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Designers, creative directors, actors, athletes: Blamo! explores the world of fashion with the people who shape it. Each week, founder Jeremy Kirkland speaks with a different guest about their journey through their career and outlook on the future.
With a focus on leadership, personal growth, developing others and management this podcast is devoted to helping you be your very best by keeping up with current trends in self-development, leadership, and business. The Blanchard LeaderChat Podcast provides the perfect way for you to stay up-to-date on the latest ideas, insights, and innovations that impact you and your growth. Each episode features an expert sharing their ideas about helping people become the best leaders they can be. So, subscribe today, listen at your convenience, and keep checking back for new episodes. You’ll be inspired by what you hear.
Vil du også blive bedre til at blande dig, når du ser eller høre andre gøre noget, der bare ikke er i orden? Erhvervssociolog, konfliktmægler og ekspert i at skabe gode relationer, Charlotte Dalsgaard, sætter i Blandemaskinen fokus på, hvorfor vi skal blande os, og hvad der sker, hvis vi ikke blander os. Hvordan vi ved, at der er noget, der ikke er i orden. Altså at der er noget, vi skal blande os i. Hvordan vi reagerer, når vi er vidne til noget, der ikke er i orden, og hvordan vi kan blive bedre til at blande os. Blandemaskinen går tæt på os som mennesker, både når vi med mod og stolthed får grebet ind i andres konflikter og krænkelser, og når vi bliver overrumplet eller ikke tør blande os i vores chefs, kollegas, familiemedlems, vens eller nabos grænseoverskridelser, intimideringer, mobning eller sexchikane. Vi ser på, hvad der skal til hos os selv, i vores handlinger og i vores kultur for, at vi kan blande os. Med podcasten er håbet, at du vil få mere viden, værktøjer, oplevelser, indsigt og gode råd. I Blandemaskine vil vi gøre det at være "en rigtig blandemaskine" til noget, der rent faktisk er godt - på den gode måde. Tak fordi du lytter med
Welcome to the Blank Business Podcast, filling in the blanks about marketing, business and finance. This is your one-stop hub for unlocking business growth success. Dive into a treasure trove of expert insights, from honing your skills to sculpting a commanding brand presence. Discover cutting-edge marketing, both digital and traditional, alongside the secrets of building a thriving business and an unbeatable team. Blank Business Podcast, we delve into cutting edge tactics, systems, and tools to grow your business. Your feedback fuels us, so drop your thoughts in the comments. Don't forget to hit that like button, smash that subscribe, and ring that notification bell to stay ahead in the game. Prepare for info you can actually use, right now. See you there, make it a great day.