We Work Rest and Play
Finally! A podcast which unveils what people really, actually, do in their work / jobs! … AND what they get up to, outside of their work lives as well! WORK, REST and PLAY are things we all do every day, and that’s essentially what this show is about. In this casual, interview-style podcast we dissect, decipher and demystify the WORK, REST and PLAY aspects of the lives of every day inspirational people. There are 2 main segments to each interview: 1. WORK: First we dive deep about work / careers - what do people REALLY, ACTUALLY do in their jobs? How did they get to where they are? What do they love/hate about their jobs? Etc. etc. We also delve into things like career advice, self-improvement, and more. 2. REST and PLAY: In the second part of the show we discuss in detail, what people do to recharge, release stress, and have fun! It's fascinating to discover what people get up to for REST and PLAY - You'll hear plenty of information, hints and tips about the REST and PLAY aspects of our lives, and who knows? You might be inspired to try something new or rekindle a passion you've been putting off. .. and so... (click subscribe), press play, sit back, and enjoy the show: We WORK, REST and PLAY!