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Amcor is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal-care, and other products. Our Lift-off initiative promotes and encourages new ideas from start-up organizations, with a goal of offering seed money and Amcor resources to entrepreneurs to help get their ideas off the ground. Amcor Lift-Off represents a powerful and life changing opportunity to take the industry’s future innovations to the next level.
A changing climate presents humanity with only one option: adapt. Join your host, Doug Parsons for America's leading podcast on climate change - America Adapts! Each episode, Doug sits down with scientists, activists, policymakers, and journalists to discuss the tough questions facing this country and the world as we confront humanity's greatest challenge. Question your assumptions, refresh your perspective, and become part of the climate movement that will determine our planet's future, right here on the America Adapts podcast.
Explore the rich history of our past through the lens of our military institutions. From the settlement of North America to the present, this podcast not only encompasses traditional military history, it takes an extra step to address the evolution of ideas and institutions. Join us!
For the past 18 years photojournalist Tish Lampert has documented the ongoing, political and human rights issues that have compelled Americans to stand up and speak out. Her lens has captured the leading critical social uprisings of our era. In an effort to inspire moral consciousness and give voice to today's heroes on the front-lines the America Speaks Podcast is born.
Join us on a grand adventure as we search for some of the best whiskey America has to offer. From hole in the wall bars, to grand Speakeasies and everything in between, we will be searching high and low for the perfect combination of "good" whiskey and "good" places to enjoy it.
Episodes 1 & 2-- For Your Consideration AMERICA THE REWRITE revisits the seminal moments of the last century armed with new and essential information garnered from millions of declassified documents. Using files from the enormous Freedom Of Information Act databases, as well as other previously unavailable sources, each season deconstructs a seminal historical event and then reconstructs it with formerly Top Secret information. Everything from the C.I.A.’s meddling in foreign elections to the assassination of President Kennedy is revised using factual data released in the years since their histories were codified. SEASON 1 chronicles the unbelievable story of the original Zapruder film, which was not viewed on television until 15 years after the assassination, when late night talk show host Geraldo Rivera aired the film in 1975, causing an uproar that rippled all the way to the White House.