Mental Health Matters
Mental Health Matters
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Join us for this very special episode as we talk with Dr. Mary Anne Broner about her journey with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation. If that's not enough for your cup, Suga, get ready, cuz then we slide right on over to disussing mental health and the Black Church, and you KNOW that's TEA! Most importantly, we want you ALL to know that you don't have to suffer in silence. There are so many outlets available for you today, you just have to take the first step. You're not alone...we got you!! Find a therapist: AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors): Heart & Soul Counseling and Life Coaching Services: Dr. Broner's Contact Info: Email: IG: @maryb_phd Church: Citadel of Faith Covenant Church 1419 W. Warren Ave. Detroit, MI, 48208 Pastor: Rev. Harvey F. Carey Church phone: 313-871-3678 Church website: For questions, comments, or to be a guest, email: