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18: Lobbying - With Annette O'Connell and Shawna Hodgson

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Release Date: 04/18/2024

21: Truth and Reconciliation show art 21: Truth and Reconciliation

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Greg talks with Jennifer Kwon Dobbs and Ryan Gustafsson---two Korean-born transnational adoptees, scholars, and advocates---about their cases (and other cases) before the South Korean Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Jennifer and Ryan discuss their own personal experiences as well as what is meant by truth and reconciliation, not only in a global context but more specifically in the context of problematic and illicit intercountry adoptions from Korea. About Greg's Guests is a researcher in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne. Trained in continental philosophy...

20: Rescission - A Conversation about Ending Your Own Adoption show art 20: Rescission - A Conversation about Ending Your Own Adoption

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Greg talks with Chelsey, a US-born adult adopted person who for years has been seeking to end her own adoption, and for good reason. They discuss her story and reasons, the various legal issues surrounding the rescission of an adoption, and  that has led to a definition of terms and that would establish a right as an adult to end your own adoption. More information about the . Greg's prior , though efforts have progressed since he published the initial post a few years ago. Support our work and conversations on the podcast by , a national nonprofit organization working to educate and...

19: Kara Bos - Dual Citizenship show art 19: Kara Bos - Dual Citizenship

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Greg and CS talk with Korean-born and US transnational adoptee Kara Bos about her efforts to reclaim her Korean citizenship, lost to her when she was four years of age and adopted to the United States. Her efforts included the first successful paternity action in Korea to establish paternity with her Korean biological father. The conversation is part of an Adoptees United event, Dual Citizenship for Transnational Adoptees, recorded on April 10, 2024, and . Follow and subscribe to What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast, and keep us going with a tax-deductible donation at .

18: Lobbying - With Annette O'Connell and Shawna Hodgson show art 18: Lobbying - With Annette O'Connell and Shawna Hodgson

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Greg speaks with and about lobbying in state legislatures, plus other (kinda nutty) issues that pop up. As board members of Adoptees United and as advocates in New York and Texas, Annette and Shawna have years of experience in lobbying legislators on birth record bills. They talk about their approach, how hard it is to do this work, and what it may look like in the future. This is the third installment of , a series of podcast episodes exploring and explaining how legislatures work as well as how to get a bill enacted (or killed), told within the context of adoptee rights. Support the work...

17: Relinquished - With Gretchen Sisson show art 17: Relinquished - With Gretchen Sisson

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

A conversation with scholar, advocate, researcher and writer Gretchen Sisson, author of the recently published . This is the podcast version of our conversation we had before an online audience in March 2024. It has been slightly edited from that event. What Next: The Adoptee Rights Podcast is a production of , a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the equality of all adopted people. Gregory Luce is the host.

16: Max Aulbach show art 16: Max Aulbach

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

One of two episodes (the first with Ayana Smith-Kooiman) where Greg talks with legislative staffers. This time he sits down with , the legislative director for Michigan Represetative Kristian Grant , whose district is in Grand Rapids. Max talks about his work, what works best (or not) in contacting legislative offices, and how he and his office works to support his boss. While we mention , the discussion is mostly about the ins and outs of working with legislative staff and trying to get a legislator's attention and support. Part of the Legislative Bootcamp series, a set of intermittent...

15: Ayana Smith-Kooiman show art 15: Ayana Smith-Kooiman

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

We sit down with , the legislative assistant to Sen. Erin Maye Quade in Minnesota. Ayana was the behind-the-scenes and front-desk staffer directly supporting Sen. Maye Quade's adoptee rights bill in 2023, ultimately getting it enacted. She's a Wisconsin-born adopted person, a Macalester College graduate, and a former advocacy fellow with in Minnesota. She talks about her work in the legislature as well as what does and doesn't work in advocacy. More information about the . The was one of the organizations that had worked on the bill tirelessly for decades. Greg and Penelope Needham of MCAR...

14: Adoption Mosaic show art 14: Adoption Mosaic

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Part 2 of a two-part interview with Astrid Castro, and we turn to the history of her work with Adoption Mosaic and the complications and joys of providing solid programming and events for adopted people---and allies, partners, and anyone impacted by adoption. We recommend listening to Part 1 before listening. Ciao! Show Notes is a BIPOC woman owned, adoptee-led mission-driven business. With 30+ years of experience, its founders and leaders have created a robust, diverse community who want to see a future of more adoptee-centered and ethical adoption practices and critical thinking around...

13: Astrid Castro show art 13: Astrid Castro

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

Greg talks with Astrid Castro, someone he's long wanted to have on the show. Astrid is a transracial transnational adoptee who was born in Colombia. She is also the longtime leader and current CEO of Oregon-based and has since 1990 provided programming, guidance, wisdom, and space to all people impacted by adoption, but with a particular focus and dedication to adopted people.  Part 1 of a two part interview, with Part 2 released simultaneously and covering Astrid's experience in running Adoption Mosaic. Show Notes: is a BIPOC woman owned, adoptee-led mission-driven business. Its...

12: @stoweyvik show art 12: @stoweyvik

What Next? The Adoptee Rights Podcast

More widely known among adopted people as Vicki is a transracial UK adoptee, army veteran, and host of the weekly Sunday Zoom chats with adoptees and Vicki's special guests. Greg talks to her about her and her sibling's life in rural England and about her recent participation in the government's recent inquiry into forced adoptions that occurred in the UK between 1949 and 1976. You can connect with Vicki on Twitter at , where she sends out links to her Sunday chats each week (when the sessions are being scheduled). More information about the . The latest proceeding of the committee can be...

More Episodes

Greg speaks with Annette O'Connell and Shawna Hodgson about lobbying in state legislatures, plus other (kinda nutty) issues that pop up. As board members of Adoptees United and as advocates in New York and Texas, Annette and Shawna have years of experience in lobbying legislators on birth record bills. They talk about their approach, how hard it is to do this work, and what it may look like in the future.

This is the third installment of Legislative Boot Camp, a series of podcast episodes exploring and explaining how legislatures work as well as how to get a bill enacted (or killed), told within the context of adoptee rights.

Support the work of Donate to Adoptees United, which goes toward the making of our podcasts plus supports ongoing programming and projects.