After SchoolEd
A wild take on a home school podcast, After SchoolEd is a biweekly journal of a dad and daughter as they navigate the last year of homeschool, the gap year(s) after high school, and the first couple years in the "real world" for a MT gal who's been homeschooled for most of her life. Favorite segments include SOS (Sage on the Stage) where one of us teaches the other something; Oui Oui, where we learn about an aspect of pop culture until we can both say yes- we get it; CancelEd, where we discuss what people did, did they deserve it, and were they in fact cancelled; 86ed- quick insights from the family business; YellowstonEd- updates from life in MT; Social Studies, where we dive into the suspicious around homeschool kids and their social skills; and our faves ReviewEd and BackgroundEd, where we review movies, books, podcasts, and more, the latter with an emphasis on good stuff to stream in the background. All this with the crazy, crass humor of Chef Lee, who is- trying to be nice here- not a usual homeschool teacher, plus the unique take of Rose, a gal who has lived a huge life in only 17 years: she's been arrested in Singapore, detained and caned in Malaysia, dances every summer in Italy, and visited most of the US on a motorcycle. We're not crazy pro homeschool; we have reasonable takes and great advice on homeschool. It's just that in between, Chef might derail the show with insane stories about doing mushrooms in the forest.