Born Unbreakable Podcast
Dez Maya is a Transformational Coach and Lifestyle Entrepreneur who has over 15 years of consulting and coaching experience. Her mission is to help others crush their self-limiting beliefs and be unapologetically the unique individuals they’re meant to be. Her show features inspirational guests with unbreakable spirits and stories of perseverance and growth from all industries and walks of life. Get ready for an unbreakable ride!
Ep. 157 Choose Action over Apathy with Transformation Expert, Coach Dez
Ep. 157 Choose Action over Apathy with Transformation Expert, Coach Dez
We live in a world now of information overload. Information comes at us so quickly that it can be paralyzing and prevent people from taking meaningful action as they try to decipher it all. In this episode, I talk about examples that I experienced recently of how people have been apathetic on such critical topics in our society. In these examples, I address politics and sex trafficking as we get repeated exposure to the Donald Trump indictments and the movie, Sound of Freedom. It is more imperative now than ever to get informed, have opinions, take stances, and make intentional decisions. Choosing ignorance is what stagnates us and prevents forward progress. I also announce that Born Unbreakable is getting a co-host! Tune in to find out who it is. The show will be taken to a whole new level. You won’t want to miss an episode…ever! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 156 Conscious Compassionate Communication with Psychotherapist, Dr. Heather Browne
Ep. 156 Conscious Compassionate Communication with Psychotherapist, Dr. Heather Browne
It’s an honor to have Dr. Heather Browne, psychotherapist on the show! Heather and I participated in Ashley Mansour’s Author Accelerator and Publishing programs together, so it was very special to have a fellow aspiring author on the show. As a young girl, Heather watched her mom suffer with schizophrenia. Her mom killed herself when Heather was 16 years old. She was disowned by her father and on her own at seventeen. Heather’s experience helped her realize that each one of us live in different realities therefore communicating with others is one of the most challenging things humans encounter – how do we help others understand the reality we are in? Through conscious compassionate communication, we can thoughtfully shift our relationships and elevate our connections. Tune in to learn more about how to become a better communicator and how to purchase Heather’s upcoming book. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Dr. Heather Browne: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 155 What I Learned from My Racist Neighbor
Ep. 155 What I Learned from My Racist Neighbor
Racism is real. People experience it every day. In this episode, I talk about the experience with my racist neighbor. He calls the cops every time we host black people at our home. He records our house 24/7. He is devoted to driving us out of the neighborhood. Tune in for all the details and what I have learned. If you have experienced or are experiencing racism, remember not to let the uneducated and fearful take your power. Rising above the ignorant and uninformed can feel difficult, but the best way to change the environment around you is to be the change you want to see. It requires that you vibrate higher. If you had a racist neighbor, what would you do? Share your thoughts. I would love to hear how you would manage the situation. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 154 Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life with Addiction Expert, Dr. Robb Kelly
Ep. 154 Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life with Addiction Expert, Dr. Robb Kelly
Would you risk losing it all – your home, cars, family, money, and stability so you could spend over a year living on the streets searching for your next drink? That was Dr. Robb Kelly’s life at one point. He went from million-dollar home to living under the trees in Manchester, England. He was an alcoholic. His alcoholism started when he was a young musician living the fast, fun life and carried on into his adulthood. Robb has a sensational story of transformation that will blow you away. He’s helped thousands of people, including celebrities suffering miserably, recover from a variety of addictions permanently. His program guarantees recovery and if there is a relapse, patients get their money back – that’s how bulletproof his program is. He gets to the root of trauma and uses techniques like neuro-linguistic programming and somatic practices to help people heal. Robb is known all over the world for his expertise serving on countless TV shows like The Doctors and podcasts to share his knowledge and experience. No BS, no sugar-coating. All heart and all inspiration. This is a must listen! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Dr. Robb Kelly: Website: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 153 Develop Inner Leadership and Self-Compassion with Transformational Health Coach, Kristin Larsen
Ep. 153 Develop Inner Leadership and Self-Compassion with Transformational Health Coach, Kristin Larsen
Kristin struggled with not feeling enough growing up like so many people do. He had trouble with finding his purpose in life. He compared himself to others and judged himself. He thought he had to be perfect. Kristin didn’t have the proper tools to work through his suffering. He had to learn how to let go of self-limiting beliefs. Kristin’s journey led him to the road of becoming a transformational health coach. He helps people work on their inner leadership, practice self-compassion, and find joy in each day. He is the co-author of Decision to Heal: Pathways from Suffering to Love. This episode is a great reminder that right now, you are enough, and you are worthy. Share this episode with someone who could use some uplifting! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Kristin Larsen: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Private Community: Meetup Group: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 152 Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship with Dále Vino Wine Bar Owner, Tara Sanders
Ep. 152 Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship with Dále Vino Wine Bar Owner, Tara Sanders
Tara Sanders is the Founder and Owner of one of the few black-owned wine bars in the world. She founded Dále Vino Wine Bar in Pittsburg, California because she had a vision for bringing her love for wine and the community together. She is also a higher education administrator which is another role in which she radiates her passion for public service. In this episode, Tara shares her honest journey to starting her own business and what it has meant to be a heart-centered entrepreneur. This growth experience has been a part of helping Tara embrace imperfection and appreciate that an entrepreneur’s success is a team effort. Her tenacity, enthusiasm, and determination will inspire you. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Tara Sanders and Dále Vino Wine Bar: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 151 Enhance the Intimacy in Your Life with Intimacy Expert, Melisa Keenan
Ep. 151 Enhance the Intimacy in Your Life with Intimacy Expert, Melisa Keenan
Melisa Keenan had an ancestry that was riddled with betrayal in relationships. She watched her parents suffer through divorce. She watched her father die from cancer at a young age. She poured her time into school and activities through her teenage years as she was raised on by her aunt and family on a ranch. Melisa also battled with an eating disorder. When she met her husband and had their first baby at 20 years old, she fell apart because she had not dealt with her trauma-filled past. Diagnosed with PTSD, Melisa started focusing on her healing journey. Part of that journey was separation from her husband. It took two and a half years for her and her husband to get to a place of deep trusting intimacy. Today, she has a thriving marriage and four beautiful children. Melisa helps single and couples find greater intimacy, connection, and sovereignty. How did Melisa go from struggle to sovereign? How do you want to enhance the intimacy in your life? Tune in to learn more! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Melisa Keenan: Website: YouTube: Facebook: LinkedIn: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 150 What Does it Take to Thrive with Author, Bill Murphy
Ep. 150 What Does it Take to Thrive with Author, Bill Murphy
Bill Murphy grew up in a toxic and abusive environment. Throughout his life, he struggled with the self-limiting belief of self-doubt. Despite the challenges he faced, he chose not to be a victim. Bill believes that you can become a victim, survivor, or thriver. In this episode, he talks about the path to thriving. He wrote the book Thriving in the Storm: Nine Principles to Help You Overcome Any Adversity. Buy the book here: . Bill inspires us to understand that thriving takes important steps like making peace with the past, gratitude, healing, and forgiveness. As an avid marathoner and competitive athlete (iron man anyone?), Bill knows how excuses can dominate our thoughts, but when we choose faith and fortitude, we are doing more than accomplishing a goal, we are leaving a legacy. Tune in now! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Bill Murphy: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 149 Letting Go of Past Identities with Coach Dez
Ep. 149 Letting Go of Past Identities with Coach Dez
Have you let go of past versions of yourself that no longer serve you? We adopt our identities at a young age largely based on feedback we get through our adolescent and young adult life. You may have been deemed outgoing or introverted, a dare devil or cautious, perhaps academic, or adventurous. The personas we once were, may fade or evolve as we expand our experiences and horizons. That’s OK! Change is inevitable and in fact necessary to be better versions of ourselves later in life. Coach Dez talks about how there are characteristics that remain at our core, but how growth should be a natural part of the human experience. She shares personal and professional examples of her own growth and improvement areas she has worked on like people-pleasing and perfectionism. Ask yourself: Are you the person that you want to be today? What labels do you need to let go of or evolve from? What steps will you take to continue growing into who you want to become? Are the people in your immediate circle positively serving your growth? Who do you need to surround yourself with to support your growth journey? Personality assessments to consider: Free test about your personality type/traits: Free Enneagram personality test: Discover your top 5 strengths (~$10+): Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 148 Improve How You Manage Stress with PeaceFull Living Founder, Roberta Hughes
Ep. 148 Improve How You Manage Stress with PeaceFull Living Founder, Roberta Hughes
Meet Roberta Hughes, Founder of PeaceFull Living. In today’s episode, Roberta sheds light on a variety of different ways we can better manage stress. This comes at a great time since April is stress awareness month. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or stressed, take a step back and incorporate some mindful practices into your day. During the interview, Roberta does a breathing exercise with Coach Dez that you could easily integrate into your day to reset as you shift from one thing to the next. Roberta founded PeaceFull Living to be more intentional about stress management in her own life, especially as a busy mom. Now she helps others experience the benefits of Pilates, Yoga, and Meditation. She provides great tips such as 2-to-5-minute Zen breaks that you don’t want to miss! Be sure sign up for a 30 day free membership to PeaceFullLiving: . Member benefits include: Self-care success small group call Personalized self-care plan Unlimited livestream classes Unlimited on-demand classes 10% savings on Standard Pricing for services Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Roberta Hughes: 30 Day Free Membership for PeaceFull Living: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 147 Coach Dez Reveals More About Born Unbreakable, The Book!
Ep. 147 Coach Dez Reveals More About Born Unbreakable, The Book!
Coach Dez’s partner, Aaron interviews her about Born Unbreakable, the book! The book’s central focus is on overcoming self-limiting beliefs. Coach Dez reveals more about the process of writing a book, the why behind writing the book, and what readers can expect. This is just the beginning of Coach Dez’s journey to sharing more about her own struggles and the framework she’s developed to help people believe in themselves and their capabilities. She understands what it’s like to have feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt, and fear. Coach Dez’s goal is for everyone to live their best, unapologetic, and abundant life. It starts with recognizing the origins of our limiting beliefs and taking intentional steps to shifting our mindset and habits to unlock the new actions and elevated beliefs. Tune in and write a review on Apple Podcasts to share your feedback. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 146 Advice for Caregiving with Life Coach & Hypnotherapist, Tarla Makaeff
Ep. 146 Advice for Caregiving with Life Coach & Hypnotherapist, Tarla Makaeff
Tarla Makaeff is back on the Born Unbreakable Podcast! Last time we talked about copyright, social media, and marketing. Today, Tarla joins me to talk candidly about the challenges of caregiving. On March 14th, 2023 the She is Magic Unforgettable book (part of the She is Magic book series) is launching on Amazon and Tarla shares a chapter in the book about her experience being a caregiver to her mother. Together, we talk about tips and strategies for how to leverage resources and support through the difficult process of caring for an ill loved one. This is something Tarla is passionate about shedding more light on so others don’t have to experience the hardships and mental health struggle she did. This episode is full of great insights. Even if you are not caring for a loved one, you may one day find yourself in this seat, so tune in and learn. Be sure to buy the book on Amazon on March 14th. All proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Tarla Makaeff Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Snapchat: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 145 Retrain Your Brain to Boost Happy Chemicals with Dr. Loretta Breuning
Ep. 145 Retrain Your Brain to Boost Happy Chemicals with Dr. Loretta Breuning
What makes us happy? Did you know that you can retrain your brain to boost happy chemicals, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins? Dr. Loretta Breuning joins me on the show today to discuss what motivations cause us to produce happy chemicals and how we’re wired based on our upbringing. Do you believe that happiness is a choice? This discussion illuminates how we can control more than we may think through intentional thought and behavioral patterns. If you want to experience more happiness and learn the science behind how to do it, tune in! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Dr. Loretta Breuning Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 144 Celebrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Ep. 144 Celebrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
As Black History month ends and we move into Women’s History month, there’s a lot to celebrate! In this episode, I provide my perspective on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and ways to celebrate the diverse communities around us. When we speak a common language, remain curious, aim to learn, and normalize diversity discussions, we can move the needle towards more harmony, unity, and understanding. I also share more about the upcoming WO3 Day which occurs on March 25, 2023 where we come together across the globe to partner, promote, and support women-owned businesses. Learn more here: Share your thoughts on DEI with me and share this episode with someone who could benefit from it! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 143 It's Possible to Become a Millennial Millionaire with Sunder Energy Co-Founder, Steven Cohen
Ep. 143 It's Possible to Become a Millennial Millionaire with Sunder Energy Co-Founder, Steven Cohen
Steven Cohen dropped out of college at UNLV and today he is a millennial millionaire. How did he do it? He’s got the millionaire mindset and the action to back up his dreams. He spent time studying network marketing, sales, and leadership. Then, in 2015 he entered the solar industry and eventually co-founded Sunder Energy in 2018. He has built a culture that is second to none and has the drive we should all aspire to. Steven is the host of the new podcast, Millennial Millionaire where he inspires the world through interviewing those with powerful stories just like his. In this episode, Steven shares his journey and breaks down the benefits of solar energy. No matter your age or background, this episode is one you don’t want to miss listening to! Share this with someone who could use motivation. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Steven Cohen: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Instagram: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 142 What Life Brings When You Surrender with Success Coach, Shane Flannigan
Ep. 142 What Life Brings When You Surrender with Success Coach, Shane Flannigan
Shane Flannigan lived a life he loved in law enforcement. An incident he experienced while on the job led to Shane’s diagnosis of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Many healers came into Shane’s life thereafter – doctors, therapists, a life coach, and other spiritual teachers. When Shane surrendered to the lessons he learned, he was alleviated from his PTSD. He knows what it is like to feel scared, lost, and stressed. He is a student of life and as the Founder of North Pole Life Coach and Author of “Shades of Broken,” Shane is now helping others to achieve clarity, balance, and success. The voyage he has been on will provoke reflection and encourage a deeper sense of surrender. Shane serves as Santa Clause every year and his brand is Christmas themed. Tune in and enjoy the sleigh ride! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Shane Flannigan: Website: YouTube: Facebook: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Patreon: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 141 What it Takes to Be a Visionary with BrEpic CEO, Justin Breen
Ep. 141 What it Takes to Be a Visionary with BrEpic CEO, Justin Breen
Every week Justin Breen, the CEO of the global PR firm BrEpic Communications and BrEpic Network, meets with visionaries to turn their ideas into reality. In this episode, Justin shares insights about the characteristics of being a visionary, the importance of community, and how putting family first can be the heart of one’s success. His book Epic Life: How to Build Collaborative Global Companies While Putting Your Loved Ones First is a treasure trove of gold so check that out too. It’s a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best seller, so it won’t disappoint. Justin also gives his first-hand account about how money does not produce happiness. If you believe in an abundant vs. scarcity mindset, this podcast episode for you. I guarantee you’ll learn a thing or two! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Justin Breen: Website: Book: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 140 10 Hours that Could Change Your Life Forever with Hypnotherapist, Matthew Brownstein
Ep. 140 10 Hours that Could Change Your Life Forever with Hypnotherapist, Matthew Brownstein
What if I told you that with 10 hours of hypnotherapy, your whole life could change for the better? Many people face years of anguish and suffering and try a variety of modalities to heal their agony from talk therapy and meditation to healing retreats and specialized coaches. When there are blockages that run deep, sometimes traditional methods don’t get to the root cause of our suffering. Hypnotherapist and Executive Director of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, Matthew Brownstein has studied every dimension of healing the mind, body, and spirit from yoga, reiki, and meditation to acupuncture, mysticism, and Tai Chi. The list is extensive and beyond impressive. His learnings span the globe. An ashram, a monastery, a temple…you name it, Matthew has been there. It was when he discovered hypnotherapy that his life changed completely, and he’s been able to help others achieve true transformative healing. Visit . You may be a click or phone call away from being forever transformed. This is such an insightful interview! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Matthew Brownstein: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 139 America Needs Therapy with Author, Phyllis Leavitt
Ep. 139 America Needs Therapy with Author, Phyllis Leavitt
Emptiness, lack of hope, feeling lost, wanting love – have you experienced any of this? Phyllis Leavitt certainly did and one day, a divine voice helped her surrender to the “more” that she was looking for. Today, Phyllis has a private practice where she helps others on their divine journey. She’s documented her journey with this divine presence in her books The Road Home Series, A Light in the Darkness and Into the Fire. Through her experience with inviting more love, light, and healing into her life, she’s now working on her next book about America needing therapy. Imagine if a country could learn the same profound lessons as humanity. A country with less violence, less divisiveness, a higher consciousness, and more love, could achieve better harmony. It’s when we surrender that magic can happen. Tune in and unlock your magic! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Phyllis Leavitt: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 138 Breaking Out, Believing, and Balancing with Podcaster, Tyerra Drake
Ep. 138 Breaking Out, Believing, and Balancing with Podcaster, Tyerra Drake
Meet Tyerra Drake, Corporate Baddie, Entrepreneur, and Host of the G.O.A.L. (Girls on Another Level) Podcast. She is a millennial on a mission to inspire women to reach for their goals, believe in their dreams, and elevate their journeys. Tyerra shares the challenges that she’s faced with overthinking, feeling overwhelmed, and second-guessing herself. As a millennial balancing the age of digitization while wanting to foster meaningful connections, she’s managed to break out to establish her brand, believe in herself despite the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, and find balance to stay centered. She’s a go-getter who will inspire anyone to bet on themselves and enjoy the journey along the way. Tyerra is an all-star example of future leaders. Check out and support her merchandise: . Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Tyerra Drake: Website: Instagram: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 137 Cryptocurrency & NFTs Explained with Crypto Native, Jake Gallen
Ep. 137 Cryptocurrency & NFTs Explained with Crypto Native, Jake Gallen
Did you know that the first decentralized cryptocurrency was Bitcoin which was first released as opensource software in 2009? Did you know that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) date back several years before the NFT Gold Rush occurred during the onset of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic? Why invest in digital currencies? The future is now and Crypto Native, NFT Connoisseur, Entrepreneur, and Host of the Jake Gallen Podcast knows this well. As a Las Vegas native, Jake has built quite the local name for himself, and his brand has earned him 10k+ followers on Twitter where anyone who is someone in crypto spends their time. Within minutes of listening to this episode, it will be immediately obvious that Jake is an expert in his niche. He’s overcome losing it all back in 2018 and knows what research and strategies it takes to be a successful investor in this digital age. I guarantee you’ll leave this episode more enlightened than before you came. Tune in and share! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Jake Gallen: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 136 Reflect and Reset for the New Year with Transformational Expert, Coach Dez
Ep. 136 Reflect and Reset for the New Year with Transformational Expert, Coach Dez
It has been tough for the past two weeks. The end of year frenzy, the stress of starting a new business, writing a book, learning about the loss of Stephen “Twitch” Boss, losing our precious dog Radar, and the zoo we know as holiday travel has taken its toll on me. I needed some time to myself, so I took it. In this episode, I share my reflections and how I have reset going into 2023. I am grateful for a year of learning and expansion. I have quite a lot to focus on heading into the new year. I’m thrilled about the possibilities, challenges, and adventures ahead. One of the key plugs I make as you think about your goals is to consider the boundaries you need to put in place to make space for the people and environment that will enable you to thrive. Share this episode with someone who needs inspiration. Have a marvelous and safe new year! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Episode 135. Getting Clarity on What's Next with CreateNext Group Co-Founder, Kevin Kermes
Episode 135. Getting Clarity on What's Next with CreateNext Group Co-Founder, Kevin Kermes
We all face the decision at some point of “what’s next?” Often that question is related to making a career move. Kevin Kermes, Co-Founder and Partner in CreateNext Group helps professionals create what’s next in their lives. He also founded Career Attraction where he helps high achievers land six figure jobs they love. In this episode, Kevin talks about what the conquest looks like for many people seeking clarity on what’s next in their life. Much of what gets broken down in these pivotal life junctures is old ideologies and limiting beliefs that are no longer serving. For example, one client he had seemed to struggle with believing financial success and happiness couldn’t coexist. To get to what is better, we must spend the time to better ourselves. This episode is rich will information that is sure to help you consider what next looks like for you. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Kevin Kermes: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 134 Achieving the GOLD Standard with 3x Olympic Gold Medalist, Leah Amico
Ep. 134 Achieving the GOLD Standard with 3x Olympic Gold Medalist, Leah Amico
Meet Leah Amico, 3x Olympic Gold Medalist of the USA Softball Team. She epitomizes the GOLD Standard. GOLD stands for being goal-oriented, overcoming obstacles, embracing leadership, and having dedication and drive. Leah achieved her Olympic success and became a 2x world champion, 3x national champion at the University of Arizona, and was inducted into the Softball Hall of Fame because she embodies these standards. Today, she is a motivational speaker, college softball analyst with ESPN, and host of the GOLD Standard Podcast. In this episode, Leah shares her journey, mindset, practices, and beliefs that have led her to excellence. While she faced her own self-limiting beliefs, it’s her passion, purpose, persistence, and preparation that kept her from straying from her dreams. We have an enriching conversation that you’re guaranteed to be inspired by. Follow Leah @leah20usa on Instagram. Visit where you can learn more about Leah and tune in to her uplifting podcast. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Leah Amico: Website: Podcast: Instagram: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 133 How to Improve Your Health, Wealth, & Relationships
Ep. 133 How to Improve Your Health, Wealth, & Relationships
Why wait until 2023 to improve your health, wealth, and relationships? Start now! Of these major components, where do you need to spend the most time and do you have baseline measurements and goals to help you improve? This is the time to take stock. Here are noteworthy actions to consider: Health – evaluate your diet, exercise, and preventative health habits to identify your focus Wealth – know your numbers, manage your debt, spend wisely, and plan your investments Relationships – set boundaries, eliminate toxicity, elevate your circle, & nurture (+) relationships Dez expands on these topics and shares her personal priorities and plans for growth. We underestimate the power of choice and intentionality we have every day. You are one decision away from a better version of you! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 132 Growth, Gratitude, & Reflection with Transformational Expert, Coach Dez
Ep. 132 Growth, Gratitude, & Reflection with Transformational Expert, Coach Dez
This season has reminded me of the importance of getting back to habits of gratitude & reflection. It is in moments of meaningful pause that we can appreciate our growth. Admittedly, I have not done the greatest job lately of having an attitude of gratitude. I have had a nose to the grind attitude chasing one goal after the next. What would life look like if we embraced mindful moments, expressed daily gratitude, and reflected on our progress? In this episode, I discuss both my struggles and learnings. My hope is that what I share resonates with you and you consider how to update your own gratitude and reflection practices. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 131 Bet on Yourself More with Ralph DiBugnara, Real Estate & Mortgage Expert
Ep. 131 Bet on Yourself More with Ralph DiBugnara, Real Estate & Mortgage Expert
Ralph DiBugnara bought his first property at 23 years old, and he’s taken the real estate & mortgage industry by storm ever since. He’s also a branding expert, author, speaker, best-selling author, and President of Home Qualified. Ralph had a humble upbringing in Brooklyn, NY and learned quickly through making poor choices that sustained success would take growth, grit, and gratitude. Today, Ralph is a millennial advocate and is helping educate people all over the world about real estate and investing. He’s crushing it in the AirBNB game and helping many break through as disruptors in life and business. His book, The Growth Trap: A Continuous Plan to Avoid the Traps of Life and Build a Better You is a game-changer. Buy the book here: . You’ll be inspired by Ralph’s personal growth journey and his charisma in business. If you’re doubting yourself or struggling to take action, Ralph will remind you to bet on yourself more! Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Ralph: Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram (Ralph): Instagram (Disrupters Network): Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 130 5 Success Tips to Master
Ep. 130 5 Success Tips to Master
Today, I dive into five success tips to master. In my seventeen years of doing business as a consultant & coach, spending time exploring a variety of entrepreneurial adventures, and watching those who have achieved mega success, these are five consistent things I have learned that can accelerate your trajectory. Discipline – having a daily routine of actions that move you in the direction of your goals Consistency – being disciplined daily, not just occasionally or when you feel like it Patience – recognizing that results take persistence and time; trust the process! Leverage – building the team around you that can accelerate your momentum Fun – prioritizing joy and celebrating big and small moments along the way What resonates with you? What might you need to focus on more? What could you incorporate into your 2023 goals? You do not have to go at this alone. If you need support, reach out to me: . Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 129 How to Build a Brand that Lasts with Branding Expert, Susan H. Meier
Ep. 129 How to Build a Brand that Lasts with Branding Expert, Susan H. Meier
Susan Hamilton Meier spent her life embracing the zig zag unafraid to do all the things she wanted to. She went to Harvard Business School, worked for Boston Consulting Group, traveled the world, created art, and fell in love with the storytelling involved in brand strategy. She knows first-hand what it takes to build an authentic brand and now she is on a mission to empower professional women to own their stories and unlock their promise. In this episode, Susan talks about how it’s completely normal to try different things and gain a variety of experiences. Building a personal brand is about owning your story and living your passion. Susan shares her wisdom and talks about what it takes to build a brand organically that will last. It starts with being yourself; that is your biggest differentiator. Tune in now. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Susan Hamilton Meier: Website: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!
Ep. 128 Extracting Strength from Struggle with Pro Level Training CEO, Joel Green
Ep. 128 Extracting Strength from Struggle with Pro Level Training CEO, Joel Green
“Every pain has a purpose.” This is something that former pro basketball player, CEO of Pro Level Training, and National Director of Nike Sports Camps, Joel Green has learned. He experienced the loss of his brother and the difficulty of divorce. Through those moments of darkness, he developed a process he calls filtering, which he talks about in the book, Filtering: The Way to Extract Strength from the Struggle. In this episode, Joel talks about his experiences, lessons, and vision for helping youth and changing the trajectory of their lives. He grew up in Philadelphia where he was often told what he wasn’t “supposed to” do and he shattered that limiting way of thinking. His story will give you strength in your own struggle. He encourages us to stay curious because there is always something new to learn. Ways to connect with Coach Dez: Website: Podcast: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Email: Clubhouse: @dezmaya Ways to connect with Joel Green: Website: Book: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review this episode!