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Born Unbreakable Podcast

Dez Maya is a Transformational Coach and Lifestyle Entrepreneur who has over 15 years of consulting and coaching experience. Her mission is to help others crush their self-limiting beliefs and be unapologetically the unique individuals they’re meant to be. Her show features inspirational guests with unbreakable spirits and stories of perseverance and growth from all industries and walks of life. Get ready for an unbreakable ride!

info_outline Ep. 157 Choose Action over Apathy with Transformation Expert, Coach Dez 08/14/2023
info_outline Ep. 156 Conscious Compassionate Communication with Psychotherapist, Dr. Heather Browne 07/27/2023
info_outline Ep. 155 What I Learned from My Racist Neighbor 06/28/2023
info_outline Ep. 154 Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life with Addiction Expert, Dr. Robb Kelly 05/20/2023
info_outline Ep. 153 Develop Inner Leadership and Self-Compassion with Transformational Health Coach, Kristin Larsen 04/27/2023
info_outline Ep. 152 Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship with Dále Vino Wine Bar Owner, Tara Sanders 04/27/2023
info_outline Ep. 151 Enhance the Intimacy in Your Life with Intimacy Expert, Melisa Keenan 04/15/2023
info_outline Ep. 150 What Does it Take to Thrive with Author, Bill Murphy 04/13/2023
info_outline Ep. 149 Letting Go of Past Identities with Coach Dez 04/09/2023
info_outline Ep. 148 Improve How You Manage Stress with PeaceFull Living Founder, Roberta Hughes 03/30/2023
info_outline Ep. 147 Coach Dez Reveals More About Born Unbreakable, The Book! 03/28/2023
info_outline Ep. 146 Advice for Caregiving with Life Coach & Hypnotherapist, Tarla Makaeff 03/13/2023
info_outline Ep. 145 Retrain Your Brain to Boost Happy Chemicals with Dr. Loretta Breuning 03/04/2023
info_outline Ep. 144 Celebrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 03/01/2023
info_outline Ep. 143 It's Possible to Become a Millennial Millionaire with Sunder Energy Co-Founder, Steven Cohen 02/19/2023
info_outline Ep. 142 What Life Brings When You Surrender with Success Coach, Shane Flannigan 02/16/2023
info_outline Ep. 141 What it Takes to Be a Visionary with BrEpic CEO, Justin Breen 02/05/2023
info_outline Ep. 140 10 Hours that Could Change Your Life Forever with Hypnotherapist, Matthew Brownstein 02/02/2023
info_outline Ep. 139 America Needs Therapy with Author, Phyllis Leavitt 01/27/2023
info_outline Ep. 138 Breaking Out, Believing, and Balancing with Podcaster, Tyerra Drake 01/18/2023
info_outline Ep. 137 Cryptocurrency & NFTs Explained with Crypto Native, Jake Gallen 01/15/2023
info_outline Ep. 136 Reflect and Reset for the New Year with Transformational Expert, Coach Dez 01/01/2023
info_outline Episode 135. Getting Clarity on What's Next with CreateNext Group Co-Founder, Kevin Kermes 12/14/2022
info_outline Ep. 134 Achieving the GOLD Standard with 3x Olympic Gold Medalist, Leah Amico 12/07/2022
info_outline Ep. 133 How to Improve Your Health, Wealth, & Relationships 12/04/2022
info_outline Ep. 132 Growth, Gratitude, & Reflection with Transformational Expert, Coach Dez 11/26/2022
info_outline Ep. 131 Bet on Yourself More with Ralph DiBugnara, Real Estate & Mortgage Expert 11/20/2022
info_outline Ep. 130 5 Success Tips to Master 11/13/2022
info_outline Ep. 129 How to Build a Brand that Lasts with Branding Expert, Susan H. Meier 11/03/2022
info_outline Ep. 128 Extracting Strength from Struggle with Pro Level Training CEO, Joel Green 10/31/2022