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1209 Podcast

Welcome to 1209 podcast, the podcast that's all about breaking a sweat and expanding your mind! Join us as we blend fun and education in the world of CrossFit. Rod and Diane will share experiences in the CrossFit world and other topics as well. Interviews with coaches and athletes, and inspiring success stories. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a curious learner, 1209 podcast is your one-stop-shop for gaining knowledge and a whole lot of fun! Tune in and let's embark on this enriching fitness journey together!

info_outline The Benefits of having a coach 05/02/2024
info_outline Member Spotlight: Darrin Yancey 04/03/2024
info_outline CrossFit Open Recap 03/20/2024
info_outline Should I sign up for the Crossfit Open? 02/28/2024
info_outline Let's chat about fitness and mental health. 02/16/2024
info_outline How Running Enhances CrossFit Performance 02/01/2024
info_outline Let's talk about scaling workout 01/17/2024
info_outline Interview with Robert Young 01/03/2024
info_outline Member Spotlight: Juanita Wilson 12/20/2023
info_outline Creating new Habits 12/06/2023
info_outline How to Navigate During the Holidays 11/22/2023
info_outline Member Spotlight: Curtis Klebba 11/15/2023
info_outline Member Spotlight: Leslie Brinson 11/08/2023
info_outline you have time to workout 10/26/2023
info_outline Pitfalls from Overtraining 10/18/2023
info_outline Meet the Coach - Shanece Price 10/11/2023
info_outline Music and Fitness 10/04/2023
info_outline Lift for Love recap 09/20/2023
info_outline Our conversation with Crossfit Linchpin affiliate owner, Pat Sherwood 09/13/2023
info_outline Crossfit Gym Etiquette 09/06/2023
info_outline Couples that workout together stays together...RIGHT? 08/30/2023
info_outline CrossFit Myths part 2 08/23/2023
info_outline CrossFit Myths part 1 08/16/2023
info_outline What is CrossFit? 08/09/2023
info_outline Intro to Crossfit 1209 08/03/2023