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The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 4
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 4
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% Season 18 Number 4 This weeks topics: High Oblique Sit Taking a Step Forward High vs. Low Oblique Sit Middle Propulsion Manipulation Don’t forget to check out the latest RECONsider Podcast episode. If you’re running into obstacles every time to try to restart your fitness program, RECONsider your program. RECON may be your solution. JOIN Bill’s Training Program RECON: Learn more at FREE EBOOK by Bill about the RECON principles when you fill out your sign-up form. Hope you had a great week! SIG #exercise #fitness #podcast #movement #stretching #workout #billhartmanpt #DPTstudent #physicaltherapist #strengthcoach #personaltrainer #movement #constraints #wideISA #narrowISA #infrasternalangle #movement #posture #propulsion #obliquesit #walking #gait JOIN Bill’s Training Program RECON: Learn more at FREE EBOOK by Bill about the RECON principles when you fill out your sign-up form. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB: 0:00 This Q&A is with Zach who is working with an athlete with a limited degree of rib cage mobility as indicated by a great deal of limited extremity movement. Such cases require that we identify where any movement is possible and build from there. This video refers to a simple solution video on my YouTube channel in the Simple Solutions playlist. 11:13 This Q&A is a part 2 with Alex as we discuss how lower extremity shape will change to promote what we perceive as a step forward. One thing to keep in mind is that forward is changing directions as we move and change shape. Special thanks to Isaac Newton. 19:38 This Q&A is with Matt who had a question about execution of a high vs. low oblique sit with a client. This gave us an opportunity to classify and compare the differences in propulsive representation, when one may be desirable vs. the other, and some key elements of an effective set-up. 31:24 This Q&A is with Stephen who had used a middle propulsive foot manipulation on a client with great success in recapturing her hip range of motion. We talk through some reasoning as to execution and why it was successful. You can see the manipulation on my YouTube Channel.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 3
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 3
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% Season 18 Number 3 This weeks topics: Reverse Band and Axial Configuration Strategy Using Leading Resistance/Moving Center of Gravity Middle Propulsion and Ground Reaction Force Weight Releasers, Flywheels, and the Pelvic Outlet Don’t forget to check out the latest RECONsider Podcast episode. If you’re running into obstacles every time to try to restart your fitness program, RECONsider your program. RECON may be your solution. Hope you had a great week! SIG SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB: 0:00 This Q&A is with Matt who had a question regarding the influence of axial skeleton configuration on strategies we may use to improve movement. Gravity will affect clients differently based on the their physical structure. Matt already has a very solid understanding, but this video provides recommendations for how you might sequence activities that may include reverse band exercises for best outcomes. 4:32 This Q&A is with Anat who had a question as to how we move the center of gravity with a Narrow ISA individual. She is kind enough to let me walk her through a demonstration of how to use a leading resistance to produce the desired change in her center of gravity. Sometimes one exercise is all you need. 13:30 This Q&A is with Alex who had a question framed around walking that led to discussing how we resolved getting from early propulsion through middle propulsion pushing downward into the ground and then to late propulsion. We ultimately have to push straight down in middle P. 21:58 This Q&A is with Manuel who started with a question about weight releasers. We often talk about bands and chains in prescriptive loading to influence internal dynamics, so this question is a nice adjunct to that concept. Not only do we have appendicular influences, but the pelvic outlet behavior must also be considered. There are also secondary consequences to consider.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 2
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 2
This weeks topics: Late ER of the Upper Extremity Cutting Mechanics/Pelvic outlet Cutting Mechanics/slant board use Don’t forget to check out the latest RECONsider Podcast episode. Hope you had a great week! Link in bio. SIG SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB: 0:00 This Q&A is with Anat who had a foundational question in regard to working with Narrow ISA individuals and capturing the late ER representation on the right side. She had a martial arts background, so we use this as an example. This led to discussion of how the relative movement in the upper extremity changes with position. 7:04 This Q&A is with Thanasis who wanted to review the mechanics of cutting in regard to the pelvic outlet and connective tissue behaviors. This also gave us an opportunity to understand the necessity of our intentions with exercise selection and the importance of secondary consequences. 19:31 This Q&A is with Jordan who had a question about some change of direction activity the involves manipulation of the foot position as we move into and out of a cut. Recognition of the actual foot position for change of direction will matter as will recognition of foot position for the activity in question in regard to transfer of one activity to another. There are also secondary consequences that influence systemic movement that may be undesirable.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 1
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 18 - Number 1
This weeks topics: Programming Training/Specialization Conventional vs. Sumo Deadlift Trendelenburg gait cause-solution Structural differences/pronated feet SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB: 0:00 This Q&A is part 2 with Greg discussing programming and organization of training. We get into the high specialized athletes like baseball pitchers, training elements throughout the year, and recapturing your KPI’s on a predictable schedule. Really good discussion. 4:57 This Q&A is with Shan who is a powerlifter with a Narrow ISA archetype. His question pertains as to why he would choose a conventional vs. Sumo stance in his deadlift. Here’s some reasoning as to why one may be better than the other. 11:11 Today’s Q&A is with Anat who had a question regarding Trendelenburg gait causes and solutions. We discuss what you’ll find and what you’ll need to achieve to resolve it. 23:57 This Q&A is with Matt who asked a question regarding the influence of idiosyncratic structural differences on how someone may compensate. When we understand what the options are, we can see how individual differences may produce the magnitude of movement limitation or allow movement and adaptation to occur. The “pronated foot” takes on greater meaning when we deepen our understanding.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 10
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 10
This weeks topics: Cuing abdominal muscles for breathing Sleeping position fix Connective tissue yield and timing Programming and superimposing capabilities 0:00 This Q&A is with Alex who has a situation where a physical constraint may be interfering with effective breathing. In many cases, the solution to the problem will be determined in real time as you coach them through an activity. This video offers coaching cues and recommendations for techniques as you work through the process. 10:23 This Q&A is with Anat who initially had a question about head and neck positioning during activity, but then shifted discussion toward sleeping positions. While there may be some accommodation for comfort required at times, as with movement, sleep position is about recapturing options during the day. 24:43 This Q&A is with Alex who asked a foundational question regarding connective tissue yielding behaviors. This allowed us to dig into some specific representations about how this behavior influences the elements of timing and energy transfer during activities. Some great stuff here. 38:49 This Q&A is Part 1 of a discussion of programming and organization of training with Greg. Looking at how you can superimpose movement with other qualities such as force production without interfering or minimizing the decline of capabilities is one of the great challenges of how you organize training. This was a long discussion that covers a lot of ground. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 9
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 9
This weeks topics: Oscillatory techniques to reduce muscle activity Hip, knee, and foot/knee pain 500 pounds deadlift/weak hamstrings part 1 500 pounds deadlift/weak hamstrings part 2 0:00 This Q&A is with Bori, Cameron, and Anat as we discuss application of oscillatory methods to reduce or optimize muscle tension. We can apply them to patients/clients and even to ourselves. You’ll often see athletes use them pre-event to help them feel prepared for their event. 07:24 This Q&A is with Bori who is working with a client who has some knee issues and some very telling signs that will lead treatment. This gives us an opportunity to review some of the relationships between the foot and rest of the lower extremity. 13:32 This Q&A is part 1 of a conversation with Matt who is recognizing the limited perspective of a structural-reductionist model in regard to determining ideal positions for specific activity. Branding a muscle as weak requires a much deeper explanation than making an assumption that there is just something limiting at the actual muscle level. Position always matters. 22:15 This Q&A is Part 2 with Matt as we continue talking about the influence of pelvis, joint, and muscle position as an influence on what is perceived as isolated muscle weakness. Positional testing provides us with perspective on why some may believe that the problem lies within an individual muscle rather than understanding the systemic influence. This also provides an understanding of the coordinative strategy to execute a lift like a heavy deadlift. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 8
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 8
This weeks topics: 0:00 This Q&A is with Alex who had a question regarding bony adaptations and using techniques to reduce compressed representation resulting in the late propulsive external rotation. This allowed us to talk through the reasoning as to why a mobilization may or may not be effective as the starting conditions will matter. 07:52 This Q&A is with Thenasis who asked me about how I manage information and learning. I do it the hard way with notecards, paper, and fireboxes. I also use apps to a degree as so much information is electronic. 15:01 This Q&A is with Alex who is work on improving a patient’s foot shape and had some questions about the results. This led us to discussing some strategies that may be helpful or hindering especially when it comes to using heel lifts at the wrong time when the leg appears to be short. 29:12 This Q&A is with Zach who is making great progress on an athlete after an ACL surgery. She’s having some intermittent knee symptoms with specific activities. Cues and specific exercises are helpful, but we breakdown remaining compensations that may resolve the ongoing symptoms. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 7
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 7
This weeks topics: Baseball pitcher with elbow pain Experience matters Hip range of motion/Dirty table tests Swinging a baseball bat/back pain 0:00 This Q&A is with Zach who is working with a baseball player with lateral elbow pain (aka tennis elbow). Zach is doing great work to resolve symptoms but his patient is still lacking full traditional elbow extension and feels weakness in his hand. We walk through how to address each element including how to visualize the position at the elbow. BTW, got an update from Zach and he nailed it with treatment and got back the elbow range of motion! 13:03 This Q&A is with Cameron that ended up with an explanation of why you must be patient and recognize that you’re playing a long game in regard to your meaningful work.
Consistency with your efforts over a long time to acquire knowledge and then applying it to produce quality experience is how you will improve. 16:49 This Q&A is with Alexsander (hope I’m spelling that correctly!) who had a great foundational question about hip measures. This allowed us to review how we can identify what our measures actually represent in regard to what is producing the movement we observe. 24:27 This Q&A is with Zach who is working with a baseball player showing some back pain when he swings a bat. The pain is difficult to reproduce otherwise, but Zach has already done a great job in cleaning up the symptoms. This discussion looks at why the pain may have been present in the first place. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 6
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 6
This weeks topics: 0:00 Early vs. Late Hip External Rotation - Q&A is with Thenasis who had a question about hip external rotation measures. We lose and gain movement depending on context and pelvis orientation. This is a great review to help you understand hip ER. 4:33 Clawed Toes - Q&A is with Manuel who is identifying a representation of a late propulsive foot behavior while the foot is on the ground. The result is often seen in the clawing of the toes. Here’s a description of how that happens. 9:53 Turning a Right Oblique Orientation - Q&A is with Cameron who is working through the processs of promoting the left turn toward starting conditions for a Wide ISA archetype. Positioning, process, and foot cues will all provide an influence for a favorable outcome. 22:32 Understanding Foot Contacts - Q&A is part 2 with Cameron with an assist from Dale. We discuss how we use foot contacts to direct changes in sacral orientation and shift the center of gravity depending on archetype. Why do we spend less time talking about the 5th metatarsal head vs the 1st? SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 5
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 5
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% Season 17 Number 5 This weeks topics: Posterior shoulder impingement - This Q&A is with Ian who had a question regarding posterior shoulder pain/impingement (aka internal impingement). We discuss how this evolves relative to each of the Wide or Narrow ISA archetypes. Elbow pain and exercise selection - This Q&A is with Thanasis who is working with a client with some broad pain complaints but some very focal symptoms in her elbows. This gave us an opportunity to break down the low oblique and prone activities as well as discuss common compensations we’ll see as we attempt to put clients in optimal positions for exercise. Shin splints - 2 presentations - This Q&A is with Jordan who is working with two patients both with diagnoses of shin splint but with differing symptoms. Not all shin splints are created equal. Different symptoms are often associated with differing behaviors. The better our understanding of contributing factors, the better our solutions. Patellar tendinitis and joint orientation - This Q&A is with Stewart who is working with an athlete with patellar tendon pain. Extremity and muscle orientation will play a strong role in producing the resultant symptoms. Stewart gives us a great representation of what to look for with these anterior knee diagnoses. Don’t forget to check out the RECONsider Podcast episode on Breathing as well! SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 4
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 4
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% Season 17 Number 4 This weeks topics: Self-test Hip ER Knee pain Pelvic outlet structure/influences The step-by-step Hooklying Cross Connect video is quite visual an up on my YouTube channel. 0:00 This Q&A is with Anat who is working through the concept of reverse engineering movement in a Narrow ISA individual and is uncertain of which measures to attend to as changes take place. We also discuss how to self-test using a split squat. 5:45 This Q&A is with Zach who is working with an offensive lineman in America football. Zach made a great call on an activity to restore knee movement that was lacking and most likely contributing to the athlete’s knee pain. We break down the knee orientation via some reproduction of symptoms and why he most likely got a good result. 18:19 This Q&A is with Alex who had a great foundational question regarding the mechanics of the diaphragm that led us to compare it to the pelvic outlet. I think terminology creates confusion as to how the thorax and pelvis change shape. Maybe this will help. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 3
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 3
This weeks topics: 0:00 This is a short one with Dante who had a foundational question on pelvis shape and position between the Narrow ISA and wide ISA archetypes. Structure is different, so tendencies and behavior follows. 2:38 This Q&A is with Thenasis who had a question about how to reverse engineer the wide and narrow ISA archetype position. To know where to take them, you need to understand where they came from and how they got there. 8:26 This Q&A is with Jake concerning the contributing factors of what appears to be a left or a right hip shift in a squat. We break down right and left in regard to Narrow ISA vs. Wide ISA as well. 16:35 This Q&A is with Kevin who had a question about the common finding on x-ray of a straightened cervical spine. Discussion covers a bit about how it will arise on a wide ISA individual and how we want to address thorax influences to assist with recapturing useful positions and movement. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 2
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 2
This weeks topics: 0:00 Gravity Reduced vs. Upright Activities - Today’s Q&A is with Zach who is making good changes with one of his athletes but recognized the loss of relative movement in upright activities vs. gravity reduced positions. The influence of gravity will alter strategy even though one may seem to demonstrate full relative movement in table tests. This will require further progression of your interventions and maybe some assistance from orthoses. 7:02 Anterior-Posterior expansion in side lying - Today’s Q&A is with Misha who is working with a client strongly compressed anterior-posterior. He has tried using a rolling behavior that showed less than desired improvement. We talked through strategies to progressively promote the expansion in side lying via positioning and extremity movement. Hope you had a great week! Link in bio. SIG #exercise #fitness #podcast #movement #stretching #workout #billhartmanpt #DPTstudent #physicaltherapist #strengthcoach #personaltrainer #movement #constraints #wideISA #narrowISA #infrasternalangle #movement #posture #shoulderpain #impingement SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 1
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 17 - Number 1
0:00 This is Part 1 with Alex who had a question on how movement is sequenced in an extremity depending on the activity in question. Joint position will influence muscle behavior, and therefore, influences direction of energy and movement. 6:42 This Q&A is Part 2 of Alex’s question regarding muscle behavior, muscle position, and the influences that may result in what we observe structurally. Much to consider. 15:38 This Q&A is with David as part of a discussion about a client with shoulder impingement. During discussion we reviewed what an inhale looks like and how the shoulder would be influenced. This allows us to determine the process that resulted in symptoms, and how to reverse engineer the process to resolve them. 20:55 This Q&A builds on David’s question from yesterday in regard to a client with shoulder impingement. In talking about lower cervical spine mechanics that are needed in this situation, conversation turned toward execution of a hook lying cross connect exercise and proper cuing to get the desired result. Ian stepped in near the end to give the assist. SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 10
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 10
This weeks topics: Hand mobilization with arm bars Anterior knee pain and hip ROM influence Anterior knee pain and pelvis shape SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 9
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 9
SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB: This weeks topics: Hand and wrist relative movement The essential source of all movement How do energy and fatigue influence movement
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 8
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 8
SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: : Web: 0:00 Today’s Q&A is with Anat who had a questions about how we can perceive the spine moving in internal and external rotation which led to a discussion of distinguishing relative movement from orientation. Great foundational questions. 11:34 Today’s Q&A is with Zach who is working with a Wide ISA athlete who is having difficulty managing her center of gravity and demonstrating a very strong IR compensatory strategy to maintain control. This is a really good discussion to understand just how far the center of gravity can move, and how to intervene. 23:06 Today’s Q&A is with Max who is working with a client in need of an upper extremity positional change. This discussion hits on some key elelments of why, when and how you’d use a low oblique sit. 36:20 Today’s Q&A is with Alex who understands how air flow fill the lung on inhalation but wanted clarification on how the lung empties. This is influenced by strategy and structure. Narrow vs. Wide ISA’s will use different strategies and require different cues.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 7
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 7
SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content:YT: : : : This weeks topics: 0:00 Today’s Q&A is with Matt who got permission to share client photos that offer opportunities to identify movement strategies used to manage center of gravity. While photos don’t tell you everything, they expand your ability to determine how and why someone moves the way they do. Be sure to check out my IG account for the visual. 11:13 Today’s Q&A is part 2 with Matt who is sharing posture photos of the client. We can use these photos to provide clues as to what type of movement strategies that someone may be using to control their center of gravity and how they interact by using their internal and external rotations. Be sure to check out my IG account for the visual. 22:44 Today’s Q&A is with Teja who is working with a Narrow ISA individual who is using a strong compressive strategy to stay inside of their base of support. In most cases, we just need to move them toward an early propulsive representation to resolve the issue. However, in some cases, reverse engineering requires capturing the ER shape change first. This discussion gives you the understanding with a demo as well. 32:07 Today’s Q&A is with Dante who had a question regarding training young kids, posture, and how their connective tissue behavior may influence how we work with them in their activities. Kids are not little adults. You must speak their language.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 6
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 6
This weeks topics: Knee pain on stairs Distal to Proximal Joint Mobilization Shoulder Mechanics Pelvis shape and hip rotation YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 5
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 5
This weeks topics: Foot contacts/Internal rotation Rectus Abdominis Strategy/Interference Relative to compensatory movement Knee “hypertextension” YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 4
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 4
This weeks topics: Patellar Tendon Pain Foot mechanics/Internal rotation Right Shift Squat Barbell vs. Dumbbell Bench Press. YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 3
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 3
This weeks topics: Programming Planks Achilles Tendon Pain Influences How We Step Forward Agility/Change of Direction and Back Pain SUBSCRIBE for even more helpful content: YT: IG: FB: WEB:
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 2
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 2
This weeks topics: Early Propulsive Foot/Neurodynamics IR Pelvis Shape Breathing/Lifting Mechanics Internal Rotation Compensation/Foot Reminder: Every Thursday morning at 6am EST you can join me and a bunch of smart coaches and therapists for the Coffee ’n’ Coaches Conference call. Talk training and rehab or just get some social interaction to go with your morning coffee.
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 1
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 16 - Number 1
This weeks topics: Shin Splints/Complexity Going from Late to Early Propulsion Wide ISA Shoulder Impingements
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 10
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 10
This weeks topics: Chessboard interpretation/Relative Movement Assessment, Structure, and Emergent Behavior Athletic Pubalgia/Foot to Pelvis System Failure/Perspective
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 9
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 9
This weeks topics: Connective tissue yield/interference Overhead pressing and golfers Manual Approach/Wide ISA
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 8
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 8
This weeks topics: Glute max development/Consequences Swimmer’s neck and shoulder Left Shift Squat Obturator Internus Anatomy
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 7
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 7
This weeks topics: Anterior orientation Wide ISA vs Narrow ISA Tendinopathy and Knee Pain Toe touch and Early Propulsion Golf Swing and My Model
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 6
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 6
This weeks topics: Wide stance squat/medial knee pain Yielding Strategies/Vertical Jump Shape Change/Relative Movement Foot & Pelvis ITY Exercise Influence on Posture
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 5
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% - Season 15 - Number 5
This weeks topics: Elbow after a Tommy John Manipulating pelvis position with IR and ER Differential between front squat and back squat How to manipulate the box in a box squat or Olympic pull Pressurizing the pelvic outlet