” In Summary: We continue chatting with Gonzalo as we move onto REST and PLAY. We talk about: His Enjoyment of decorating spaces and making small sculptures. Providing consulting services to inject innovation into the educational organisations His very cool morning routine. We also get musical as we chat about Drums Orchestral Percussion Some of his favourite drummers and songs from a drummer’s perspective. Graphic Design And more! And so I hope you’re keen… onto Episode 14! Podcast Homepage - Like what hear,...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“… What is the purpose of life?” In Summary: We continue on from the previous episode, and are talking WORK with Gonzalo. In this episode we dive into things like: What his typical day as an academic looks like. how he started in music, and ended up landing in the field of education. How his interest in Buddhism led to him pursuing a PhD. And we go even deeper, so deep that we even stumble across THAT question: “what is the purpose of life?”.. And Gonzalo actually gives a very, very good answer! And more deep and meaningful stuff! Ready to open your mind? Sounds exciting?…...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“… Global Citizenship.” At a Glance: Occupation: University Instructional Assistant Professor of Relevant Industries: Education, Philosophy, Educational Philosophy, Curriculum Specialists, Human and Community Development, Global Citizenship Experience: Graphic Design: 10yrs+ professionally, 9yrs freelancing (19+years in total) Academic: 5yrs+ Studied: Bachelor of Graphic Design (unfinished) Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Concentration in Humanities) PhD in Philosophy and Education In Summary: For WORK, Gonazalo is PhD in Liberal Arts (Philosophy of Education)...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“…trying to find the next big thing.“ In Summary: We continue chatting with Pius as we move onto REST and PLAY. We talk about: His experiences of trying to get a startup up and running … trying to find the next big thing. Computer games he’s playing, and his all-time favourite! He gives his Netflix/HBO TV series recommendations Aaaand: Boxing, spearfishing, beach fishing, acting classes, poker, drinking, partying, and more! Pius reminds us that we gotta get busy liven ..… and so to find out more, onto episode 11 ~ Podcast Homepage - Like what hear,...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“…Curiosity doesn’t kill the cat – it makes you into a Lion!” In Summary: We continue on from the previous episode, and are talking WORK with Pius. In this episode we dive into things like: How to get started in Software Development What is Agile Project Management? What a typical day is like for Pius… What led to Pius getting into Software Development in the first place, He gives some great advice for those considering a career in Software Development And much much more! You don’t get the chance to speak with someone about this type of thing very often… so...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“…so what does it take to get good?…” At a Glance: Occupation: Senior Software Engineer (Web Application Development), at an award winning boutique Relevant Industries: Software Development, Programmer, Developer, Engineer, Programmer, IT, Information Technology, Computer Science, Web Developer, Web Applications Developer, Front End Developer, Back End Developer, Software Engineer, Software Developer, Creative Industry, Creatives, Designers, Graphic Designers, Project Management Software Experience: 14yrs + Studied: Bachelor of Science (Computer...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“… I confess… I love Manga… I’m not ashamed… “ In Summary: We move onto the topics of REST and PLAY with Justin and we dive into a smorgasbord of things such as: Pursuing start-up/venture ideas on the side Justin’s reason for wanting to make a lot of money Buddhism and spirituality The benefits of meditation Manga vs Anime and some of his favourites How he ended up raising 3 kittens And that’s just to mention a few! Hopefully this will “inspirate” .. Onto episode eight! Podcast Homepage - Like what hear, and would love to support the show? There is...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“… Insider tips… “ In Summary: In this episode we continue talking work with Justin, where we talk about things like: Importance of the alignment of one’s values with one’s career Justin’s reasons for applying for an MBA Some insider hints and tips on negotiating salary The rewarding side of working in HR How working in non-profits better equipped him to deal with work stress And more ~ Alrighty – we’re grateful for the time that Justin’s given … Onto episode 7 ~ Podcast Homepage - Like what hear, and would love to support the show? There is a...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“… I grew… I found myself during that time… “ We welcome Justin as our 3rd guest to the show! In episodes 6 and 7 we chat about WORK, and we move onto REST and PLAY in episode 8. At a Glance: Occupation: Human Resources (HR) Manager in a large Multi-National Relevant Industries: Human Resources (HR), HR Business Partner, HR Manager, Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, Non-Profit, MBA, Leadership Program, Corporate World Experience: 12yrs + in Corporate, 5 of those in HR Studied: Bachelor of Hospitality (Special Event and Tradeshow Planning) Bachelor of...
info_outlineWe Work Rest and Play
“… The best experience of my life has to be… “ In Summary: As I always say, life isn’t all about work. We definitely need REST & PLAY to help balance that equation. And so we continue to chat with Sunny about things like: Being a flying doctor in her spare time (not exactly rest by my standards!).. we also talk about Sleep patterns Breakfast routines Netflix Scavenger hunts Travelling in Nepal Sign language Escape rooms And more! I hope you’ve been waiting for this one to arrive…..… onto Episode 5! Podcast Homepage - Like what hear, and would love to...
info_outline“… I had no friggin idea what the heck I had chosen… “
We continue on from the previous episode, and are talking WORK with Sunny.
In Summary:
In this episode we dive into things like:
- What makes her day a good day vs bad day?
- How did she end up choosing a career in Medicine?
- What does it take to be doctor in her field?
- What she loves and hates about her job…
- And more!
Don’t let me hold you up anymore..… onto Episode 4 ~
Podcast Homepage - https://weworkrestandplay.com/
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