E20 - Birds without borders
E20 - Birds without borders
Episode 20 celebrates National Bird Week 2022 with a story of enduring passion for a rather cryptic little brown bird, or LBJ - little brown job, as they're lovingly known in the birding world! The Eastern Bristlebird is an incredibly rare bird in Queensland these days, found only in a tiny slice of grassy upland woodland on the border with northern New South Wales. Even in the species' stronghold, further south in Jervis Bay, it is struggling against the pressures of climate change, introduced feral animals and development. We join a panel of three remarkable women in science, who have dedicated much of their careers to helping support this bird: Liz Gould, Principle Scientist at Healthy Land and Water, Kelly Roche, Senior Threatened Species Officer at NSW Department of Planning and Environment and Shannon Maguire, a consulting ecologist on the project. These three have one thing on their minds, to bring the Eastern Bristlebird back from the brink! To find out more about the amazing Eastern Bristlebird and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific Back from the Brink - Season 5 Episode 1 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page, or watch here: Visit our new Action Hub webpage: