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AMOR (ADHD, mestring og redskaber) er ADHD-foreningens podcast til gravide og nye mødre med ADHD. Podcasten er lavet i samarbejde med Aarhus Universitet og Syddansk Universitet, som del af forskningsprojektet HELP, støttet af Sygeforsikringen ”danmark”. Du kan læse mere om projektet her:
Hola amigos, bienvenidos a nuestro podcast de Amor y Café: Un Matrimonio Católico Enamorado con sus anfitriones Joel y Nora de Loera. Joel y Nora tienen 15 años de estar felizmente casados. Hasta ahora, han sido bendecidos con 6 maravillosos hijos. Joel tiene una Licenciatura en Estudios Teológicos y una Maestría en Teología Pastoral y tiene 16 años de experiencia sirviendo en la Iglesia en diferentes ministerios, parroquias y diócesis. Es actualmente el Director del Apostolado Hispano de la Diócesis de Arlington (Virginia). Nora es actualmente esta estudiando para obtener su Licenciatura en Teología, es Asociada Pastoral en la Parroquia de Santa Ana en Arlington, VA. y educa a sus seis hijos en casa (homeschool). En este espacio compartimos temas relevantes a la fe, el noviazgo, el matrimonio y la familia. Nuestros temas están basados en nuestras experiencias personales como matrimonio y padres de familia y en nuestro apostolado en la Iglesia. Nuestra meta es compartir con ustedes el amor y la alegría del Evangelio de Jesucristo, que vino para tengamos vida y la tengamos en abundancia. Aun en medio de las luchas y dificultades estamos seguros de que Dios nunca nos abandona; Él nos sostiene y nos da la gracia que necesitamos para seguir adelante con nuestra vocación al amor y a la santidad. Nos encantaría escuchar sus preguntas y comentarios, pero queremos aclarar que no somos consejeros profesionales así que, si necesitan ayuda profesional, búsquenla. Deseamos que nuestro podcast sea de mucha bendición para ustedes, pero si algo que compartimos no es de ayuda para ustedes, descártenlo. Una vez más, ¡bienvenidos!
Do you like Ducktales? Are you interested in hearing two best friends talk about that and almost nothing else? Then join Anna and Faby as they recap every episode of Disney’s 2017 series Ducktales, from now until the day they die. Or, you know, when the series ends. Special thanks to Michael for our amazing cover art! Find his art on Tumblr at For any news/questions follow us: Or send us a message: [email protected] We are also on Twitter @Amores_Patos Find us individually: For more of Anna, find her on Tumblr: For more Faby, find her on Tumblr:
I'm Aleta Marquez Plajer and this is AMP Hair Talk. I am a millennial mom of 3 from middle of nowhere Indiana and a hairstylist turned entrepreneur. For the past 5 years I thought I had my life figured out. I thought I had my career path paved. I was living a dream, or so it seemed. One day I woke up only to realize this "dream" life I was living wasn't my dream, so I started to shift. I do not know what I am supposed to do with my life. I do not go on weekly date nights with my husband. I do not own a 7+ figure business (yet). I do not live in my dream house or drive my dream car, but I am working everyday to define my own meaning of success and share the journey I take along the way. I was never the popular girl-in fact I am usually not chosen to join the group, so I am not even expecting many people to even listen, but if I can have one other woman relate to something I share, I will count that a success. Expect messiness and unorganized fun-because that's who I am. But also expect real vulnerability about who I have also been. I won't guarantee you I can change your life, but I can guarantee you I can help you find your place.
AMP Up Your Digital Marketing (formerly AMP UP Your Social Media) brings together the leading marketing practitioners to share how they are succeeding in today’s digital landscape. Each podcast focuses on providing you with the knowledge and strategies you need to be a successful marketer. Whether you focus on content, social media, advertising or any other aspect of digital marketing, this podcast has something for you.
AMPed Radio is there to get you excited for music and learn valuable life lessons. This podcast is an excellent blend of hip-hop, R&B, pop and other music genres as well as a talk show which covers various crucial topics for today's society. Learn more about the music industry in the new generation and how your culture is influenced by it. Enjoy the music, think hard on the topics and get AMPed!
This is Amplified Initiative, a project of the Organization of American Historians and presented by the Oral History Association. This project from the Organization of American Historians aims to broaden the impact of the OAH’s 2018 conference by asking partner organizations to develop material, based on the conference panels, that will be shared with each partner’s specific audience. The OHA is glad to join this project and will be developing a series of podcasts based on a number of panels that relate to oral history.
Amplified: Presented by Lurie Children's is a mini-series about growing up with hearing loss. Season 1: Katie Radasevich already demonstrated a speech and language delay when she was identified with a significant hearing loss at age two. Listen to Katie and her family share the journey from pre-diagnosis to Katie's current incredible accomplishments through anecdotes, tears and laughter - very loud laughter. This is a great resource for families who have a child with hearing loss, or anyone who enjoys uplifting human interest stories. Season 2: Dr. Katie Colella returns, now joined by Dr. Katie Farnsworth from Season 1, to co-host Season 2 of Amplified: Presented by Lurie Children’s. Laugh and cry as they unpack the story of Maria Perez, and her sons, Eduardo and Esteban Venalonzo, both diagnosed with significant hearing loss at a young age and the family’s subsequent journey with cochlear implants.
Amplified with Beth Jordan is the only ALL-REQUEST show of it's kind to bring you the best of the 80's hard rock, hair metal and nu metal that we all love! If you're a fan of KISS, Dio, Ozzy, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold and/or Disturbed ... this is the show for YOU! TUNE IT IN and TURN IT UP with AMPLIFIED!!