GBC Ep.25- Wesley Fleming (VETROPOD): It's All in the Details
Release Date: 05/14/2021
A Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
GBC Ep.30-Burt Murphy: Selling through Amazon For many glass artsit's 2020 creating an unexpected uptick in sales as the 2020 pandemic slowly brought retailers to a hault. For many, this dream slowly turned into a finacial nightmare as covid restrictions beagn to ease and reatilers opened their doors again to the public. While todays market place looks alot different then it did pre-pandemic ,new avenues have become available due to the push for online sales but the current state of the economy has...
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
This week I sit down in the virtual studio and chat with Financial Life Planner and CPA Ginger Ames about the importance of saving for the future. You can contact Ginger at and sign up for a free one on one chat that she offers on Thursdays. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get your financial house in order. My name is Ginger and I have sampled a variety of professions. From glassblower to property manager, I have lived as both an artist as well as a business professional. My work has evolved, becoming truer to my purpose: to stoke people’s creativity and to help them live into...
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
Season 6 kicks off with one of my favorite artists and humans in the glass community SALT. For the last 20-years SALT has pushed the boundaries of borosilicate glass and shown true innovation when it comes to creating functional, smokable works of art. In 2017 representing the pipe culture, the coning museum of glass invited Salt to demonstrate his craft on a streamed presentation and eventually added the first pipe to its permanent museum collection.
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
With less than 6-years behind the torch Kyle has managed to diversify his lines of work allowing him to make a living and find success within his business. The 2021 Glass Vegas trade show was his first time vending outside of the typical craft fair scene and was able to find success with a little bit of organization and a ton of determination to make sure he prepared. He shares the lessons learned and how he could make next years show that much better.
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
Wesley and I sit down in the Virtual Studio to chat about his journey as a glass artist and how bugs became his main focus. The details achieved in a realistic scale give Wesley’s creations a realism that could be compared to the Blaschka family’s creations of glass specimens made for study at the Harvard Botatincal exhibit.
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
In this episode I sat down in the virtual studio at WyzGuy Media with Ben Barocas aka MTP and have a great conversation covering everything from his humble beginnings as a glass blower, where the inspiration for his Cat Butt series came from and the origins of his Artists tag MTP. You can find Ben on Instagram @mtpglass
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
In this episode I sat down in the virtual studio at WyzGuy Media with CEO of Aqua Payments, Steven Randolph. We discuss the issues a high risk business, like a smoke shop or dispensary may face when it comes to receiving electronic payments. For many, loss of revenue and funds being confiscated by payment processing companies is a real issue.
info_outlineA Glass Blower’s Companion with Jason Michael -Helping Today's Glass Artist Think Like an Artistic Entrepreneur
Glass Blowers Companion Ep.22- Gina "BoOts" Gaffner: Finding Narrative Through Your Customers Bio: BoOTs was born on October 13th in Green Bay, Wisconsin and started her glass career in Austin Texas in the fall of 2007. She has been refining her craft through experience and experimentations ever since. She finds inspiration in nature and daily life, with a heavy emphasis on clean fuel for our bodies. A person of dualities herself, Boots enjoys skirting the line between realism and stylized art with her work. She has enjoyed dedicating her time to teaching and fundraising with yearly...
info_outlineWesley and I sit down in the Virtual Studio to chat about his journey as a glass artist and how bugs became his main focus. The details achieved in a realistic scale give Wesley’s creations a realism that could be compared to the Blaschka family’s creations of glass specimens made for study at the Harvard Botatincal exhibit.
“One of Harvard University’s most famous treasures is the internationally acclaimed Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass Models of Plants, better known as the “Glass Flowers." This unique collection was made by Leopold (1822-1895) and Rudolf Blaschka (1857-1939), a father and son team of Czech glass artists. Over fifty years, from 1886 through 1936, the Blaschkas produced 4,300 glass models that represent 780 plant species.”
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