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E20 - Birds without borders

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Release Date: 10/05/2022

E23 - Gums and roses show art E23 - Gums and roses

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Episode 23 sees the Natura Pacific team exploring Queensland's Granite Belt; a unique landscape in the state's south. Here, ancient geology and rich biodiversity have resulted in some intriguing relationships between endemic plants and insects. One such relationship is that linking the Border Boronia (Boronia repanda) and its heliozelid moth pollinators. The teeny-tiny moths are the subject of increasing research looking at how their population is directly correlated with the population of the beautiful boronias they support. Without each other, they'd both go extinct. But how is farming in...

E22 - Between a rock and a dry place show art E22 - Between a rock and a dry place

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Episode 22 heads into the remote dry, vine-thickets of South East Queensland to meet a remarkable reptile. With Australia's commitment to the 30 by 30 pledge (a worldwide initiative for governments to designate 30% of Earth's land and ocean area as protected areas by 2030), we look at what protected areas do for threatened species. The Nangur Spiny Skink (Nangura spinosa) is one such species. With its entire global population occurring in just a handful of national parks, this species is just hanging on at the mercy of climate change, disease, weeds, feral animals and more. With so few places...

E21 - The prisoner and the Plunkett show art E21 - The prisoner and the Plunkett

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Episode 21 takes a look at an exciting project taking place across a series of South East Queensland correctional centers. Named the Connecting Communities Native Seed Project, Natura Pacific have helped create a green production-line that is buzzing away behind the scenes to help protect threatened plants like the beautiful Plunkett Mallee (Eucalyptus curtisii) along with their respective vegetation communities. Native plant seeds are collected, processed and delivered to prisons, where prisoners grow the seed into young plants called tubestock, obtaining skills development and certified...

E20 - Birds without borders show art E20 - Birds without borders

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Episode 20 celebrates National Bird Week 2022 with a story of enduring passion for a rather cryptic little brown bird, or LBJ - little brown job, as they're lovingly known in the birding world! The Eastern Bristlebird is an incredibly rare bird in Queensland these days, found only in a tiny slice of grassy upland woodland on the border with northern New South Wales. Even in the species' stronghold, further south in Jervis Bay, it is struggling against the pressures of climate change, introduced feral animals and development. We join a panel of three remarkable women in science, who have...

E19 - From nest to ocean show art E19 - From nest to ocean

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Episode 19 celebrates National Threatened Species Day 2022; a day when Australians come together to remember extinct species, and put thought to curbing future biodiversity loss. We look at celebrating one of Australia's conservation success stories, the Nest to Ocean Program which sees thousands of people across Queensland's coasts working together to support nesting sea-turtles. For the Loggerhead Sea-turtle, who's South Pacific population is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List, it's especially vital to maximise nest and hatchling survival rates. We join Dr Col Limpus (OAM),...

E18 - A tree with no name show art E18 - A tree with no name

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

Episode 18 brings us the story of one of the Gold Coast's best-kept secrets. Hidden deep in the rainforest valleys of Ormeau and Kingsholme is a myterious giant that not many people know about. The Ormeau Bottle-tree is a monster of a plant, growing to 35m tall in the wild and bearing a similar bottle-shaped trunk to its closest relative, the Queensland Bottle-tree found in our drier regions. Until relatively recently, this magnificent tree was unknown to science; its still so new in fact that it lacks a formal scientific name! Join legendary Queensland amateur botanist Glenn Leiper as we...

E17 - A bird beloved show art E17 - A bird beloved

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

This episode of Back from the Brink - The Podcast, delves into the trials and tribulations of running a citizen science venture and birding day events all in the name of saving Australia's smallest, and one of its rarest, black-cockatoos; the Glossy Black-cockatoo. To find out more about the amazing Glossy Black-cockatoo and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific's Back from the Brink - Season 4 Episode 3 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page

E16 - Burrowing from the brink show art E16 - Burrowing from the brink

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

This episode of Back from the Brink - The Podcast, recounts the awe-inspiring efforts of Dr Alan Horsup and his team in saving one of the world's rarest mammals from extinction. Join us as we celebrate 50 years of the Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat project! To find out more about the amazing Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific's Back from the Brink - Season 4 Episode 2 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page.

E15 - Our vanishing grandparents show art E15 - Our vanishing grandparents

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

This episode of Back from the Brink - The Podcast, submerges us into the murky world of a living fossil, the Australian Lungfish. Dr David Roberts is a fisheries scientist working for Seqwater and he has a huge passion for our native fish species. To find out more about the amazing Australian Lungfish and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific's Back from the Brink - Season 4 Episode 1 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page.

E14  - Mysterious creatures of the night show art E14 - Mysterious creatures of the night

Back from the Brink - The Podcast

This episode of Back from the Brink - The Podcast, covers the life of Dr Don Sands. Don's work on insects such as the mysterious Southern Pink Underwing moth, is world-renowned. He tells us more on how insect conservation is vital for the future of our planet. To find out more about the amazing Southern Pink Underwing and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific's Back from the Brink - Season 3 Episode 5 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page.

More Episodes

Episode 20 celebrates National Bird Week 2022 with a story of enduring passion for a rather cryptic little brown bird, or LBJ - little brown job, as they're lovingly known in the birding world! The Eastern Bristlebird is an incredibly rare bird in Queensland these days, found only in a tiny slice of grassy upland woodland on the border with northern New South Wales. Even in the species' stronghold, further south in Jervis Bay, it is struggling against the pressures of climate change, introduced feral animals and development. We join a panel of three remarkable women in science, who have dedicated much of their careers to helping support this bird: Liz Gould, Principle Scientist at Healthy Land and Water, Kelly Roche, Senior Threatened Species Officer at NSW Department of Planning and Environment and Shannon Maguire, a consulting ecologist on the project. These three have one thing on their minds, to bring the Eastern Bristlebird back from the brink!


To find out more about the amazing Eastern Bristlebird and how you can help save it from extinction, search for Natura Pacific Back from the Brink - Season 5 Episode 1 available on YouTube, LinkedIn, IGTV and the Natura Pacific Facebook Page, or watch here: https://youtu.be/lJHSTDbsA0A


Visit our new Action Hub webpage: www.natura-pacific.com/actionhub