Your Soul Growth
Find out more about Vedic Astrology and how to calculate your Rising Sign. Once you find your Vedic Rising sign, then you can find out the characteristics of your particular astrological rising sign. Your Rising Sign helps you get to know and understand yourself on a deeper level which is the first part in self awareness and your soul growth journey. You can find more info and resources at
info_outline Ep 003: Your Soul Growth Rebirth and New StartYour Soul Growth
Welcome to the rebirth and new start of the Your Soul Growth Podcast! I'm excited to share with you the new vision for the Your Soul Growth Podcast and I'm looking forward to supporting you on your Soul Growth journey with the multiple resources and modalities I've come to rely on for understanding myself and my soul growth path at a deeper level. You can find more info and resources at
info_outline Ep 002: Clarity - How to Clear Your Mind and BodyYour Soul Growth
Join Valerie Shoopman on Episode 2 of Your Soul Growth as she talks about clarity and how very important it is to your soul growth. When you have a clear path between your mind and your heart, you can hear your soul, connect with your soul on a deep level.
info_outline Ep 001: Intro - Your Soul Growth - A Journey WithinYour Soul Growth
Join Valerie Shoopman as she takes you along on the winding journey of Soul Growth finding out who you are and what you are here for. It's rather easy to cherry pick the easy things to change, but Valerie dives deep to explore all the facets of your soul and what's required for your own individual soul growth. Visit the show notes page at for additional resources and to connect with Valerie via the Speak Pipe app with questions or comments.
info_outlineJoin Valerie Shoopman on Episode 2 of Your Soul Growth as she talks about clarity and how very important it is to your soul growth. When you have a clear path between your mind and your heart, you can hear your soul, connect with your soul on a deep level. Valerie details about this process and also how to clear your mind and body to have that clear path. Clarity of mind and body is one of the very first steps on Your Soul Growth Journey!
Visit the show notes page at for additional resources and to connect with Valerie via the Speak Pipe app with questions or comments.