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The 3 Types of Passive Income / Episode 12

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Release Date: 02/04/2019

If You Own It, You Can Change It / Episode 13 show art If You Own It, You Can Change It / Episode 13

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

We need to take responsibility for everything in our life if we want to take power over our life. All results come from decisions you make in the beginning, so you need to own so you can change. You need to think "what will I do". A lot of people are paralyzed in their position because they don't see possibilities. Make sure you know who you're going to learn from. Website:

The 3 Types of Passive Income / Episode 12 show art The 3 Types of Passive Income / Episode 12

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Passive Income Coach Doug Vermeeren takes today to discuss the 3 revenue streams of passive income: creation income, rebate income, and preservation income. There's both passive income, and passive expenses, so make sure to monitor money going out. Doug gives some tips on how to use your rebate income to maximum advantage, as well as why rebate income isn't talked about as much as it should be. Website:

How to Make Money with Your Intellectual Property / Episode 11 show art How to Make Money with Your Intellectual Property / Episode 11

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Passive Income Coach Doug Vermeeren is here today to discuss another important method of creating passive income, and that's utilizing your intellectual property. You owe it to yourself to become wealthy, money is the reflection of the value you provide, and allows you to provide more value. If you're really looking to maximize your intellectual property, it can be very lucrative to use affilliates and trainers to sell your stuff. Learn all the tricks from Money Magazine's #1 Passive Income Coach. Website:

5 Big Areas Where Money is Made / Episode 10 show art 5 Big Areas Where Money is Made / Episode 10

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Today's lesson is about the 5 major areas where you can focus and make passive income. Doug Vermeeren has been making his living with passive income since before the internet, and many people overlook the offline sales nowadays in favor of the quick, easy, online score. Listen in today as Doug goes over the 5 areas where you can make money: businesses, real estate, cash flowing assets, intellectual property, and networking/collaborating. Website:

How to Get Paid for Doing What You Enjoy / Episode 9 show art How to Get Paid for Doing What You Enjoy / Episode 9

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

The #1 Passive Income Coach, Doug Vermeeren, is back today to teach you how to get paid doing what you enjoy. Think about what you like to do and think you're really good at. Then think about what OTHER people like you to do and what they think you're really good at. Now you need to find a way to find where your passion and purpose intersects with others and make that your business. Just doing what you love doesn't guarantee success, people have to actually want what you're selling. Listen in and hear Doug's advice.

The Essential Passive Income Equation / Episode 8 show art The Essential Passive Income Equation / Episode 8

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Today is all about the passive income equation. What is it you ask? It's quite simple: Asset/Service + Vehicle + Customer. That's all you need to know to generate passive income. Doug Veremeeren, rated by Money Magazine as the #1 Passive Income Coach in the world, breaks down the equation a little bit more in today's episode, explains the importance of the vehicle, the necessity of owning the asset or service, and what two ways you can have customers. Website:

Where Are Your Transactions? / Episode 7 show art Where Are Your Transactions? / Episode 7

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Doug Vermeeren, Money Magazine's #1 Passive Income Coach, takes some time this week to discuss how to find the part of your business you need to focus on. That point is quite simple: it's where the transaction actually is. You have to look at your process and discover where the transaction is taking place so that you can take advantage of it and truly create passive income. Website:

Buying Your Way to Wealth / Episode 6 show art Buying Your Way to Wealth / Episode 6

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Doug Vermeeren, recently ranked the #1 Passive Income Coach in the world, explains today how you have to act in order to make your first million (and more). The simple truth is, you can't save your way there. You HAVE to put your money to use, so you have to actually BUY your way to wealth. But make sure you're buying the right things, and don't be afraid to use other people's money to get into a good deal, even if that means sharing the profits. Website:

Creating Passive Income By Leveraging Existing Products / Episode 5 show art Creating Passive Income By Leveraging Existing Products / Episode 5

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Doug Vermeeren, who Money Magazine has rated the #1 Passive Income Coach in the world, takes today's episode to discuss leveraging products to create true wealth. A lot of people think they have to create something of their own to leverage and make money, but it's just not true. You can find something that's already in existence, become an affiliate and make loads of money marketing it. In fact, sometimes doing it offline makes even more sense than doing it online! Website:

11 Things That Keep You From Making Money, Part 1 / Episode 4 show art 11 Things That Keep You From Making Money, Part 1 / Episode 4

Your First Million is on the Way with Douglas Vermeeren

Doug Vermeeren has 11 things that you need to realize are keeping you from making money. In this episode he covers the first 7 of those things. If you really want to be rich you HAVE to be teachable, and one of the most important things you need to learn is what to avoid in order to move forward. Listen in as Doug tells you the pitfalls to avoid, and (more importantly) what you can do to avoid them. Website:

More Episodes

Passive Income Coach Doug Vermeeren takes today to discuss the 3 revenue streams of passive income: creation income, rebate income, and preservation income. There's both passive income, and passive expenses, so make sure to monitor money going out. Doug gives some tips on how to use your rebate income to maximum advantage, as well as why rebate income isn't talked about as much as it should be.

