Podcast & magazine featuring first-person stories told by people from around the world that help to broaden our understanding of the human experience. Storyteller’s portraits and other images from each interview can be found on our website and in our quarterly print magazine.
SUMMARY: Has letting go or surrendering ever been a challenge for you? Do you practice yoga? Is spiritual connection and growth important to you? You are Chelsea. MENTIONS: - http://podcastmovement.com/ Photos: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jenningsphoto/ NOTES: Summer vacation, plus the timelessness of our approach Natalie talks about new goals for AFP and our first-person storytelling style Today’s story is one from the archives The difficulty in surrendering Natalie talks about selling everything she owns and what it’s like throwing things away that are sentimental or have been a part of your life for a long time Join the conversation in our FB group: - https://www.facebook.com/groups/afaceprojectcommunity/ Let’s meet up at Podcast Movement 2017! Chelsea’s story Spirituality and yoga How a basic pose like mountain pose (tadasana) can be subtly difficult The beauty of yoga The post the Chelsea struggles with the most and why “It’s so hard to completely surrender…” Start with the breath first Get your mind there when you practice “I wanted to be of service to something bigger than myself.” How yoga has changed her life PM17 in Anaheim, CA Natalie will be booking - https://afaceproject.lpages.co/pm17headshots/
SUMMARY: Do you struggle with personal identity based on some part of your upbringing? Does it feel like you have a lot to say but don’t know how to get it all out? Have you ever been bothered by something you can’t change about yourself? You are Teague. MENTIONS: The New Folklore: Lyrical Tales for Circuit Sessions streaming at Wisecracks & Roadside Flats podcast NOTES: Natalie introduces Teague and story #30 Issue 4 of the magazine is in the store! Teague’s conversation with Natalie to catch up and talk shop Podcasting as a good avenue for storytelling & music The ability to change your name in show biz Standing out as an adult vs a kid How to find Teague Teague’s story: thoughts on his name How Teague came to be Being Teague in a New Jersey school Teague’s name announced on the PA for the first time “I want to have something to say. I don’t just wanna be up there singing for the sound of my own voice.” Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank What Teague likes about playing guitar Songwriting process How to support us Teague: “Don’t Go”
SUMMARY: Is education important to you? Have you received mixed-message reviews at work for a job you feel you excel at? Are you a public or private school teacher? You are Rebecca. Extras & mentions: Our website: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY ON FB: Instagram: – Design: – Photography: – – More info & view slideshow at NOTES: Join our Facebook community! What is the hardest part about being a teacher? Attention teachers FB post: What is a positive or negative aspect of being a teacher? Rebecca’s story Really interesting journey and difficult start of the year Worked really hard to turn things around Teachers are observed around 3 times per year Why observations are necessary but tricky Everyone but one let go for next year Downside of American mentality Overabundance of teachers and not enough jobs for all of them People become teachers because they want to do this job
SUMMARY: Have you ever pushed yourself mentally and physically? Do you have a desire to compete–or have you competed–in a triathalon, marathon, or Ironman? Are you interested human anatomy and discovering the limits of the human body? You are Jason. Mentioned in this episode: Ironman - YouTube crowd clip: NOTES: No pain Today’s episode explores how far you can push your body mentally, physically, & emotionally Join us on and check out Ask the Storyteller! – We have a magazine to go with this podcast! [6:05] Jason’s story [6:25] The 3 legs of the journey and Jason’s times [6:50] What made Jason want to do this race? [8:50] What happens if you don’t finish in 17 hours? [11:00] About training [11:55] Jason’s background including his PhD [12:45] Jason’s body type was not an endurance type when he started [13:35] How the day starts on race day [16:00] The wetsuit strippers [17:45] The transition from swim to bike [18:40] Mile 35 on the bike [19:30] Age on your calf [21:25] Getting off the bike after nearly 7 hours [23:20] Eating while racing [24:50] Going to the bathroom on the bike [25:35] The suntan lotion clowns [27:20] You just start getting tired [27:40] Racing the sun [29:45] The final stretch [31:20] After you finish [32:40] Why? [34:30] How the race has changed Jason’s approach to treating patients [36:00] Anybody
SUMMARY: Do you ever wonder what your purpose is in life? Is helping others important to you? Do you value faith, family, friends, and your fellow man? You are Eugene. Mentioned in this episode: - - NOTES: 1:00 “This can’t be what life is about…” 2:00 Thank you for supporting us & a little about our magazine 3:00 Free copy of our magazine if you sign up at 3:30 Ask the Storyteller in our FB group: A Face Project Community - 6:00 What is one way that you contribute positively to your community? 8:20 Eugene’s story begins 9:30 Moved from Kenya to Dallas, TX 10:12 “Guatemala is a part of a journey…” 12:00 “What does he have that I don’t have?” 13:20 Friends are lifetime friends. “I have trouble with superficial conversation.” 14:45 Opened third urgent care 15:20 Eugene takes his first mission trip to Armenia 16:16 “We saw 10,000 in five days.” 16:50 We started to get criticism about the mission trips 17:40 Started Great Commission Outreach 17:45 Opened a free clinic with Javier and Larry 18:30 Third criticism about if they are really helping people 19:25 First stop Chuluc, second stop La Pila 20:20 “If you ask and I’m able to do it, I’ll do it.” 21:00 Basket delivered every two weeks 21:40 Our duty is to act. To help those in need unconditionally. 22:40 Original intent of Christianity 22:50 “My big thing is community.” 23:55 My core values: faith, family, friends, and fellow man 24:35 “I’m a flawed individual.” 25:25 What does a life well-lived look like? 26:12 Does God really exist? 26:40 “My gift is seeing the gift in others and drawing it out.” 27:45 See photographs of Eugene and Guatemala -
Do you read or write poetry? Do you struggle with addiction? Are you interested in the history of New York City? Then you are Geoff. Mentioned in this episode: Geoff’s books: Geoff’s son’s book: - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0316231592 McSorley’s website: AA: Joseph Mitchell: - http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210783.Up_in_the_Old_Hotel Photograph of Babe Ruth: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nat_Fein Music: Billy Murray “The Streets of New York” Hyden Quartet “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” NOTES: 2:00 Join our ! - https://www.facebook.com/groups/afaceprojectcommunity/ 2:15 Info about Ask the Storyteller 3:00 Next Ask the Storyteller is Julia (episode #2). She will be LIVE Sunday May 7th, 7pm CST in A Face Project: Community group on Facebook 3:45 Natalie loses her voice 5:50 About McSorley’s Wonderful Saloon and Joseph Mitchell 9:45 Geoff’s story begins…”It’s the oldest operating bar in New York City…” 11:00 Geoff gets an apartment above McSorley’s 11:30 Grew up in an abusive household 12:20 Geoff’s mother falls ill 14:00 Geoff starts a writing program in NYC 15:00 Started working the bar 44 years ago 15:20 Recognizes he has a drinking problem 16:20 Starts to feel suicidal and attends his first AA meeting 18:30 Bar patrons try to get Geoff to drink after he was sober 19:00 You lose friends, but it becomes about surviving 20:15 “You don’t drink one day at a time.” 21:25 “It’s the little things that can really drive people to drink.” 22:11 The bar is where he is supposed to be 22:57 Everything in the bar is original 23:10 Nat Fein’s Babe Ruth photo inspires a poem in Geoff’s collection 23:40 Geoff reads from his book 25:50 All male bar until 1970 26:40 Light & dark ale are the only things on tap...still 27:30 Why is there sawdust on the floor? 28:10 Simple food and a free trip through time 28:25 “Be careful what you’re doing because you may end up doing it.” 29:00 If you think you have a drinking problem, ask for help 29:40 “There’s no shame in asking for help if you want to live.” 30:35 What the bar has taught Geoff… 31:05 If I drop dead tomorrow... 32:30 - http://www.afaceproject.com/ 34:45 Geoff reads another poem
Are you moved and inspired by connecting with others in a physically intimate way? Do you love what you do for work? Is your true love out there waiting to be found? You are Sarah. Mentioned in this episode: Supporting A Face Project: Contribute – http://www.afaceproject.com/contribute/ Join the conversation: A Face Project: Community – Music: Aureroc – Photography: Natalie Jennings – More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [1:00] Explicit content warning [2:20] YOU ARE SARAH. [3:00] Natalie talks about being in Hawaii & the mic setup (again) [4:15] Intro to the episode [4:30] What MY aim is with doing this podcast thing [5:20] What I’m so excited to share this and other stories [5:50] See photos of Sarah [6:12] Get a FREE copy of our magazine! [7:45] Sarah’s story [8:30] How she found her way into the industry [9:10] What she thought might happen when she started escorting [9:30] First time she met with someone [12:40] Why she still felt willing to keep going after a bad experience [13:30] Her favorite type of client [14:50] The number of clients Sarah guesses are married [15:15] Clients who love their spouse but hire Sarah [16:20] Why appearance loses all meaning [17:20] “…some clients out there…are just amazing” [18:00] Most common time for clients to visit [19:10] The apartment where clients visit [20:15] Talking about favorite books with a client [20:45] What Sarah learned from The Stranger [22:10] Her favorite kinds of appointments [23:15] Limits [24:24] Boundaries [25:35] When a client asks about unprotected sex [27:15] Safe sex practices [31:00] Thoughts on sexuality in society [32:15] Male privilege and sexuality [33:40] “I wish there was a word other than ‘escort’…” [35:15] On police [36:12] Different types of escorts [37:00] “The main thing I want to tell people…” [39:15] Credits [39:30] JOIN our FB COMMUNITY! – [40:00] Help support AFP –
Do you appreciate many different types of music? Does meeting people from a variety of cultures interest you? Are you inspired or intrigued by the intricate craftsmanship that goes into making musical instruments? Then you are Mariel. Mentioned in this episode: Mariel’s home website - Where to buy her album - Hardanger Fiddle Association of America - Supporting A Face Project: Contribute - Join the conversation: A Face Project: Community - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [2:00] Check out photos of the AMAZING hardanger fiddle [2:45] Ask the Public: What are you listening to? Why do you like it? [5:30] Mariel’s story [6:00] What inspires me most about playing music [7:00] Introduces the hardanger [8:30] talks about the 27+ ways to tune the hardanger, including the “troll” tuning [10:10] what kinds of music she plays on the hardanger [12:12] my website and solo record [13:15] Credits [13:45] Want to join the conversation? How to become involved in our community [14:25] How you can show your support for this podcast [15:12] Song from Mariel and where to get a copy [15:23] “On the Danforth” by Mariel Vandersteel
Is goal-setting and self-improvement important to you? Have you ever wanted a better education but money has held you back? Was there a time you felt completely free? Then you are Pablo. Mentioned in this episode: – http://greatcommissionoutreach.org/ – http://www.afaceproject.com/podcasts/ep18-alejandro/Supporting A Face Project: – http://www.afaceproject.com/contribute/Join the conversation: – https://www.facebook.com/groups/afaceprojectcommunity/ Music: – More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [1:30] Special offer from AFP [3:20] This episode compliments very well – [4:00] About today’s story setting in La Pila [5:35] It’s our one year anniversary! Join us & help us grow [6:45] Beginning audio clips from volunteers in La Pila [8:10] Pablo begins his story [8:40] Pablo explains why he doesn’t ride a motorcycle anymore [9:40] “It was amazing.” What life was like growing up in La Pila [10:55] Pablo explains why he left La Pila at 13-years-old [12:05] Hopes to get a visa and travel to the US [13:15] On setting goals in life [14:25] How to support – [15:00] Credits [15:25] Get your FREE copy of our magazine, info here
Have you ever felt misunderstood? Is there a time you took pride in something? Are you passionate about what you do? Then you are Satya. Music: The Small Cities More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [0:50] A Face Project turns one! [3:00] We ask the public: What do you take pride in? [4:45] How to support A Face Project Podcast & Magazine [6:00] Satya’s story [7:20] “I like what I do because…” [8:40] What people might think [9:25] “I’m providing a service that’s needed…” [10:30] Have a plan [11:25] Find what fits you best [12:20] Final thoughts and credits [13:00] Join our community
In this episode Christopher shares his story as a professional musician and composer, and the three things he believes are essential to consider when communicating through music. Check out Chris's latest project Vistas by clicking here: Music at the end of the episode: “Creation” by Christopher Marion Submit your original music to be featured on an upcoming episode of our podcast: More info & view slideshow at http://www.afaceproject.com/podcasts/ep21-christopher/ NOTES: [0:01] We’ve joined Podcastica! Check it out: http://www.podcastica.com [1:05] A Face Project’s mission: why we’re sharing people’s stories - http://www.afaceproject.com/ [1:45] We have a quarterly magazine you can subscribe to! Digital & print - http://www.afaceproject.com/magazine/all-issues/ [2:45] Get a free sample of our magazine (digital) by signing up to our newsletter - http://www.afaceproject.com/whatisafp/ [3:20] How you can help A Face Project grow and share real stories - http://www.afaceproject.com/contribute/ [4:05] Christopher’s story [5:00] Favorite types of music [5:15] Thoughts on jazz music [6:00] The three things that are the most important when trying to channel art [6:15] ONE: Being honest and making things for the right reasons [6:50] TWO: Balance [7:20] THREE: Speaking clearly with the skills you have [8:00] What instrument Christopher speaks the clearest with [8:55] Own what you do, how you are [10:12] “Creation” by Christopher Marion
A Face Project is trying out something new! In this episode we feature a listener-submitted story brought to you from Vietnam. You’ll hear from Alain who, as a young man living in France, fell in love with a woman and later found himself equally enamored with his new life in Vietnam. More info & view slideshow at http://www.afaceproject.com/podcasts/ep20-alain/ NOTES: [1:45] Natalie introduces the episode and talks about our magazine & - www.wouldsdesign.com [3:00] We’re trying something new! Check it out. [3:45] Do you know someone with a great story? Reach out to us at [4:30] My talk with our story submitter, Jeffrey King [5:15] How Jeff got the idea to do the story submission from Vietnam [6:20] Do you have a good story to share? Submit one! [6:50] Jeff explains his trip to Vietnam and how it led to the interview you’re going to hear [9:00] A little more about Alain & his honey business [9:50] How Jeff recorded this interview & how he prepared [10:50] Jeff on how sharing stories will bring the world together [11:40] More on how to submit YOUR story or someone else’s [12:20] Alain begins his story [13:10] Alain’s first jobs in Vietnam, including selling honey [14:35] Alain describes homes in Vietnam [15:15] How Alain got involved with his honey business [17:30] Alain explains his education journey in Vietnam [19:00] “I follow my heart, despite my conscience.” [19:30] On having children and giving life to something [21:00] On following your heart & finding who you are [22:45] How to join - www.facebook.com/groups/afaceprojectcommunity/
Raised on a small farm outside of Hilo, Hawaiʻi, Jasmine joins A Face Project to share her experiences in life, and with food, after being diagnosed with . Join the discussion with Jasmine in our . More info & view slideshow at http://www.afaceproject.com/podcasts/ep19-jasmine/ NOTES: [1:20] Our recent partnership with [2:25] Where to start if you’re new to the podcast [3:15] What the public says about health (our random sample is back!) What are ways that you keep yourself healthy? [4:15] Summary of today’s episode [6:30] Jasmine’s story begins [7:40] Jasmine’s diagnosis [8:55] Life on the farm in Puna, HI [9:55] First big diet shift [10:45] Other factors that contribute to Jasmine’s current health situation [12:20] The decision to stay away from drugs [14:00] Things started to get really difficult and Jasmine’s health deteriorates [15:58] Brain fog and how it influenced her college experience [16:30] Being in college and dealing with her health [16:45] On losing so much weight and feeling judged [17:45] Where she is at this point in her healing journey & diet [19:10] Take an alternative route if you’re not happy with medications [19:40] Importance of listening to our bodies and what we put in our bodies [21:40] Deepen your relationship with food [22:00] Takeaways [22:30] Final notes about becoming a and our anniversary [23:50] Credits [24:25] Jasmine reaches out Resources: Garasil & HPV vaccine: Genetic Info: Diets: - - - - Books: Breaking the Vicious Cycle, Elaine Gottschall Living with Chrons & Colitis, Jessica Black & Dede Cummings Mind Over Medicine, Lissa Rankin The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon Nutritional Healing, Balch
AFP takes the podcast to a remote Mayan village in Guatemala where we hear from Alejandro. Alejandro shares his story about growing up in rural Guatemala and his take on culture, language, and how important it is as a global citizen to experience other places around the globe first-hand. Music by: Mato Wayuhi Song: “Where Do We Go Now?” Link: More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [01:25] Natalie talks about being on the road the last couple of months & the mic set-up [05:20] On speaking his native Mayan language--with a sample phrase [06:30] The decision to go to a better school as a child for a better life [07:50] Learned most of his English from living with Americans who changed his life [09:40] Basic needs vs. luxury/United States vs. life in Guatemala [11:00] Patzun and life [12:00] Culture of undermining the Mayan people [13:40] On valuing his language and culture [14:30] On speaking his native language in public [15:10] On forgetting language & culture [15:45] The benefit of speaking Mayan/Kakchiquel [16:15] Be proud of your heritage [16:45] His wish to see more proud Mayan people [17:20] On practicing non-judgement [18:12] Do the fieldwork, get out and see the world [21:14] “Where Do We Go Now?” by Mato Wayuhi
Dani is a voracious writer, public speaker, deep thinker, mother of three, and keeper of a blossoming community garden in north Minneapolis. Formerly a home next door that was taken by a tornado, the garden is a space where everyone is welcome. In this episode, we join Dani around her dining room table for a tasty and carefully prepared meal. While we eat, Dani shares her passion for self-exploration, journaling, and the life lessons she hopes to pass along to her children. More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [00:05] Dani talks about loving food and how it brings people together [06:00] Dani talks about the blank page and how she has a passion for journaling [08:30] Truth, perceived truth, understanding and other topics inspire Dani to journal [12:12] How being told she has “great potential” had negative consequences [13:40] Dani’s book of obituaries [15:50] On going to Haiti & her love of travel [19:30] Learning about community gardens & the space that was a house but taken by a tornado [21:21] On the demographics of her community & how it relates to a community garden [23:00] About living in the “why” not the “how”
What does good leadership look like? What does effective leadership look like? In this episode, Fred shares is experience as a New York City public school teacher and what he learned about leadership and leadership roles in a co-op environment. More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [4:50] Fred talks about his understanding of things for the first time [5:45] Fred talks about his childhood and his father [6:44] He shares his thoughts on leadership [8:14] Fred talks about the inner city kids that he taught in NYC [8:44] Fred talks about feeling pressure from his administration [10:20] He speaks about his travels in his 20’s and finding MN [11:40] Fred talks about finding a co-op and finding a place there [13:25] Fred talks about the idea of the leadership of following [15:40] He talks about having to let go of his ego [16:45] Fred talks about starting his business [18:30] Fred talks about the respect within his business [19:30] Fred mentions his ego and leadership [20:50] Fred talks about believing everyone can be a leader and followers can make or break a leader
Jenn’s story is a three-part look at life, love, and loss. She discusses growing up with hearing loss and finding acceptance from the love of her life, Richard. Listen to her harrowing tale of loss and the lessons we learn when faced with the worst life can throw our way. More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [5:30] Jenn talks about her hearing loss for the first time [6:50] Jenn talks about her hearing loss and childhood [7:50] Jenn talks about her parents putting her in Bloomington Lutheran School [9:40] Jenn talks about her immediate feelings for Richard [11:00] Jenn speaks about the importance of Richard brining her to his spot [12:00] Jenn talks about his proposal and their strong feelings towards each other [14:50] Jenn talks about having a feeling that something wasn’t quite right for the first time [16:00] Jenn talks about talking to Richard to make sure that he was okay, and their last phone call [17:20] Jenn speaks about finding out that Richard has died [19:30] Jenn talks about seeing Richard at the hospital after the accident [20:50] Jenn talks about the accident for the first time [21:35] Jenn talks about finding archery [22:00] Jenn speaks about how she tried to commit suicide [23:23] Jenn gives a message to people going through pain
Marlon shares his story about growing up in El Salvador and coming to America for the first time. He discusses family struggles, earning his high school diploma, and how boxing gave him new direction in life. More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [6:40] Marlon talks about growing up in El Salvador for the first time [7:45] Talks about how he grew up during a war and what that meant [10:00] Talks about his experiences coming to America for the first time [13:25] Marlon speaks about how his mother was abusive [14:50] Marlon goes back to El Salvador to spend time with his grandparents [15:30] Talks about how he got into trouble as a kid [16:50] Talks about how his mother kicked him out at 16 [17:50] Marlon mentions MTS for the first time [19:00] Marlon talks about going to MTCC and meeting his now wife, Tegan [20:30] Talks about how he wants to help kids like teachers helped him [21:30] Speaks about his wife talking him into boxing [23:15] Talks about his first experiences at Upper cut boxing in NE Minneapolis [24:00] Boxing becomes Marlon’s happy place [25:00] Marlon talks about the difficulties of trying to set up his first match [28:30] Marlon explains his feelings finding out he got the co-main event in United Fight [30:40] Talks about arriving at United Fight for the first time [32:45] Marlon talks about his feelings hearing his name announced and his music playing before the match [35:10] Marlon speaks about the match itself for the first time [37:00] Marlon talks about how he felt at the end of the match [38:40] Marlon talks about wanting to start a boxing club at the school where he teaches [40:30] Marlon speaks about the club making a difference for kids and giving them confidence [42:30] Marlon talks about how boxing has helped him in many ways
In this episode, Robert tells his story about life as a musician and an artist living in Brooklyn, NY. From co-founding The Shirts, touring with Peter Gabriel, and playing regular dates at NYC’s famed CBGB’s, to discovering his love of painting, this story is an artist’s journey. Robert remembers his father’s cameo in On the Waterfront down on the Brooklyn docks. He talks about the little flukes in life and how one tiny thing can change the course of your life’s path dramatically and forever. After missing the Vietnam draft by a hair, Robert helped found the New Wave group The Shirts under manager - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilly_Kristal. After regular appearances at NYC’s CBGB’s playing with Television and The Talking Heads, The Shirts signed with EMI and toured with Peter Gabriel. Later, after marriage and children, Robert discusses how painting and art saved him and how in many ways it was just by chance that he ended up where he is today. Robert Box Twitter: @RBoxArt [email protected] Music: - Photography: - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [10:00] Talks about how his grandfather came through Ellis Island [10:40] Robert speaks about finding art in school [13:10] Robert graduates high school and goes to the School of Visual Arts and drops out shortly after [14:25] Talks about living in a storefront in NYC and starting his band, The Shirts [15:25] Robert talks about the draft for the first time and how luck was on his side [17:25] Talks about the opening of CBGB for the first time [18:45] Speaks about being signed at the band’s lowest point [21:15] The band opens for Peter Gabriel [22:17] Robert talks about his advice: Just go, just work [23:30] Talks about how that band wasn’t business smart and the ending of the band [25:50] Robert talks about how he turned to tennis to get through while many of his band members turned to drugs [28:00] Robert talks about his decision to set up outside of The Met and sell his art [29:15] Robert says it’s all about people resonating with your art [31:15] Robert talks about how people need art; like people need music
Kelly shares her journey about discovering art around the world by creating textiles and other products with her hands. She is a textile designer and founder of . - Cardamom Collective is a socially conscious textile and home goods company. Kelly works with artisans and other small business owners to design and collaborate in an effort to create treasures to be purchased now, and passed down later. Music: - Photography: - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [4:00] Kelly talks about coming from a family of quilters [4:50] Talks about realizing her love of textiles [5:25] Kelly talks about grad school in Sweden for the first time [7:00] Kelly talks about her experience going to Cultural Cloth [7:40] Speaks about the work and stories that go into handmade pieces [8:00] Kelly goes to Norway [9:10] She talks about becoming aware of where textiles are really from [10:15] Kelly talks about going back to Egypt [11:05] She talks about her life in Minneapolis and what she thinks about success [11:45] Kelly talks about making her “life work” be her work [12:25] Talks about doing something just to do it [13:15] First mention of Cardamom Collective [15:50] Kelly talks about shifting perspectives of where you spend your money
Mental illness is widely misunderstood in our culture. In this episode, Chris shares his experience before and after his diagnosis as a person with - . Additionally, Chris shared a few resources for listeners wishing to learn more about Bipolar Disorder, Depression, and other mental illnesses. Natalie opens with a few notes on her experience at in Chicago, the world’s largest conference for podcasters. This was the third annual gathering. - / For information or support regarding mental illness: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: - National Alliance on Mental Illness: - Statistics mentioned in this episode came from - Music: - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [4:50] Mental health facts, figures, and stigmas [7:10] Chris talks about his family and how they felt about mental health [8:00] Chris talks about why he thinks it’s important to share his story [9:00] He talks about why he was a “terrible student” [10:35] He talks about his older sister’s health for the first time [11:30] Chris reflects on how he acted around his parents and family as a kid [12:20] The definition of Bipolar Disorder [13:20] The mania side of the disorder, for Chris [14:30] Chris talks about depression for the first time [15:42] Chris talks about simply thinking he was “weird” as a kid [16:40] He mentions his struggles with self esteem [17:35] Speaks on how he would hide his issues [19:20] Chris talks about his first time seeing a psychiatrist [19:58] Chris talks about his experience with his medication [21:45] He talks about how the disorder has lost him friends and the difficulties with that [22:30] Chris talks about finally being diagnosed as bipolar [23:20] Chris talks about how medications are trial and error [24:25] Speaks about how the disorder makes him feel old [26:23] Chris gives advice to others struggling [29:10] What goals and dreams mean for Chris
Laura Cortese is an American singer, songwriter, and fiddler. She was born in San Francisco and attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, where she is currently based. We caught up with Laura on her cross country CD release tour in 2013. She is recording a new album this summer with her band Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards. Listen to a preview track here: “Since the release of Cortese’s most recent album, Into the Dark (2013), Cortese hasn’t shied away from heavy subjects. On “Brown Wrinkled Dress” she writes from the point of view of a woman who discovers her husband’s infidelity; on “Village Green” she sings in the voice of a servant who yearns for something more. Both songs echo traditional themes – “Brown Wrinkled Dress” is a murder ballad in the most classic sense – but others have an undeniably modern cadence. You can hear pop in Cortese’s deftly-written hooks and rock ‘n’ roll in the syncopated pulse that propels even her gentlest melodies. Her cover of Laura Veirs’s “Life is Good Blues” perhaps captures this spirit best: when Cortese sings, “Life is good when the band is smokin’ hot,” it’s easy to believe her.” Learn more about Laura on - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [5:55] Laura says that she sings and plays the fiddle [6:15] Laura talks about touring for the first time [6:50] What it means to be an artist for Laura [7:45] Laura talks about sharing music and how she does that [8:20] Laura talks about the experiences of getting to new towns and each venue [9:20] Laura talks about having an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish [9:50] Laura comments on things that are meaningful to her
In this episode, Keela shares her story about her son’s rare pulmonary hemorrhage at birth. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein **UPDATE from Keela (6/20/16): “Since we’ve last chatted, Calian is doing well. We have learned Calian’s left lung is not functioning or growing with him. This is causing asymmetry of his chest and pushing his heart over, which may cause issues over time. However, his right lung is healthy as ever and is growing large to compensate for his left. He also has some developmental delays, but catches up in his own time. We still do not know the cause for his lung hemorrhage, but the doctors continue to keep a close eye on him and his lung growth. “Despite these abnormalities, one can live fully well off just one lung. We are happy to report that Calian is healthy and very active, he is strong and we know whatever may come his way he will continue to push through it. He is the sweetest little lover and we are truly thankful for our miracle boy Cal Cal everyday. We are also fortunate to share that we gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and Calian is now a big brother to his one-year-old sister Elora.” Music: - CaringBridge: More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [2:16] What is the definition of a ‘miracle’ [6:50] Keela first talks about her emergency C-section [8:20] Keela talks about her son being transferred to the NICU [8:55] Keela sees her son for the first time [9:20] Keela talks about her son’s rare pulmonary hemorrhage [10:05] Talks about the struggle to keep her son in stable condition [10:40] Keela talks about the call informing her that her son had a collapsed lung [11:30] EMCO is mentioned for the first time- son’s “last resort” at 13 days old [12:25] Keela talks about how the doctors never gave them any hope for their son’s survival [13:13] Keela sees her son open his eyes for the first time [14:14] At 24 days old, Keela finally gets to hold her son [15:30] Doctors are still unsure about her son’s future [16:36] Keela talks about all of the support they received from people
In this episode, 97-year-old Luba shares her story about moving to Ukraine from Chicago in 1922. Luba discusses her struggles and triumphs throughout her life, including surviving World War II as a factory worker in Germany and how she met her husband. More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [6:30] Talks about her beginning [7:15] Luba talks about moving to Ukraine [8:00] Talks about getting land and being happy with her family in Ukraine [10:00] Talks about how they would go to bed hungry [12:00] Luba speaks about the start of communism [13:00] Talks about having no communication with her father for 10-15 years [15:00] Speaks about knowing what it is to be poor and hungry [16:30] Talks about being taken to Germany for the first time [18:30] Talks about “disinfection” in Germany [20:30] Talks about meeting her husband [22:25] Talks about her and husband getting married [24:45] Writes a letter to her father in America [26:00] Talks about her feelings of America
Originally from a village outside of Hanoi, Vietnam (Ha Noi, Việt Nam), Giang now lives with his family in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. In this episode, Giang shares his story about his job as a tour guide in Vietnam. His tours include biking, hiking, and kayaking throughout the diverse and beautiful scenery Vietnam has to offer. More info & view slideshow at
Children’s book illustrator, Kayla, talks about her life as an artist and what inspires her whimsical and captivating artwork. Since this interview Kayla and Peter were married and Kayla signed a book deal with Sky Pony Press for her picture book “Mary Had a Little Lizard,” scheduled to be released in the fall of 2017. She also illustrated the picture book “Juma the Giraffe” for the Wild Nature Institute that will be available in the fall of 2016. This episode features music from - . Cloud Cult is an experimental indie rock band from Duluth, Minnesota led by singer/songwriter Craig Minowa. The name originated from the ancient prophecies of indigenous North Americans. Kayla’s website: - Follow Kayla! She often posts new drawings to her instagram account here: - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [5:10] Kayla talks about why she choose illustration [5:50] Talks about how she found children’s books in college [6:30] Talks about her goals and dreams for her career [7:40] Talks about meeting her fiancé [8:44] Talks about their different tastes in children’s illustrations [8:55] Speaks on her biggest challenge as an artist [9:55] Kayla’s advice to aspiring artists
In this episode, Terri shares her story about surviving a major car accident, including her struggles, losses, and what it means to be given a second chance. Terri is a policy coordinator for - , a “non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate the overuse of the criminal justice system and advance community health and safety. We are people convicted of crime, survivors of crime, and the families and allies of both. We advocate and organize for public safety strategies that are more holistic, effective and just.” More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [3:30]: like the part that she probably wouldn’t have gone to college if not for what happened [5:45]: “we weren’t drinking lightly, we were drinking pretty heavily…” [7:00]: “we were getting shit-canned”… [8:30]: list of injuries might also be a good intro clip [15:50] She knocks on something when she says “thankfully’ [16:00] Description of back brace is friggin perfect [17:30] “I’m gonna fuckin’ walk again…” – “I’m very blessed” [18:00] Last people to finish – “this gift of being here still” [19:25]-[20:50] Don’t ever… [22:29] “a lot of people make bad choices and deserve second chances…” [24:50] “such a great feeling to be able to do that with my folks” “they were proud” “I scared the shit out of everybody including myself” “it’s amazing” [26:20] More excellent description of injuries [27:20] “seizure on a bike…” [29:00] Where everyone is now [29:55] “me broken” “fresh off the boat” “self explanatory” [33:40] New intro without “before the accident” [35:45] Injury detail + the giggles at the very end
We join Clarence at Vision Loss Resources where he shares his story about working with guide dogs after losing the central vision in both of his eyes later in life. Clarence passed away from a long battle with cancer after this interview. We’d like to dedicate this episode to his wife, Nancy, as well as all of his family and friends. Clarence had a passion for community involvement that allowed him to touch the lives of so many people from all walks of life. He will be deeply missed. Music: - & - Photography: - Additional Resources: - - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [4:20] Talks about his eyesight and difficulties [6:50] Talks about his failure and his successes [7:20] Speaks about guide dogs for first time and the process to get one [9:15] Says that less than 1% of the blind choose to use a guide dog [9:40] Talks about the safety that guides dogs allow you to feel [10:15] Talks about his own guide dogs for first time [11:00] Talks about how each dog has their own personalities, specifically his dog, Telly [12:00] Speaks about his cancer for the first time [14:00] Says that he owes it all to his parents and how their memories carry him through tough times
LIGO** scientist, Alastair, shares his experience being a part of scientific history due to the recent detection of gravitational waves from two black holes colliding over one-billion years ago. This discovery confirms Einstein’s theory of general relativity and opens the door to new scientific discoveries about our universe. Photography: - Music: - Additional Resources: - - www.ligo.caltech.edu/ **UPDATE: LIGO does it a second time: - More info & view slideshow at NOTES: [4:15] Talks about first detection of gravitational waves [5:20] Talks about growing up with science as a child [6:05] Speaks about University and the beginning of his interest in gravitational waves [6:45] Talks about enjoying research and physics [9:30] Talks about how everything we have on earth comes from the stars and the universe [11:00] Points out the excitement of this field of study [12:10] Our understanding (or not) of black holes [12:45] Talks about LIGO for first time [14:30] Favorite parts of Alastair’s job [15:30] Talks about the day of the detection of gravitational waves [19:05] Talks about data analysis and being able to really look at what happened [20:10] Sound bite of what 2 black holes spiraling into each other and colliding sound like [22:20] Talks about concept of space and time being linked [25:15] Significance of this discovery [27:00] Talks about how we’re at a new frontier in science [28:50] How this discovery changed things