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Boot Camp Challenge

Hey my fitfam! I feel super blessed to spend time with you. And, even more blessed to share all things fitness and wellness with you in our Boot Camp Challenge® podcast! In our Boot Camp Challenge® podcast I will share the truth of all things fitness and wellness. We will talk about the best workouts out there, top nutrition hacks, how to lose weight, how to gain weight, why you can’t lose weight, kids fitness, boomers fitness, hormones, alcohol, and the list goes on. I will also invite guest speakers who are experts in their fields. I will interview campers so you get a real life perspective on the balance of fitness and wellness. And, sometimes I will just rant. But it will always be the TRUTH. Always. Thank you for your time. I do know it is your most valuable commodity to give. And I will always appreciate it.

info_outline Seasonal Depression 10/30/2023
info_outline Weight loss drugs, diet coke and menopause. We mention it all with Abby Langer! 09/22/2023
info_outline Are you a Covid Long-Hauler?! Yep, so is my husband. 07/22/2021
info_outline Tired Of Being Tired?! READ THIS. 12/16/2020
info_outline Nutrition Questions, Answers, and Shockers 11/06/2020
info_outline Campers, Conversations & Cocktails 09/29/2020
info_outline Real Talk on Racial Injustice and Making Changes 06/18/2020
info_outline The Covid-19 Virus and How We Can Win This War 04/06/2020
info_outline Meal Planning 101 02/26/2020
info_outline Do Kegels Really Work? And All Your Bladder Questions Answered 02/10/2020
info_outline A Woman on a Mission to Help Other Women 12/04/2019
info_outline A Couple’s Hope, Laughter, and Heartbreak During Their Struggle through Infertility 11/20/2019
info_outline How to Combat Anxiety and Move Through Worry 10/21/2019
info_outline How a Misdiagnosis Lead to a 100 Pound Weight Gain and the Journey Back 10/09/2019
info_outline Menopause – How to Survive It! 09/18/2019
info_outline The Road to Sobriety – A Chat with Virginia Kerr 08/21/2019
info_outline How I'm Going to Get More Peeps Movin with a Little Help From My Friends 08/05/2019
info_outline My Coffee Chat with Tim Ezell – Spirituality, the Importance in our Overall Wellness 07/23/2019
info_outline How to Create a Workout Just for You 06/12/2019
info_outline Me and My Bikini 05/29/2019
info_outline This One is for All My Mammas 05/15/2019
info_outline How Trainer Turned Chef Became the Answer for Eating Right 05/01/2019
info_outline How to Make Your Family Healthy WITHOUT Being a Nag 04/15/2019
info_outline Why the Scale Does NOT Determine Your Self Worth 04/03/2019
info_outline My Interview with a Spice Girl 03/18/2019
info_outline How My Camper Lost 30 Pounds 03/04/2019
info_outline Diets and Exercise – Who Do You Trust? 02/06/2019
info_outline The Truth About the Celery Juice Craze and Other Diets 01/23/2019
info_outline Women Bosses – Running the Track and Running the World 12/19/2018
info_outline Struggling with Your Mental Health? Please Listen to This! 12/05/2018