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Mike Rosenfeld, Matt Moore and Bill Cole have lived their entire lives in Baltimore. They love their city. They are successful executives of local businesses. They believe every improvement starts with a conversation. Learning from other cities, from other leaders, working to bring those ideas back to Baltimore.
Baltimorons is an always passionate, frequently irreverent, and occasionally factual weekly romp through the wild world of O's baseball and sports fandom in general. Your hosts Sam Dingman and Alan Smith are expatriate Birdbrains in Brooklyn, NY, and each week they are joined by fellow fans to marvel at the endless wonders of the cosmic narrative, from Baltimore to Brooklyn and beyond.
Andreas und Denise Balzer, Geschäftsführer von INTERSPORT Balzer Churwalden und Eltern von 3 Kinder, sprechen über ihren Alltag im Sportfachhandel. Der ist nicht ohne - Galgenhumor hilft beim Überleben. Darüber sprechen sie ab sofort im Podcast, jeden Sonntag nach getaner Arbeit in Churwalden. Achtung Ironie an: Verzeiht ihnen (oder vor allem ihr) wenn der Bündner-Charme etwas zu fest durchdrückt. Sie sind ganz lieb und freuen sich auf jeden Austausch mit Euch.
This debut episode gives some background to what BANA (Braille Authority of North America) is and how it operates. BANA is the standard-setting body with regard to braille codes and formatting guidelines for both literary and technical material. It makes the rules for how braille is written and formatted in the U.S. and Canada.