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Breaking the bias

Breaking the bias is a podcast series designed to actively close the gender gap, shining a light on diversity and sharing stories of workplace empowerment. It is brought to you by the team at Momentum ITSMA together with its sales and marketing clients. To learn more listen to our Account-based marketing podcast or visit momentumitsma.com.

info_outline Ep. 15 Turning inclusion from a vision into reality 12/14/2023
info_outline Ep. 14 Talking inclusion is simple, making it real is tough 08/25/2023
info_outline Ep. 13 There’s no off-the-shelf solution for diversity 06/28/2023
info_outline Ep. 12 The more diversity, the more interesting thinking 04/27/2023
info_outline Ep. 11 To see a change in equality we must be part of making it happen 03/28/2023
info_outline Ep. 10 Building Up the Next Generation of Sales Teams 02/23/2023
info_outline Ep. 9 Why aren’t more women calling the shots in tech? 12/07/2022
info_outline Ep. 8 Own your career and value 11/14/2022
info_outline Ep. 7 Helping more women thrive in engineering 10/18/2022
info_outline Ep. 6 Harness the power of being you 09/07/2022
info_outline Ep. 5 How to be an ally 08/02/2022
info_outline Ep. 4 Legislation leads culture 07/05/2022
info_outline Ep. 3 D&I starts with culture 06/06/2022
info_outline Ep. 2 Building resilience from difference 04/28/2022
info_outline Ep. 1 True leadership knows no boundaries 03/07/2022