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Remember to Dance

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

Release Date: 11/06/2014

Don't Deny Your Own Complexities - Embrace Them! show art Don't Deny Your Own Complexities - Embrace Them!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2015-03-05:  Jeremy Mallory stops by to tell you that it's okay to be weird. Embrace it, enjoy it, revel in it, even. Just be true to you, be kind to others, and be honest. He should know, he's an honest attorney with a degree in ethics and religion - kind of an awesome can of mixed nuts! Join us as Jeremy engages Lisa with stories of his youth, and a gentle reminder to always be yourself!

It's Time to MommyProof Your Life!! show art It's Time to MommyProof Your Life!!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2015-03-05:  Joy Ycasiano-Dejos shakes things up a bit today by enlightening moms and moms-to-be everywhere about how to stay sane, ditch the guilt, and embrace mommyhood with passion, dignity, and fun! Yes, you can enjoy your pregnancy and even those newest days/weeks of being a mommy without losing yourself in the process! Find more about Joy's Mommy Proofing programs at  and you can follow Joy on Twitter at @MommyProofCoach!

Choose Your Most Important Relationship FIRST! show art Choose Your Most Important Relationship FIRST!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2015-02-19:  Today Rachael Kay Albers gives us the inside scoop on The One Year Wedding and on commiting - and recommitting - to your most important relationship each and every day! Whether that relationship is to your partner, your children, or even yourself - you can achieve amazing results by commiting yourself to it every day for an entire year. Yep, even when you don't feel like it! Find more about Rachael's beautiful web design skills at  and you can find out all about !

Have More Meaningful Conversations show art Have More Meaningful Conversations

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2015-01-29:  Today Autumn Tompkins riffs on an epidemic occuring all around us where people are blowing each other off when supposedly engaging in conversations with one another. There's interrupting Ivan, distracted Daisy, and just plain old misunderstanding Max making the world of conversation a dangerous place to dance. Autumn gives five tips for how you can have more meaningful conversations in your own life, starting today. You can connect with Autumn, and get her new book How to Discover Your Expert Money Voice, by visiting her at .

Have Yourself an Astonishing 2015!! show art Have Yourself an Astonishing 2015!!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2015-01-01:  Today Coach Jennie explains her go-to strategy for having an audacious + astonishing year, and how you can know for certain that you've actually succeeded! "Show up" and listen in as Jennie introduces her annual Astonish Yourself program, totally redesigned for 2015! Coach Jennie isn't one of those coaches who subscribes to the gentle method of life coaching. Her cathartic shoves are known the world over for shoving people out of their own way so they can finally achive something astonishing in their life! Connect with Jennie at CoachJennie.com and find...

Know What You Want to Get Out of This Life!! show art Know What You Want to Get Out of This Life!!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2014-12-18:  Today Carrie Smith joins Lisa to talk about how to really understand, and focus on, what you most want to get out of life - without having any regrets! Carrie is a solopreneur who is known for mixing art and making a living so creative entrepreneurs everywhere can afford to create without limitations. She's a money maverick on a mission! Connect with Carrie at  or on Twitter at .

Release the Story Within You show art Release the Story Within You

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2014-12-04:  Today Sara Frandina dishes with Lisa about how the element of story can connect you with your audience in ways you might never suspect. Sara is a full-time copywriter + editor who spends her days making words work for you. Sara has an insatiable appetite to tell stories, to put into words what others find difficult. Her mission is to cure the ails of lackluster copy that plagues so many solopreneurs + small businesses, and create stories and words that shine. Connect with Sara at  or on Twitter at .

Do Good, Live Your Purpose, Give Back! show art Do Good, Live Your Purpose, Give Back!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2014-11-20:  Today Tim McDonald riffs about how he's able to remain focused on his consistent purpose of giving back and what success means to him. Tim is known around for changing the world, making a social impact, and being a believer of loving all. He's a purveyor of purpose at  and the Co-Founder of CreatingIs and . He's been able to help instigate a movement of giving, by amongst other things, being a passionate supporter of #NoKidHungry. ...

Become an Agent of Impact! show art Become an Agent of Impact!

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2014-11-14:  Megan Atkinson is the Agent of Impact and owner behind Ignite Your Cause, a boutique branding shop serving the do-gooders, change-makers, and ruckus-starters of the world. With her arsenal of copywriting, graphic design, and marketing strategy services, Megan helps fierce solopreneurs inspire the masses and influence change. To learn more about Megan and her mission to make an impact, visit  or connect with her on Twitter . Pick up her amazing new book,  on Amazon today!

Remember to Dance show art Remember to Dance

What About Today?! podcast with Lisa Landtroop

2014-11-06:  Brandy Morris - Brandy is the Possibility Scout and Brilliance Instigator, but you can just call her B. She works with service-providing solopreneurs to create and deliver delightfully fresh ways to serve their people. Want to blow minds, inspire repeat clients, and set the foundation for a referral-driven business? Brandy's ready and waiting to bust out her mad skills in client enchantment and idea instigation to help you up your service game and implement like the BOSS you are. Learn more at .

More Episodes

2014-11-06:  Brandy Morris - Brandy is the Possibility Scout and Brilliance Instigator, but you can just call her B. She works with service-providing solopreneurs to create and deliver delightfully fresh ways to serve their people. Want to blow minds, inspire repeat clients, and set the foundation for a referral-driven business? Brandy's ready and waiting to bust out her mad skills in client enchantment and idea instigation to help you up your service game and implement like the BOSS you are. Learn more at www.BrandyMorris.com.