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MMT 166: Surviving American Medicine

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Release Date: 02/13/2018

FIA-112 Altered States of Consciousness show art FIA-112 Altered States of Consciousness

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

There are so many shades of consciousness that we experience regularly. We can be wide awake feeling every nuance that our senses feed us. We can be dreamily drifting in what we call a semi-awake state, where our awareness is partially in dreamtime, and partially present with what the body is speaking to us. We can alter our conscious state with chemicals and alcohol ... and we can also learn how to be present with our inner truth in all of these levels of consciousness. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a...

MMT 175: A Possible Future for Palliative Care show art MMT 175: A Possible Future for Palliative Care

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Join us in a conversation with Michael Kearney,MD, Internal Medicine and Palliative Care Specialist. We will learn about the overlap between Earth-based Medicine and Buddhism and the applications for Medical and Spiritual healing. Hosts: Dr. Glenn Wollman and Christina Souza Ma with special guest Michael Kearney, MD. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/mmt For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page here. http://www.yogahub.tv/mmt-176

MMT 175: Case Studies in Psychiatry show art MMT 175: Case Studies in Psychiatry

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Join us in a conversation with Frank Ochberg, MD, Psychiatrist. We will learn about the psychiatrist’s role in treating victims of kidnapping and sexual abuse by trusted Physicians Hosts: Dr. Glenn Wollman and Christina Souza Ma with special guest Frank Ochberg, MD. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/mmt For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page here. http://www.yogahub.tv/mmt-175

FIA-111 Certainty – Is This Helpful show art FIA-111 Certainty – Is This Helpful

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Are you invested in certainties? Do you count on specific outcomes to the extent that it is unsettling if it doesn’t come to pass? Being certain about something can mean that you become inflexible and that you miss the beautiful and infinite possibilities that are really available in the moment. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page here. https://www.yogahub.tv/fia-111

FIA 110: Tune Up Your Senses They Will Serve You show art FIA 110: Tune Up Your Senses They Will Serve You

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

What can your senses do for you? Give you moment to moment information about your environment for one thing. We rely on them to provide feedback on the present moment, the physical sensations of living ... can it be that they can provide just as much insight about your inner cycles and divine purpose and intentions? Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page here. https://www.yogahub.tv/fia-110...

FIA 109: Let's Talk About Formless Spiritual FIA 109: Let's Talk About Formless Spiritual "Identity"

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Here's a 'big' one ... Identity ... who do you think you are? Are you your body, your thoughts, your feelings, or your spirit? If you are all of these elements of self, do you know how to blend them with the formless world of expansive and simple present awareness? Can there be any sort of 'identity' within the world of formlessness? Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page here. https://www.yogahub.tv/fia-109

FIA 108: Holding Back Love Denies So Much show art FIA 108: Holding Back Love Denies So Much

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

There are times when being alone feels like the solution to your pain. When you are alone you don’t have to face the myriad questions, suggestions, opinions and judgments of others …. and yet you are still in presence with your own thoughts. They are with you regardless of whether you are with other people or not. Learn how to take a break from that which restricts you, while allowing the need to be alone support your forward momentum. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode...

FIA 107: Did you Fail, or Did You Learn? show art FIA 107: Did you Fail, or Did You Learn?

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Here we are once again evaluating if what we call failure really is that? Did you fail to meet your own or someone else’s expectations? Did you fail to be the person that you want to be? Did you fail to be happy, strong, certain or kind? How do you know that those standards really represent failure? Let’s look at moments of ‘failure’ and see if you garnered anything interesting or valuable through what you saw as failure … Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page...

FIA 105: Holding Back Love Denies So Much show art FIA 105: Holding Back Love Denies So Much

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Lets Look at Love again … at how it feels to let yourself Love, or be Loved … you would likely say that it feels wonderful to be feeling Love. That it brings you alive, that you enjoy everything more, that you feel like you belong in a special way. You feel special when you are Loved. You feel special when you Love. When you hold back Love, you are denying all of the pleasures and the blossoming of self that can happen when you let it flow. You actually put the brakes on your own expansion and delight in being. Do you ever hold back Love? Download and subscribe to this show at:...

FIA 105: Space to Ask the Big Questions show art FIA 105: Space to Ask the Big Questions

YHTV | YogaHub.TV

Who am I? What is my purpose? What will I do next? These are what we call the BIG questions. These questions demonstrate that you want to be more than what you are by default. It’s easy to focus on activity and doing, instead of on being. And yet, when all of your focus is dedicated to ‘doing’, the big questions about your truth don’t get the attention they deserve. You need to create the space, through quiet reflection and simple enjoyments, to be peaceful enough to hear the answers to the BIG questions. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/fia For full length video,...

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Join us in a conversation with Cary Presant, MD. He is an internist, hematologist and oncologist in Los Angeles, California. We will discuss his book. “Surviving American Medicine” where we will learn how to find the right Doctor, the right Hospital and the right treatment. Hosts: Dr. Glenn Wollman and Christina Souza Ma with special guest Cary Presant, MD. Download and subscribe to this show at: YogaHub.TV/mmt For full length video, show notes and to ask a question or leave a comment please visit our episode page here. http://www.yogahub.tv/mmt-166