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Blessed By Betrayal

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

Release Date: 05/14/2022

Mind Over What Doesn't Matter show art Mind Over What Doesn't Matter

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

Sis!!  It's so easy to get caught up on the things in life that truly don't matter. We get angry, frustrated, all kinds of worked up. What's even worse is when we fall into deep depression. When we convince ourselves that life is no longer worth living. When we forget our value.  Join us as we sit with today's guest who has been through all of this and more while she helps us master mind over what DOESN't matter. Because see, it IS all a mind game. The enemy wants your mind, and as long as he can control your thoughts, he can control your life, or get you to take it. Grab your...

Giving Grief My Goodbye show art Giving Grief My Goodbye

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

Sisssss!!! I'm giving you FAIR warning to have your TISHEW boxes ready okay???  It is SO hard to let go when God has decided to call one of our loved ones home, but when that loved one is our TWIN, the pain is almost unbearable!! Well that's what we're talking about in this episode! Join us and our special guest who shares her story of loss, grief, healing and restoration. Plus, you won't believe the special gift that God gave her for her endurance!! You do NOT want to miss this one!! Guest Contact Info: Audria Richmond IG: all_smilezbabi For show ideas or to be a guest, email: ...

Waiting And Worth It (Part One) show art Waiting And Worth It (Part One)

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

Liiiiisten Here!! Get your good girlfriends together. Set out the cups. Put the cookies on a plate. Cuz the tea is hotter than it's EVER been on this one!! Join us as we discuss the REAL ups and downs of dating, relationships and marriage...as Christian women. Why is waiting so hard? How do you wait? Is it truly worth it? What about when you fall?? How do you get back up?? Whew! This the one y'all! Time to have some REAL conversation about some REAL issues that we're facing.  Y'all Ready?? Guest Contact Info: Kayy: IG: @IFixFlyers Email: LaKeysha: IG: @kaynicolexo_xo Alisha: IG:...

Friending Forgiveness show art Friending Forgiveness

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

It's another week with fresh tea poured and tears spilled. Join my guest and I as we dive deep into the topic of forgiveness, and why it's so hard for us to do. Let's be honest, when you hurt me, forgiving you isn't typically at the top of my list.  However, we get into all the reasons why forgiveness is imperative to our future, our mental health, and our Divine Destiny. Grab a seat, your favorite blanket, a box of  kleenex, and get ready to let some of that stuff GO Sis...it's time! FB: Sabrina Witherspoon Don't forget to follow or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform to be...

The Reality Of Relationships show art The Reality Of Relationships

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

Grab your tea cups Ladies! It's pipin hot in this episode. Join us as we get REAL about relationships, no sugar coating, no hiding, but REAL talk. Our guests today give us the low-down on their relationship and how they almost didn't make it down the aisle. However, they also give us great advice on how to make it through those difficult moments that most of us run from. You don't want to miss this one. (Add your email to the list to be kept updated) IG: Ryan_Carthage Mrs.Carthage1015 FB: Ryan Carthage LaTasha Carthage

Mental Health Matters show art Mental Health Matters

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Join us for this very special episode as we talk with Dr. Mary Anne Broner about her journey with depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation. If that's not enough for your cup, Suga, get ready, cuz then we slide right on over to disussing mental health and the Black Church, and you KNOW that's TEA! Most importantly, we want you ALL to know that you don't have to suffer in silence. There are so many outlets available for you today, you just have to take the first step. You're not alone...we got you!! Find a therapist: AACC (American Association of Christian...

Blessed By Betrayal show art Blessed By Betrayal

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

You're gonna wanna push play on this one! Whew CHILE! Join us with special guest Kailynn Hudgens (Kreative Masters) as she puts a new spin on betrayal, and how it ultimately ended up blessing her life and pushing her forward into her Divine Destiny. Grab a notebook Suga, cuz this one is GOODT! facebook.com/ifixflyers instagram.com/ifixflyers [email protected]

Tramping Over Trauma show art Tramping Over Trauma

Breaking Up With Bondage The Podcast

Shaquenia Monique and two very special guests discuss the effects of transgenerational trauma and how it trickles down through the bloodlines. One of the greatest tactics of the enemy is making us believe that we have to live with trauma, that we can never escape it. Shaquenia uses her story to show some of the ways to rip the veil off of trauma, removing any power the enemy has over your mind or your destiny. Begin the journey to tramp over trauma today!

More Episodes

You're gonna wanna push play on this one! Whew CHILE! Join us with special guest Kailynn Hudgens (Kreative Masters) as she puts a new spin on betrayal, and how it ultimately ended up blessing her life and pushing her forward into her Divine Destiny. Grab a notebook Suga, cuz this one is GOODT! www.kreativemasters.com



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