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EP87 - 5th anniversary self-absorbed special!

What The Trans!?

Release Date: 06/15/2023

EP120 - We Will Live Out of Spite show art EP120 - We Will Live Out of Spite

What The Trans!?

On another "fun-packed" episode, Flint, Alyx and Ashleigh talk about:  The now-indefinite puberty blockers ban, the moral implications and the actions that have already been taken to protest it.  Accusations levelled at the PinkNews leadership of sexual misconduct. A double feature of Loser's corner, and An interview with Reactive Ashley about the recent UK supreme court case involving For Women Scotland.

EP119 - Microaggressions & Medical Malice show art EP119 - Microaggressions & Medical Malice

What The Trans!?

This week on What the Trans?! Ashleigh and Alyx go over: More details of the upcoming Levy Review into adult trans healthcare. Girl band 'Eternal' proved anything but, due to transphobia. New prison service documentation about where to house trans offenders. Spoiler alert: It's not great.  A dose of some trans joy to pick you all back up again, just in time for... Some reflections on TDoR, and Ashleigh interviews Alyx about a TKDB action she witnessed firsthand.  References:  

USA EP09 - Potty Politics show art USA EP09 - Potty Politics

What The Trans!?

On this episode of What the Trans?! USA, Lizzie and Clementine kick over: Mike Johnson's banning trans women from using Capitol restrooms, because there's nothing better for him to do with his time. A debrief on Trans Day of Remembrance 2024. A note: Details of the lives of USA victims are given, the cause of death is not included.  References:  

EP118 - Kemi, Karen and Codes of Practice show art EP118 - Kemi, Karen and Codes of Practice

What The Trans!?

On this episode of What the Trans?! Flint, Alyx and Ashleigh spend precious minutes of their lives talking about: New segment Action Alley, a dedicated place to highlight protests, campaigns, and calls to action. The recent election. No, not that one, the other one, the one where Kemi Badench became leader of the UK Conservative party. A woman who was dismissed from her role due to her "gender critical" views is to receive a substantial payout from a tribunal. Developments in the EHRC, including Baroness Falkner remaining in post for another year and a deep dive with Sarah from Trans Safety...

USA EP08 - We Will Survive show art USA EP08 - We Will Survive

What The Trans!?

This week, Clementine, Quetza and Lizzie pick through the wreckage of the presidential election, look to the future of the trans community and discuss how to survive in the new reality. Stay strong, we love you Xx Website:  

EP117 - Wes² =  Bad Healthcare show art EP117 - Wes² = Bad Healthcare

What The Trans!?

On this fortnight's edition of What the Trans, Ashleigh and Flint go through:  Scotland's GIC "pauses" all surgical referrals for patients under 25. Google providing thousands of dollars of free advertising to three anti-trans groups. A cis woman being sent to a men's prison due to her "masculine features". Our regular jaunt to Loser's Corner, and: A discussion about being trans and disabled, spurred on by the appointment of Dr Simon Wessely as chair of the Children and Young People's Gender Dysphoria Research Oversight Board. References:  

USA EP07 - Halloween, Harris and Haunting Legislature show art USA EP07 - Halloween, Harris and Haunting Legislature

What The Trans!?

Welcome to a surprisingly spooooooky episode of What the Trans USA?! Lizzie, Val, and Quetza bringing you hot, hot Halloween news, of which very little is Halloween related! Kamala Harris's interview with NBC news and her complete sidestepping of a question about trans rights. Minnesota doctors continuing to provide trans healthcare despite the political climate. FUN TERMITE FACTS FOR HALLOWEEN! SCAAAAARY!  

EP116 - Who Let the Crickets Out? show art EP116 - Who Let the Crickets Out?

What The Trans!?

On this week's episode of What the Trans!? Flint and Alyx spend talk about:  Trans people contributing to the legal case on whether GRCs should do what they were designed to do.  A new paper on the effects of puberty blocker bans. Our regular trip to Loser's Corner with the LGBA! Third party security at an event at Butlins assaulting trans people We speak to Trans Actual about GPs refusing to prescribe HRT, and exclusive information on the progress of the review into Adult Gender Services References:    

EP115 - Party Fouls show art EP115 - Party Fouls

What The Trans!?

On this week's episode of What the Trans!? Flint, Alyx and Ashleigh spend precious minutes of their lives talking about: The Levy Review into adult gender services. Updated definitions and diagnostic criteria for trans people in Japan. Our regular trip to Loser's Corner. The BMA confirming that they will conduct their review of the Cass Review (ding!) "from a position of neutrality" Following the resignation of Labours' Rosie Duffield, the team talk through some of her 'greatest hits' and her often-underwhelming performance as an MP References: Join our  

USA EP06 - Transatlantic Transphobia show art USA EP06 - Transatlantic Transphobia

What The Trans!?

On the latest pod from the USA, Val and Lizzie take us through: 11th Circuit court of appeals give the go-ahead to an Alabama law saying trans people must undergo sterilising sex reassignment surgery before updating a drivers license.  Republican AG's threatening of American Academy of Pediatrics. Russia's funding of anti-LGBTQ conservative personalities. And as a palate cleanser, some trans joy! References:  

More Episodes

This podcast has been a thing for FIVE YEARS

To celebrate we got a new look AND we got a bit self-absorbed

On this episode

- We see what NHS England has planned for trans youths

- Legendary journalist Vic Parsons (Vice, PinkNews, The Guardian, Cosmopolitan) interviews us about doing this thing for half a decade

References: https://whatthetrans.com/ep87/
