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Ep. 157 Choose Action over Apathy with Transformation Expert, Coach Dez

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Release Date: 08/14/2023

Ep. 157 Choose Action over Apathy with Transformation Expert, Coach Dez show art Ep. 157 Choose Action over Apathy with Transformation Expert, Coach Dez

Born Unbreakable Podcast

We live in a world now of information overload. Information comes at us so quickly that it can be paralyzing and prevent people from taking meaningful action as they try to decipher it all.   In this episode, I talk about examples that I experienced recently of how people have been apathetic on such critical topics in our society. In these examples, I address politics and sex trafficking as we get repeated exposure to the Donald Trump indictments and the movie, Sound of Freedom.   It is more imperative now than ever to get informed, have opinions, take stances, and make intentional...

Ep. 156 Conscious Compassionate Communication with Psychotherapist, Dr. Heather Browne show art Ep. 156 Conscious Compassionate Communication with Psychotherapist, Dr. Heather Browne

Born Unbreakable Podcast

It’s an honor to have Dr. Heather Browne, psychotherapist on the show! Heather and I participated in Ashley Mansour’s Author Accelerator and Publishing programs together, so it was very special to have a fellow aspiring author on the show.    As a young girl, Heather watched her mom suffer with schizophrenia. Her mom killed herself when Heather was 16 years old. She was disowned by her father and on her own at seventeen. Heather’s experience helped her realize that each one of us live in different realities therefore communicating with others is one of the most challenging...

Ep. 155 What I Learned from My Racist Neighbor show art Ep. 155 What I Learned from My Racist Neighbor

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Racism is real. People experience it every day. In this episode, I talk about the experience with my racist neighbor. He calls the cops every time we host black people at our home. He records our house 24/7. He is devoted to driving us out of the neighborhood. Tune in for all the details and what I have learned.    If you have experienced or are experiencing racism, remember not to let the uneducated and fearful take your power. Rising above the ignorant and uninformed can feel difficult, but the best way to change the environment around you is to be the change you want to see. It...

Ep. 154 Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life with Addiction Expert, Dr. Robb Kelly show art Ep. 154 Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life with Addiction Expert, Dr. Robb Kelly

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Would you risk losing it all – your home, cars, family, money, and stability so you could spend over a year living on the streets searching for your next drink? That was Dr. Robb Kelly’s life at one point. He went from million-dollar home to living under the trees in Manchester, England. He was an alcoholic. His alcoholism started when he was a young musician living the fast, fun life and carried on into his adulthood. Robb has a sensational story of transformation that will blow you away. He’s helped thousands of people, including celebrities suffering miserably, recover from a variety...

Ep. 153 Develop Inner Leadership and Self-Compassion with Transformational Health Coach, Kristin Larsen show art Ep. 153 Develop Inner Leadership and Self-Compassion with Transformational Health Coach, Kristin Larsen

Born Unbreakable Podcast

  Kristin struggled with not feeling enough growing up like so many people do. He had trouble with finding his purpose in life. He compared himself to others and judged himself. He thought he had to be perfect. Kristin didn’t have the proper tools to work through his suffering. He had to learn how to let go of self-limiting beliefs. Kristin’s journey led him to the road of becoming a transformational health coach. He helps people work on their inner leadership, practice self-compassion, and find joy in each day. He is the co-author of Decision to Heal: Pathways from Suffering to Love....

Ep. 152 Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship with Dále Vino Wine Bar Owner, Tara Sanders show art Ep. 152 Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship with Dále Vino Wine Bar Owner, Tara Sanders

Born Unbreakable Podcast

  Tara Sanders is the Founder and Owner of one of the few black-owned wine bars in the world. She founded Dále Vino Wine Bar in Pittsburg, California because she had a vision for bringing her love for wine and the community together. She is also a higher education administrator which is another role in which she radiates her passion for public service. In this episode, Tara shares her honest journey to starting her own business and what it has meant to be a heart-centered entrepreneur. This growth experience has been a part of helping Tara embrace imperfection and appreciate that an...

Ep. 151 Enhance the Intimacy in Your Life with Intimacy Expert, Melisa Keenan show art Ep. 151 Enhance the Intimacy in Your Life with Intimacy Expert, Melisa Keenan

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Melisa Keenan had an ancestry that was riddled with betrayal in relationships. She watched her parents suffer through divorce. She watched her father die from cancer at a young age. She poured her time into school and activities through her teenage years as she was raised on by her aunt and family on a ranch. Melisa also battled with an eating disorder. When she met her husband and had their first baby at 20 years old, she fell apart because she had not dealt with her trauma-filled past. Diagnosed with PTSD, Melisa started focusing on her healing journey. Part of that journey was separation...

Ep. 150 What Does it Take to Thrive with Author, Bill Murphy show art Ep. 150 What Does it Take to Thrive with Author, Bill Murphy

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Bill Murphy grew up in a toxic and abusive environment. Throughout his life, he struggled with the self-limiting belief of self-doubt. Despite the challenges he faced, he chose not to be a victim. Bill believes that you can become a victim, survivor, or thriver. In this episode, he talks about the path to thriving. He wrote the book Thriving in the Storm: Nine Principles to Help You Overcome Any Adversity. Buy the book here: . Bill inspires us to understand that thriving takes important steps like making peace with the past, gratitude, healing, and forgiveness. As an avid marathoner and...

Ep. 149 Letting Go of Past Identities with Coach Dez show art Ep. 149 Letting Go of Past Identities with Coach Dez

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Have you let go of past versions of yourself that no longer serve you? We adopt our identities at a young age largely based on feedback we get through our adolescent and young adult life. You may have been deemed outgoing or introverted, a dare devil or cautious, perhaps academic, or adventurous. The personas we once were, may fade or evolve as we expand our experiences and horizons. That’s OK! Change is inevitable and in fact necessary to be better versions of ourselves later in life. Coach Dez talks about how there are characteristics that remain at our core, but how growth should be a...

Ep. 148 Improve How You Manage Stress with PeaceFull Living Founder, Roberta Hughes show art Ep. 148 Improve How You Manage Stress with PeaceFull Living Founder, Roberta Hughes

Born Unbreakable Podcast

Meet Roberta Hughes, Founder of PeaceFull Living. In today’s episode, Roberta sheds light on a variety of different ways we can better manage stress. This comes at a great time since April is stress awareness month. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or stressed, take a step back and incorporate some mindful practices into your day. During the interview, Roberta does a breathing exercise with Coach Dez that you could easily integrate into your day to reset as you shift from one thing to the next. Roberta founded PeaceFull Living to be more intentional about stress management in her...

More Episodes

We live in a world now of information overload. Information comes at us so quickly that it can be paralyzing and prevent people from taking meaningful action as they try to decipher it all.


In this episode, I talk about examples that I experienced recently of how people have been apathetic on such critical topics in our society. In these examples, I address politics and sex trafficking as we get repeated exposure to the Donald Trump indictments and the movie, Sound of Freedom.


It is more imperative now than ever to get informed, have opinions, take stances, and make intentional decisions. Choosing ignorance is what stagnates us and prevents forward progress.


I also announce that Born Unbreakable is getting a co-host! Tune in to find out who it is. The show will be taken to a whole new level. You won’t want to miss an episode…ever!


Ways to connect with Coach Dez:


Website: https://bornunbreakable.com/ 

Podcast: https://podfollow.com/bornunbreakable 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@bornunbreakable

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BornUnbreakable/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bornunbreakable/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bornunbreakable/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dezunbreakable 

Email: [email protected] 

Clubhouse: @dezmaya


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