Bound for Change
Boundaries for Doctors and Professionals with Shola Ezeokoli
Boundaries for Doctors and Professionals with Shola Ezeokoli
Can setting boundaries can be a time-saving tool? How many times do we say: "I don't have time". In some cases, a more truthful response might be "I don't have boundaries!" In this interview with Dr. Shola Ezeokoli, physician, speaker, coach and author, you'll here one of the most important questions that doctors, lawyers, accountants and other professionals on the brink can ask themselves: "What do you want?" A simple question, but so difficult to answer when we've spread ourselves thin and are merely trying to get through the day, let alone manage our time in a way that takes care of ourselves. Dr. Shola Ezeokoli is the multi-talented founder and CEO of Balance with Dr. Shola LLC and the Physician Heal Yourself brand. Known for her vibrant personality and innovative approach to physician coaching, Dr. Shola is passionate about helping early to mid-career physicians create lives of more wealth, autonomy, freedom, and fun through her work as a professional coach, speaker, and author. You can reach out to Dr. Shola here: Book: To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 5:23 Shola's story with burnout while working as a physician 7:24 How the stigmatization of mental health challenges interferes with getting help 8:34 What topic did the media NOT want to hear Dr. Shola speak about with them? 9:26 Doctors are not heroes 13:28 How Dr. Shola helps her physician clients heal from burnout 19:03 Dr. Shola is not a fixer 20:20 Not everything is your business, so stay in your own lane 22:58 Why Dr. Shola won't help everyone 26:36 The KEY question Dr Shola asks her clients 28:13 We can't donate to every cause, so choose what makes most sense
Setting Boundaries with Money with Candice Bakx-Friesen
Setting Boundaries with Money with Candice Bakx-Friesen
I'd like to introduce you to Candice Bakx-Friesen. She is a Canadian woman entrepreneur, real estate agent, sales trainer and certified money coach. Candice is passionate about helping people reach their financial dreams. She is a highly motivated woman who has a passion for helping others succeed in life and business. She is a mother of 4, top performing realtor, entrepreneur, money coach, and speaker. Candice has been a real estate investor since 2001. Candice’s candid approach to business and affinity for getting past the fluff and getting to the root of each challenge for her clients so that they get a lot done, has led to her becoming a highly sought after coach within the finance and real estate industries. Candice also provides sales coaching to fellow real estate agents but her passion lies in the finance industry. She coaches / trains / mentors on money topics, anything from basic budgeting to real estate investing. Candice has had many opportunities to speak in front of large crowds and enjoys teaching others and helping people reach their financial dreams. In this episode, we discuss how each of Candice's clients a different need and a different want when it comes to money. We also talk about how to set financial boundaries, and how sometimes our boundaries can be too rigid, and what we can do when we run into that problem. I also asked her for a few little tips and tricks for people who want to improve their relationship with money. You can reach out to Candice here: Candice Bakx-Friesen (Investor Smarts) To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 3:59 Candice's definition of boundaries 5:57 Strict boundaries and cancel culture: Are we too strict with our boundaries these days? 7:48 The number one issue in relationships when it comes to money 10:48 Candice's approach to supporting her financial coaching clients 14:38 The pandemic's effects on people's spending habits and financial boundaries 16:36 Budget: The word that everybody hates 18:19 Candice's words of advice to people who are feeling the financial effects of the pandemic 25:52 Tips for people who are starting to live within a budget and feel social pressure that would result in over-spending 32:49 How to work with Candice
Setting Boundaries at Work with Palash Sanyal
Setting Boundaries at Work with Palash Sanyal
In this episode you'll meet Palash Sanyal, emotional intelligence coach and conflict resolution specialist. Our conversation quickly dials into how employees and managers navigate setting boundaries in the workplace. We brainstorm ways in which managers can support new employees so they feel comfortable communicating boundaries, and we delve into the various types of boundaries - which is a completely different conversation that will surprise you. Palash was born and raised in Bangladesh and moved to Canada in 2017. He's currently based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and his education and background have been tied to water, so he often dares to call himself a water security expert. And as an aside, he also has an engineering degree, and he's going for his CPA in accountancy. You can reach out to Palash here: To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 4:43 Palash's definitions of boundaries, including the fluidity of boundaries depending on the context, and the definition of loose boundaries 10:41 Should "Setting Boundaries" be a dedicated section in Employee Orientations? 15:36 The relationship between policies and setting and maintaining boundaries in the workplace 19:50 How emotional intelligence will help individuals navigate uncomfortable situations that arise from unclear boundaries 25:12 Remote and cooperative spaces can be born out of new boundaries being set by management 31:21 Overcommunicating: Is it a help or hindrance in the workplace 35:36 "Button in the shirt factory" analogy: The trend of executives continuing to work on the ground floor to keep in touch with their employees 41:31 Is it appropriate for CEOs to do all the jobs, or should they focus on just doing what they know and have expertise in? 43:47 There should be a class that teaches us how to ask questions 51:52 How you minimize the impact or minimize the loss and make something good out of those situations and people used to do that all the time.
When Nice Girls Set Boundaries with Seryna Myers
When Nice Girls Set Boundaries with Seryna Myers
In this episode you'll meet sacred transformation mentor Seryna Myers, who helps us understand the sacredness of anger. In our culture, we try to either push down our own anger, or we try to help other people not feel anger. But the truth is if we can feel anger and move through that that's actually incredibly helpful to ourselves, and to the people that we share spaces with. This interview is so powerful: Seryna brings such a calm to any space she's in. We talk about energetic sovereignty, and also how curiosity can save us. Seryna is a sacred transformation mentor and author of the book . Her divinely guided coaching guides recovering people pleasers. Seryna has personal and professional commitment to exploring the shadow side of light work in safe and sacred spaces are what make her coaching programs have deep and lasting impact. You can connect with Seryna here: To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 4:24 Seryna's definitions of boundaries 6:21 How being a nice girl is built into the social construct of being a woman and how that impedes our ability to set boundaries 7:51 How the pandemic has brought a positive change and wiped the slate clean for folks who want to set new boundaries 12:39 Setting new boundaries and not letting everyone in on shifts and growth that is happening in Seryna's personal life 15:45 Media and advertisers' ability to take advantage of the fact that their audiences have "checked out" and struggle with their mind body connection 17:15 Seryna's personal experience in setting boundaries, which began with a sad event at the age of 17 20:47 The uncomfortable truth of being a people pleaser / nice girl 24:06 Energetic sovereignty and denying others the experience of allowing them to navigate life themselves by doing it with them 28:57 The relationship between capacity and boundaries; how do you KNOW what your capacity is? 33:14 The way to discover your energetic baseline and thus your boundaries 35:13 The benefits of just saying "No" 38:57 How empaths respond to emails in an efficient and respectful way 44:53: TicTok and Schitt's Creek: How we manage our personal boundaries around media and tech
Art of Boundaries in Relationships with Cathleen and Ryan McMahon
Art of Boundaries in Relationships with Cathleen and Ryan McMahon
One of the hardest-hit sectors during the pandemic has been arts and culture, and touring musician Ryan McMahon and former musician manager Cathleen McMahon desribe their journey over the past two years that took them from being partners in business to Cathleen resigning from her role as Ryan's manager and finding a new path that better suited her personal growth and desires. This wasn't easy, but the effects of this change have provided remarkable growth for both Cathleen and Ryan, as you'll hear in this interview. We talk about fact-checking ourselves, how to maintain boundaries with spouses who are also business partners during non-work time, and the idea of "emotional prenups" for musicians and artists who are collaborating on projects. Ryan McMahon has played solo for over 20 years. He has a number of albums under his belt. He was also in the group Lion Bear Fox. You can hear his music and learn more about Ryan . Cathleen McMahon has spent most of her career as a music industry professional, and she's blended her music and communications knowledge into charitable organization campaigns to increase awareness for childhood cancer, and our veteran community. She holds a bachelor's degree in professional communication, and she's also currently enrolled in a master's in professional communication. Cathleen's focus for her research is the influence that music and pop culture have on the human mindset. To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 6:29 Cathleen's defition of boundaries: An open instruction list on how to deal with Cathleen 11:29 Ryan's definition of boundaries: Doesn't want to try to define them 12:48 How shifting social rules and conventions cause us to sometimes slip up and cross others' boundaries 14:13 "Updating your shit" and being called out when we jokes about subject matter related to members of marginalized groups 18:09 Calling people safely into conversations about why some things we say aren't appropriate 19:52 The burdens of working together and how difficult it was to separate work from home life 25:54 How Ryan took on the role of manager after Cathleen stepped away from that role, and the personal and business successes that came from that 26:59 How Cathleen delivered the news to Ryan that she was resigning from the role of being his manager 33:09 Ryan's tenacity that helps him push past the "I'm to old for this industry" story and continue to meet more and more success 39:20 The challenges that come from collaborating with other musicians 46:20 Emotional prenups for artist collaborations
Setting Boundaries After Trauma with Yvany Peery
Setting Boundaries After Trauma with Yvany Peery
Trigger warnings: Trauma Residential schools Kidnapping Childhood abuse We're having a lot more conversations about trauma. But are we having the right conversations? And do we really know what we're talking about? Should we even try to help people who are recovering from traumatic events if we don't specialize in this work? In this episode, Yvany Peery, MSW, Clinical Social Worker, and I dig deep into the reasons why some people can move through traumatic events more easily, while others struggle, and how experiencing traumatic events can alter your ability to set and keep the right boundaries for yourself. You're going to discover why some people seem to emerge from traumatic events with little effect on their lives, while others struggle for years. You'll also find out why many people lose the ability to set healthy boundaries after experiencing a traumatic event. Ms. Peery, MSW, Clinical Social worker, is a practicing clinical social worker specializing in traumatic stress and anxiety disorders. She is a Maryland Social Work Board supervisor, and has an active consultation practice working with new therapists and social work interns. Ms Peery has also served as a social work field instructor and preceptor for the University of Maryland School of Social Work; the University of Maryland School of Nursing; Johns Hopkins Master of Science Program in Counseling; Capella University MSW program, and the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work. Ms. Peery brings her background in the Arts and Humanities to her practice with clients through her use of somatic bodywork, and by addressing the client’s strength through creativity and curiosity. Somatic Experiencing; the Internal Family Systems framework, and focus on cognitive awareness of thought processes about Self inform her practice. She is currently in private practice in the DC Metro area through the . To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 4:19 Are your feelings leading you to the right conclusion? 9:31 Ways to invalidate someone else's traumatic experience. 13:48 Retraumatizing people of color 15:04 Post-traumatic growth 22:05 How traumatic experiences cause us to question our own abilities to manage situations 23:27 The key to recovering from traumatic events 27:42 How our bodies help us manage traumatic events 33:55 Body sense and boundaries
Trusting Your Gut During the Pandemic with Yvany Peery
Trusting Your Gut During the Pandemic with Yvany Peery
The pandemic has tested our boundaries like no other time in our lives. Not only is the pandemic lending itself to debate, argument and division, but a light has shone glaringly on individuals and groups of people marginalized by the system, and rightly so. Everyone seems to have something to say, and it seems that no one can agree on the right way forward during each twist and turn that COVID takes us on. In this episode, I speak with Yvany Peery, MSW, Clinical Social Worker, who brings calmness and sense to the confusion that you feel about why people appear to be living different realities despite the fact that we’re all living in the same world. Ms. Peery, MSW, Clinical Social worker, is a practicing clinical social worker specializing in traumatic stress and anxiety disorders. She is a Maryland Social Work Board supervisor, and has an active consultation practice working with new therapists and social work interns. Ms Peery has also served as a social work field instructor and preceptor for the University of Maryland School of Social Work; the University of Maryland School of Nursing; Johns Hopkins Master of Science Program in Counseling; Capella University MSW program, and the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work. Ms. Peery brings her background in the Arts and Humanities to her practice with clients through her use of somatic bodywork, and by addressing the client’s strength through creativity and curiosity. Somatic Experiencing; the Internal Family Systems framework, and focus on cognitive awareness of thought processes about Self inform her practice. She is currently in private practice in the DC Metro area through the . To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 8:59 How social media advance our own agendas. 10:14 Overvalued ideas versus delusions, and how these influence our boundaries. 12:05 Opens up a conversation about how we manage our boundaries in the scope of personal freedom. 16:08 Can our own truths actually be objective? 20:44 The vagus nerve and how we can affect it in our favour and self-regulate. 24:26 Self-acceptance and valuing ideas about emotions that aren't helpful to you. 27:47 The danger of suppressing anger. 31:25 Self-modulation in social settings; paying attention to your sympathetic and para-sympathetic symptoms; turning your body back on so you can eat, socialize, etc. 37:41 Attuning your your system to optimally connect with others.
Cancel Culture or Boundaries with Nancy Ho
Cancel Culture or Boundaries with Nancy Ho
Comedy can make you laugh or...cringe. In this episode, comedian Nancy Ho leads us through an exploration of where boundaries end and cancel culture begins in the arts and entertainment industry. Key points in our conversation include: Should comedians try to accommodate their audience's boundaries and manage expectations? How to make cancel culture LESS prevalent; How comedy comes from places of pain; Racism in comedy; Ways to identify our own boundaries; What to do when someone "dumps" their energy on you; What helped Nancy with her boundary setting; The truth about emotional intelligence; And, is it even worth it to “do the work” around setting boundaries? To connect with Nancy, visit: To reach out to Merideth Bisiker, host of the Bound for Change podcast, you can email . Timestamps: 6:32: Nancy's definition of boundaries, and what's difficult about setting boundaries. 8:09: How fear of other people's reactions prevent us from communicating boundaries. 12:41: How the COVID pandemic has helped us shift and change our boundaries 14:37: How comedians who aren't shifting with new expectations about what is and isn't appropriate, especially in light of new undertandings of being in right relationship with Black, Indigenous peoples, and racialized people. 21:38: How Nancy struggled with feeling like she fit in as a Vietnamese person growing up in a White-centering society. 29:21: How to speak up when someone "dumps" bad energy on you unexpectedly. 31:52: Strategies for identifying your own boundaries and communicating them. 35:18: Cultural influences on the way we set boundaries. 37:16: Is loyalty more important than setting new boundaries?
Boundaries for Bookkeepers with Tanya Hilts
Boundaries for Bookkeepers with Tanya Hilts
In this episode, you'll meet Tanya Hilts, Certified Professional Bookkeeper. Tanya is renowned on the Canadian and US bookkeeping circles as THE go-to expert on how to run and grow a successful bookkeeping practice that makes a profit. The reason Tanya's been successful? She's learned to set boundaries with her clients. In this conversation, you'll: Learn which boundaries are the most important to set in your business. Figure out which clients to hire and which clients to fire. How to set the right amount of hours for yourself, without letting client work creep into your evenings and weekends. As the founder of Cloud Business Services and Tanya’s Bookkeepers’ Bootcamp, Tanya has a passion for streamlining processes and increasing efficiency and client outcomes. Tanya has many accolades and certifications that have catapulted her to a top industry thought leader and industry mentor. Tanya’s passion is helping to guide and shape tomorrow’s entrepreneurs, SMB’s and accounting professionals alike. She's also a board member of CPB Canada and a member of the Intuit Trainer Writer Network. Follow Tanya using these links: To reach out to Merideth, host of the Bound for Change podcast, email Timestamps: 4:05: Who works in the bookkeeping industry, and why it's so difficult for bookkeepers to set and keep healthy boundaries. 8:31: There is no accounting emergency. The client's failure to prepare is not an emergency for us. 10:46: How being nice gets bookkeepers into trouble. 14:21: What should bookkeepers be doing now that the pressures from the pandemic seem to be easing? 18:59: The dangers of billing hourly. 26:01: Details about Tanya's Bookkeepers Bootcamp. 26:38: Tanya provides some examples of how her client onboarding flows. 32:24: Setting boundaries with clients about how they treat bookkeepers. 38:11: Attracting and keeping the right clients to your business. 43:37: Having a "no" buddy.
Introduction: Meet Coach Merideth
Introduction: Meet Coach Merideth
This is the kickoff "little bit about me" episode of the podcast where you get to know host and coach Merideth Bisiker personally before diving into the full podcast episodes. To learn more about Merideth, visit . Email Merideth directly [email protected].