2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation
2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation is a podcast for anyone who feels sandwiched caring for an aging loved one and is in search of community that understands the unique challenges of being squeezed. Hosted by sisters, Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers, co-owners of 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, a senior care consulting firm. Michelle and Alyson have been supporting seniors and their families for decades and are now also caring for their own aging parents and raising young families. Join them as they set the space for sharing their collective insights and stories about the ups and downs of being part of the sandwich generation.
Mental Burden | Ep #51
Mental Burden | Ep #51
How often do you find yourself thinking, "After this week, I’m sure things will slow down"? The two of us must say some version of this to each other every day. It helps make getting through this week easier. When we say we hope things will slow down, what we really mean is that we want a reprieve from the mental load of managing everyday life for almost everyone all the time. Mental load refers to the cognitive effort required to manage and remember everything in our daily lives while trying to anticipate everyone’s needs. It's the background work required to keep things running smoothly, making sure everything is accounted for, and everyone’s needs are met. Three take-ways from this episode: We are all dealing with many things that other people don’t see. So are they. Asking for help doesn’t always feel helpful. Things don’t slow down after this week. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2024 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Oh, the Irony | Ep #50
Oh, the Irony | Ep #50
"Isn't it ironic? - Don't you think?" – Alanis Morrisette, 1996 Irony is helping our kids learn how to drive while at the same time, trying to get our parents to give up driving. Irony is trying to help our parents manage life with the internet and at the same time, trying to help our kids manage their lives with the internet. Irony is helping our parents find a contact on their phone (again) and then having to ask our kids how to use a new app (again). Three take-ways from this episode: Life is full of irony. Irony is described as something that seems completely contrary to what we might expect. Irony is amusing and poignant. Isn’t that ironic? Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2024 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Sorry Not Sorry! | Ep #49
Sorry Not Sorry! | Ep #49
We all have regrets about many things in our lives at any given moment, but should we always say, “I’m sorry?” We were going to do a podcast apologizing for not having done a podcast since January, but why are we sorry? Whose expectations did we fall short of? Yours? Are you upset with us? And, if you feel we did fall short somehow, how much of an impact should we allow that to have on ourselves? What benefit could constantly feeling apologetic possibly have to help us do better? The change needs to start here. We regret not having released a podcast in a while, but decided that we are not sorry. What do you regret in your life that you should perhaps stop feeling sorry for? Three take-ways from this episode: There are 3 types of sorry. One is, “I am sorry for doing something wrong.” Another is, “I have sorrow for you about something that you are experiencing.” And then there’s, “I apologize for not being or doing enough.” The last one is where we collectively need to put our attention. It is common knowledge that today, most of us feel like we are not enough but how does apologizing for ourselves ever make anything better? Feeling apologetic is not the same as having regret. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2024 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Something’s Gotta Give | Ep #48
Something’s Gotta Give | Ep #48
Are we all just hurdling ourselves through each day, again and again? When will things slow down and get a little easier? “Stop and smell the roses,” they say but, as sandwiched caregivers, we are moving so fast we don’t even notice any roses. Being busy is almost a status symbol nowadays. We tend to measure our value based on how productive we can be. We are feeling like we can never relax because there is always more to do. We tell ourselves that things will be easier ‘next week’ because it is too hard to acknowledge that we could feel this way indefinitely. As middle-aged, sandwiched caregivers, we conscientiously work to change this cycle of productivity in our own lives. We have been doing this with intention for several years now. It is hard and it takes a lot of work. For us though, trying to get everything on our list done is harder. The quality of everything suffers when we multitask, and this is a self-perpetuating cycle. Reimagine how you use your calendar and block off time. We block off time for everything, even meals, so we don’t just squeeze in eating while we are doing something else. We can accept disappointing someone because we feel in control of priorities. Referenced links: Dr. Becky Kennedy, a clinical psychologist, mom of three, and founder of Good Inside A.K.A. the Millennial Parenting Whisperer. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2024 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Holidays with Toxic Relatives | Ep #47
Holidays with Toxic Relatives | Ep #47
Being a sandwiched adult child during the holidays is extra hard because expectations are so high. This is the happiest time of the year, right? Who makes everything magical for everyone? (Hint: it’s not Santa). It’s us and it’s a lot of pressure right now especially around our toxic family members. Here are a few quick tips for surviving the holiday sandwich season. It is not required that you participate in every argument you are invited to. A family member not involved in the regular care of a loved one does not have the right to dismiss or minimize the experiences, capabilities or opinions of those that do. As Brene Brown so eloquently says, “If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.” You do not have to explain or justify yourself. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at https://2sisters-sla.com/ © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Getting Along with the People We Depend On | Ep #46
Getting Along with the People We Depend On | Ep #46
How do we make everything work as sisters, as parents, as adult children, as friends, and as business partners? In this episode we offer our best tips for getting along with the people you most depend on. We choose not to have unnecessary conflicts. It is humbling but also empowering to look at how much energy we spend either towards our goals or away from them. We purposefully let a lot slide in order to protect our complex relationship. We constantly reassess how much we each must deal with. Keeping our to-do lists fluid and checking it often allows us to reprioritize things for each other when it is needed. We are grateful all the time. Things are far from perfect, but we always have what we need. By focusing on our problems as opportunities for growth, we keep each other from dwelling in the negative. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
How to Make Death Harder | Ep #45
How to Make Death Harder | Ep #45
Grieving the loss of a loved one feels heavy and overwhelming in the best of circumstances. Many people have not considered beyond grieving how much work needs to be done by others after they pass away. It’s more than just not being willing to discuss death. Some people will never agree to proactive planning about their death and what comes afterwards. Of those that do, the catalyst is often when they realize how much worse their death will be on those who love them. It has nothing to do with age, we should strive to do what we can to make things easier for our loved ones in the event of our passing. Three take-ways from this episode: Life is fleeting and fragile, but we can make our death easier on our loved ones by providing them with all the information they may need to tie up our loose ends. There are many resources you can utilize for help with all of the logistical matters. These include planning workbooks, apps, etc. Grieving is harder when there is no direction from our loved one after they pass. Ask your loved one to participate with you in creating a plan so you can focus on mourning when that time comes, and not on things like probate and estate liquidation. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Getting Buy-in | Ep #44
Getting Buy-in | Ep #44
How do we get our parents buy-in to move or accept care at home? As we have discussed in previous episodes, we are firm believers that the way something is said affects the way it is perceived. You have been trying for months or even years to get your dad to agree to accept help at home let alone move into assisted living, so what can you do? Listen in while we talk about what worked with our parents and experiences with our clients over the years. Three take-ways from this episode: Try to find words that will be less likely to trigger feelings for them that detract from our message and our goal. In other words, pointing out a person's decline in capacity doesn’t usually support actively getting their buy-in. Plan the conversation ahead of time. Get your research done and be prepared with what the possibilities are (we can help with this). Find a comfortable place for your parents to have these conversations in. Decide on smaller goals. Perhaps don’t worry about getting buy-in as the first objective. Focus on smaller goals like simply convincing them to consider putting a ‘back-up plan in place’ IF something should happen requiring a change. Are you interested in learning about how we might be able to support you? to schedule a free introductory call. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Tools for Your Toolbox | Ep #43
Tools for Your Toolbox | Ep #43
Everyone’s situation is unique. As senior care consultants, we find ourselves offering the same resources repeatedly. Listen to today’s episode to learn our topmost frequently recommended senior care planning resources. RESOURCES: National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) The National Council on Aging (NCOA) The Alzheimer's Association For more information on any of these resources, connect with us! Three take-ways from this episode: Don’t try to learn everything on your own. Utilize all the resources you can that could help maximize your efforts. We need many different tools to build a house and similarly we need different tools when building a senior care plan. Elder Law, Financial Planning, Case Management, Financial Support Programs, etc. We are better off creating a thorough plan but never need it than we are if we need a plan but don’t have one. Rely on the professionals around you to make a plan. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
What Should You Say? | Ep #42
What Should You Say? | Ep #42
Maya Angelou once said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." We pay attention to how the words we use make others feel. We can’t control how what we say is perceived, but we can choose different words to help us towards the outcome we are hoping for. The word "facility" connotes a medical establishment, not a place where I would want to live. Are assisted livings facilities? Technically, yes, but doesn’t residence or community feel more like somewhere you would move into and live? Diapers vs. Depends Toileting vs. Assistance to use the bathroom Feeder vs helping to eat Locked unit versus secure neighborhood I am saying the same thing, but don’t those words just FEEL better? In this episode we explore language and how the words we use can advance your objective or create more resistance. Three take-ways from this episode: The choice of words directly affects how we perceive what is being said. Resistance to moving can often be overcome when we pay attention to how we are presenting the information. Choosing words that demonstrate our empathy shows that we are making an effort to understand the challenges another person is dealing with. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Letting Go of Independence | Ep #41
Letting Go of Independence | Ep #41
Does being independent mean that you can do everything for yourself? By the traditional standards, independence equals self-sufficiency. Many of our clients are stubbornly committed to not accepting help. Accepting help means they are failing at taking care of themselves. We perceive independence as having agency over our lives and choices, control over how we want to live, but we don’t believe for a minute that we should do it all on our own. We are embracing a shift in perspective. Not that many people are truly independent in this day and age. There are those who choose to live off the grid and rely on their own resources for food and shelter, but the rest of us are interdependent in some way. We can help our loved ones to see how utilizing the resources available, embracing technology and learning to outsource, actually allows them to live more independently. Three take-ways from this episode: Delegating and outsourcing allows us to better choose how we use our time. Why struggle? Using your resources to make life easier is being independent. Interdependence allows for greater independence. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
We’re Dying… (Part 2) | Ep #40
We’re Dying… (Part 2) | Ep #40
In this episode, Michelle and Alyson discuss some of the resources available to help us have important conversations about end of life with our loved ones. Death is inevitable. We all know this. Let’s explore the options we have to honor our loved ones in the way they want to be honored. What measures can we take, at any age, to alleviate the burden of our inevitable death for our loved ones who are mourning? What are the current trends surrounding the passing of a loved one? Listen in to find out! Three take-ways from this episode: Dying is a natural part of life. Ignoring or denying this prevents us from getting the closure that we want for ourselves and for our families. Embrace what choices we do have when it comes to the end of life. Have the conversations about it. Funerals for the living, celebrations of life, death doulas and other trends are changing how we can process the death of a loved one. Useful links - The Conversation project Coda Alliance Compassion & Choices Five Wishes Honoring Choices MA Hospice Foundation of America International End-of-Life Doula Association Celebration of life/funeral trends – (From website Funerals by T.S. Warden ) Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
We’re Dying… (Part 1) | Ep #39
We’re Dying… (Part 1) | Ep #39
Death is inevitable, it happens to ALL of us. Ignoring this, and refusing to talk about it, only makes things harder for the loved ones we leave behind. So many people are in denial that they will experience death at some point. Things are absolutely different when someone’s passing is unexpected or their life has been cut short. But for an elderly person, perhaps we can change our perspective from mourning to gratitude, or even celebration. We can be overwhelmingly sad but choose to honor a full, well-lived life. Find out what your loved ones want after they pass. Contemplate, however depressing, what you may want to have happen when you pass away? Three take-ways from this episode: Planning ahead makes dealing with your own death easier on the loved one you’re leaving behind. Do as we say and not as we do! (Although we did set a goal) There is a wide diversity of cultural and religious opinions about death, but it is up to each of us to communicate our own personal wishes. Useful links- Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Improvisation in Dementia Care | Ep #38
Improvisation in Dementia Care | Ep #38
Validating, redirecting, using therapeutic fibs, and empathic listening are some of the most common techniques used to successfully communicate with someone who has dementia. Each of these techniques requires us to think on our feet, and go with the flow. Communication with someone who has dementia is outcome-based. What is the objective of what we are communicating? Are we trying to get them to perform a particular task? Are we trying to minimize their agitation? Improve the quality of their day? There are many ways to accomplish each of these things, but it is almost never by expecting them to enter present reality. Three take-ways from this episode: Validation therapy, versus reality orientation, is the correct approach to communicate with someone who has dementia. The phrase: “Yes, And”, is more than two words simply strung together. It is a state of mind. The basic concept is that we are up for anything, and will go along with whatever might be thrown our way. Essentially, we don’t use the word “No” very often. Therapeutic fibs are little white lies that can be used to prevent unnecessary distress for someone with dementia. Useful links- Using improve to life with Alzheimer’s Ted Talk: Alzheimer’s Association Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Blind Spots | Ep #37
Blind Spots | Ep #37
Blind spots refer to things that we are not fully conscious of that affect our lives. This is sometimes due to a lack of knowledge or awareness, but it is often because we are in denial. The definition of a blind spot, according to the is, “a lack of insight or awareness—often persistent—about a specific area of one's behavior or personality, typically because recognition of one's true feelings and motives would be painful.” Blind spots occur in many areas of our lives, but especially so with our aging parents. Three takeaways from this episode: A true blind spot is when you don’t know what you don’t know. Other blind spots are often things that are right in front of us that we don’t want to acknowledge. We all have them. If you don’t think you have a blind spot, that is one of your blind spots! Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Grieving for the Living | Ep #36
Grieving for the Living | Ep #36
We miss our parents, but they’re still here. It’s not easy wanting support from our parents -- but now they need our support instead. Being an adult child or family caregiver means having less support but more responsibility. We want to look to our parents for guidance, as they may have always provided, but instead they are looking upon us for support. Especially when there is cognitive decline, we experience mourning over the loss of someone who is still alive. Three takeaways from this episode: It is especially isolating to lose a loved one who is still alive. “The only constant in life is change.” - Heraclitus Finding support groups and other ways to connect with people who are also sandwiched can have huge benefits. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Budget for Your Goals | Ep #35
Budget for Your Goals | Ep #35
How would your loved one prefer to live if they can’t manage alone independently? What is their goal? Do you have the resources and support system to achieve the goal? We’re going on a trip, but we have no map or GPS and not quite enough gas to get there. Will we get to our destination? Maybe eventually, but not without some struggles and costly detours. You can figure out how far your gas will get you and map out a route in advance. So many people just start heading in the direction of what they want without knowing if they can get there. If staying home is the destination, find a map that can help you plan out how to get there successfully. Measure the distance and make sure you have the resources to get where you want to go. And, if you don’t, what do you want your back-up plan to look like? Three takeaways from this episode: The number one expressed goal is to stay at home through end of life. Number two is never to go into a nursing home. Just because we want something, doesn’t always make it achievable. It is nice to know in advance what challenges may need to be overcome in order to achieve your goal. Always try for your primary goal but have a back-up plan in case you need one. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
What to Expect from Assisted Living | Ep #34
What to Expect from Assisted Living | Ep #34
Michelle and Alyson tap into their lifetime of experiences to discuss what can be expected from an assisted living residence. What is the difference between assisted living and a nursing home? What is included at an assisted living? How much care is available in an assisted living? What happens if you run out of money? What if your loved one is not happy? Three takeaways from this episode: Assisted living residences offer more dignified, home-like environments than nursing homes because they are a social model of care versus a medical one. Restaurant-style meals are included in almost all assisted living residences as well as most utilities, housekeeping, linen service, wellness checks, available 24 hour assistance, local transportation, and social programming. Assisted living residences are the most affordable way to have 24/7 care available, unless you qualify for Medicaid. In Massachusetts at least, only nursing homes are fully subsidized by Medicaid. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
It’s Different with Our Own Mom | Ep #33
It’s Different with Our Own Mom | Ep #33
Why are we able to support people in working with their families, and yet, have so little patience with our own family? In today’s episode, we commiserate with a listener who sent us an email. This email in particular struck a chord with us because we struggle with the same issue! If nurses make the worst patients, then senior care professionals make the worst adult children. Right? This is at least true for us, and we are willing to bet that it is for many of you, too. Three takeaways from this episode: Having patience for other people does not necessarily extend to our own families. It’s easy to feel triggered when we’re emotionally invested. Seeking assistance from outside professionals, who are not in your family, can be very helpful. It’s easier to give advice than it is to follow our own. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Respite! | Ep #32
Respite! | Ep #32
What is a respite stay? When is a respite stay appropriate? What should you expect when your loved one does a respite stay? There are a few types of respite stays. Some are short-term stays because a caregiver is going away or needs a break. Other types are more of a trial stay in an assisted living. Respite stays can have great outcomes and, in this episode, Michelle, Alyson and Emily explore why. Three takeaways from this episode: A respite stay can be used as a short-term break for a family caregiver or as a trial stay to see if you like an assisted living or nursing home. Respite stays can be used to convince someone, who is otherwise resistant, to consider life in an assisted living. A temporary stay is much easier to agree to than a permanent one. A vast majority of our clients who move into an assisted living community for a respite stay, choose to stay permanently. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Talking with Someone Who Has Dementia | Ep #31
Talking with Someone Who Has Dementia | Ep #31
Communicating with someone who has dementia can be especially challenging because relating to them becomes increasingly hard as their memory declines. Drawing upon our years of experience, we have seen what is most successful for families. This, along with our Certified Dementia Practitioner certifications, sets the stage for this episode about communication approaches. Three take-ways from this episode: What is truth? Truth is a matter of perspective, especially for people with dementia. People who have dementia process information very differently than we can relate to. We cannot control their thoughts or behaviors, but we can control ours in order to best support them. Validation and redirection are crucial approaches to successful communication with those who have dementia. What is a Certified Dementia Practitioner? The mission of the NCCDP® () is to promote, encourage and enhance the knowledge, skills and practice of all persons who provide care and / or services to Dementia clients by means of requiring excellent standards of education, Dementia specific training and incentives for professional development of those who are dedicated to the ever growing field of Dementia Care. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Touring Tips | Ep #30
Touring Tips | Ep #30
What should you ask during a tour of an assisted living or a nursing home? What should you prepare for and expect? In this episode, we offer our advice for a productive initial tour. Michelle Woodbrey, Alyson Powers and Emily Rogue come together to share their tips for touring an assisted living community or nursing facility. One of the most common questions we are asked is if we have a checklist for touring. In fact, we don’t. Listen to find out why and what we recommend instead! Three key takeaways from this episode: Take notes after your tour and then follow-up to get your questions answered. Do take the opportunity to tour nursing homes in advance whenever it is possible. The formula to a great care environment is: happy staff equals happy residents. To schedule a free initial consultation in our calendar! Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2021 - 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
The Anti-Self-Care Episode | Ep #29
The Anti-Self-Care Episode | Ep #29
Happy New Year! What is your New Years’ resolution? You don’t have one? We don’t either! Join us as we embrace our inner-Goblins for 2023. Goblin Mode is defined as a "type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations." This was Oxford’s word of the year for 2022 and we feel seen. After 2+ years of enduring through a global pandemic with heightened political tension and a climate in crisis , we’re tired. And we’re tired of being women who don’t seem to be tired. Let’s not set huge expectations for ourselves at the start of this new year if we don’t want to. Let’s just show up, as we are. This is Goblin mode. Three key takeaways from this episode: According to Oxford, Goblin Mode was chosen because it reflects the mood of the past 12 months. We were thrilled to learn we are not the only ones. Just show up. It doesn’t necessarily matter how you show up, just show up. Being authentic and not pretending to be something you’re not gives others permission to do the same. Let’s be Goblins together. References & Links mentioned in the show: To schedule a free initial consultation ! Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2023 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Communication for a Successful Outcome | Ep #28
Communication for a Successful Outcome | Ep #28
Why do I want an air-fryer so badly? And why won’t my aging loved one ask for help when they need it? How can these things possibly be connected? And maybe most importantly, why are we talking about this on a podcast? At least once or twice a week we talk to someone who made a promise to a loved one that they can’t keep. “I promised my dad I would never put him in a home,” for example. They had the best of intentions to keep their promise, but they didn’t have all of the facts before making a commitment like that. Aside from legitimate constraints, like finances, that may make keeping promises like that impossible, home may not actually be what your loved one wants. In many circumstances people are not thriving at home and that is not what they are clinging to, instead it’s the feeling of comfort and safety that being home represents for them. And change is hard at any age. In this episode, Alyson and Michelle discuss ways to successfully get your loved one’s buy in to participate in planning for their safety in the future. Three key takeaways from this episode: We are all in a developmental phase, the purpose for which is a search for independence, control and meaning. Our aging loved ones are no exception. Air fryers are cool. The best way to get our loved one’s buy in is to listen to them and make sure they feel that they are being heard. Even if their expectations are unrealistic, success really comes best from understanding exactly what they envision as possible for themselves. References & Links mentioned in the show: Gene Cohen, a student of psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, states that we are all endowed with an Inner Push that urges us on with our development at every age. Throughout their lives, people are always at some level in the development of their intelligence. (Cohen, G. D. (2005). The mature mind: The positive power of the aging brain. Basic Books.) David Solie, in , states that developmental stages in life are characterized by sets of oppositional tasks that need to be completed so the individual can move on to the next stage. These tasks are the drivers of personality growth, the internal engine that propels a person forward. These stages and their tasks are well documented in children and teenagers. Their identification and impact on the development in old age has only recently been understood. When we fail to recognize the need to maintain control and identify legacy, Solie states, "Good advice may be rejected in favor of illogical or shortsighted choices because from a developmental perspective the need for control is greater than the need for medical, financial, or social correctness." To schedule a free initial consultation, in our calendar! Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
How to Choose a Rehab Facility with Emily Rogue | Ep #27
How to Choose a Rehab Facility with Emily Rogue | Ep #27
In this episode, Michelle interviews Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, and Nursing Home Specialist with 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, Emily Rogue, about how to choose a short-term skilled nursing rehabilitation facility. Choosing a short-term skilled nursing rehabilitation facility can be daunting. Most people don’t know how to find the right facility for their needs. It is important to choose a good rehab because your outcome is absolutely affected based on the quality of the therapy and care. How can we choose a facility that is going to help us achieve the best results? Emily offers us an overview. Three key takeaways from this episode: A skilled nursing rehabilitation facility and a nursing home are the same thing. Most facilities offer both long-term care and short-term rehab. When choosing a short-term rehab facility, use the nursing home compare website to research performance data and outcome statistics to find reputable facilities. Be prepared. If you need an unplanned rehab stay, it can be very difficult to start doing this research at that time. It is smart to have a plan just in case. Links mentioned in the show: Nursing Home Compare Website: : Toll Free: (866) 815-5440 To schedule a free initial consultation with Emily Rogue, LNHA, ! Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at https://2sisters-sla.com/ © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
The Neighbors We Need with Jan Latorre-Stiller | Ep #26
The Neighbors We Need with Jan Latorre-Stiller | Ep #26
In this episode, Michelle interviews expert guest Jan Latorre-Stiller, the Executive Director of Cambridge Neighbors, a member of the Village to Village Network. Cambridge Neighbors (CN) is a membership-driven organization helping adults living in Arlington, Belmont, Cambridge, Somerville, and Watertown Massachusetts stay in the homes and neighborhoods they love. Three key takeaways from this episode: Joining a Village in your area can offer you the support you need to stay in your home longer. Services can include grocery shopping volunteers, volunteer tech support services, small household repairs, opportunities for connection and social engagement, and connections to well-vetted vendors. At some point, people may need to explore assisted living or nursing facility options for when they need more support than a Village can provide. Village to Village Network Beacon Hill Village Cambridge Neighbors Jan Latorre-Stiller, Executive Director Cambridge Neighbors, 545 Concord Avenue, Suite 104. Cambridge, MA 02138 For a free initial phone call with a Senior Care Consultant at 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, . Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Adult Family Mediation with Halee Burg | Ep #25
Adult Family Mediation with Halee Burg | Ep #25
What is adult family mediation? Join us on this episode where we welcome guest Halee Burg, an Affiliate Mediator with Elder Decisions®, a division of . Sometimes families get stuck. We can’t agree and we don’t know how to move forward. Adult family or elder mediation is an effective method of making difficult family decisions. Mediators are highly skilled, neutral, conflict resolution experts who do not provide advice or "take sides" but, instead, facilitate purposeful and directed conversations in which family members are encouraged to express their interests and concerns. Three key takeaways from this episode: First, mediation is one of the least adversarial methods to resolve disputes. It is a method of facilitated negotiation. There are other options, including arbitration and litigation, that leave the ultimate decision up to a third party. Second, the process may not be a quick one. It is a future-orientated, problem-solving process. While this method is designed to be short-term, it doesn’t necessarily mean a resolution will come quickly. Third, mediation is not the same as therapy, but it can feel therapeutic. The goal of mediation is to come to a resolution with solutions and actionable plans for moving forward but the process itself often feels helpful and productive. About Halee Burg: A former practicing attorney who now focuses solely on mediation, to give back and help ensure broader access to mediation, Halee participates in community and court mediations through a number of greater Boston community mediation programs. As an active member of the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators, the National Association of Divorce Professionals, and the New England Association for Conflict Resolution, Halee continually expands her knowledge of the field, regularly participates in dialogues with colleagues about best practices and approaches, and develops relationships with professionals in related fields whose expertise helps support clients as they work to make informed decisions. A graduate of the University of Rochester (BA, Psychology, summa cum laude) and the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley (J.D), Halee discovered she also enjoyed being on the other side of instruction, and regularly teaches adult education classes regarding divorce in Massachusetts. When not helping people become unstuck, Halee keeps busy pursuing her other passions – photographing beautiful landscapes, getting lost in a good novel, traveling, cooking, golfing, or spending special time with friends and family. If you have questions about this topic or other issues related to being in the sandwich generation, please email us at [email protected]. To schedule a free initial phone call with a Senior Care Consultant at 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, . Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
When Only You Will Do | Ep #24
When Only You Will Do | Ep #24
Are you caring for a loved one at home and need some support but your loved one won’t let anyone else provide their care? What can you do when only you will do? Join us this episode as we discuss some strategies for getting a loved one to accept outside support. Three key takeaways from this episode: First, get to the bottom of why only you will do. There may be many reasons why your loved one is resistant to outside care providers, some of which may be a tribute to how well you are caring for them. Is it pride? Financial concerns? Fear of change? Get to the heart of their hesitation and work towards overcoming those specific barriers. Secondly, make a plan to “wade into the water.” Starting off slowly and allowing a caregiver to take over just a few tasks and then increasing once a rapport is developed, has proven tremendously successful. Finally, finding a good caregiver match (and a back-up or two) can make all the difference. If your loved one refuses outside support, it is possible you may have just not found the right caregiver. This isn’t always easy, and circumstances are always changing which is one of the reasons why working with a trusted agency can be very helpful. For a free initial phone call with a Senior Care Consultant at 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, . Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
How to Keep A Loved One at Home | Ep #23
How to Keep A Loved One at Home | Ep #23
Have you promised your loved one you will never put them in a nursing home? People make promises like this all the time, that they have every intention to keep but may not be able to deliver upon. Keeping a loved one at home with in-home care is much more possible when you have a plan in place for if/when it may not work. Aging in place at home requires some strategy and a plan for if it fails. You can promise you will do your best to keep your loved one at home as long as possible or you can ensure they are as comfortable as possible, but it’s a bad idea to make specific promises. Join sandwiched adult daughters, Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers, along with Nursing Home Specialist, Emily Rogue, and Senior Care Consultant Kristine Callahan, on this episode where they discuss what to consider if you want to keep a loved one at home successfully. Three key takeaways from this episode: First, don’t make promises you can’t keep. If you have done your research and know that the financial resources are there to support in home care around the clock, and the home itself can support aging in place, then you can state with more certainty that the chances are very good they will be able to stay at home. Still any number of unforeseen things can occur which might make home not able to work. Next, create your village. The job of keeping a loved one safe at home with home care can seem a bit like being the conductor of an orchestra. You need to make sure everything is happening at the time that it should and everyone is playing their part. Having dependable people and good systems in place makes a significant difference. Third, just retain the knowledge that staying at home can be complex. Helping a loved one age in place at home usually requires as much planning as coordinating a transition into a care setting does. Many people assume that just because they never want to leave their home means that they will be able to manage to stay there - somehow. Planning for the contingencies, however, is the best way to ensure success. For a free initial phone call with a Senior Care Consultant at 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, . Here is a link to the National Council on Aging to find resources in your area: Here is a link to find an Elder Law Attorney in your area: Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers
Choosing a Nursing Home | Ep #22
Choosing a Nursing Home | Ep #22
Choosing a nursing home is not something people want to do. It is a need-driven decision and a daunting one at that. Join Nursing Home Specialist, Emily Rogue, LNHA, and Senior Care Consultant, Michelle Woodbrey on this episode where they discuss what to do and what not to do when choosing a nursing home. Avoiding nursing home care is among the most commonly expressed wishes of older Americans. After all, nursing homes are clinical settings, just a step below a hospital. How should you go about choosing a nursing home for long-term care? In this episode, Emily clarifies what a nursing home is and how it differs from other care options. She explains what we can expect from a nursing home when a loved one goes to live there. (*Emily discusses payer sources for nursing homes and we want to make sure listeners know that Long-Term Care Insurance is acceptable and is considered a private pay form of payment for nursing homes.) We hope to empower people with information and knowledge to prevent going to a nursing home whenever possible. But knowing how to choose a nursing home, based on care performance, can make a huge difference not just in your satisfaction with the care but with your peace of mind as well. The Nursing Home Compare Website through medicare.gov is a comprehensive database of information that should be utilized to analyze how well each facility is staffed and performing care responsibilities. Emily Rogue, LNHA, offers virtual care consultation services for families looking for guidance in finding reputable nursing homes anywhere in the United States. If you are interested in learning if the would be helpful for you, you can schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation by . Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! More information at © 2022 Michelle Woodbrey and Alyson Powers