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The food people choose to put in their bodies has the power to hurt or heal despite all the efforts that educate consumers on the importance of making healthy food choices. Studies have shown that 80% of consumers are confused about food health information 59% of them doubting their choices. Who you seek food health advice from is as equally important as what you eat every day. The beef use podcast is a fusion of two ideologies. The culinary arts with the medical science centered on helping individuals make more informed decisions about the foods they should eat daily. Our hope through listening to this podcast series is that we'll help individuals make more informed decisions that will positively impact their overall health.

info_outline Dr. Sylvain Charlebois - Professor in food distribution and policy Faculties of Management and Agriculture at Dalhousie University in Halifax. 03/26/2023
info_outline Dr. David Katz - A globally recognized expert in disease prevention and lifestyle medicine with a focus on nutrition 02/28/2023
info_outline Doctor & Chef Robert E. Graham - Harvard-trained researcher and physician that is helping people stay healthy with food 01/15/2023
info_outline BeFUSED - Kae Woodland_LifeStyle for Life 12/18/2022
info_outline BeFUSED - Jens Schuster_BreadyMix 12/11/2022
info_outline BeFUSED - Myrna Selzler_ BABz - Doctor Certified Healthier for You - Part 2 12/04/2022
info_outline BeFUSED - Myrna Selzler_ BABz - Doctor Certified Healthier for You - Part 1 11/27/2022
info_outline Dr. Anthony Marotta - Peqish Foods - Healthy Food Brands 11/20/2022
info_outline Dr. Arun Garg When we eat, what we eat, how you eat 11/13/2022
info_outline Dr Anthony Marotta - The Diet - Gut Microbiome - Disease Nexus 11/06/2022
info_outline Be FUSED Introduction with Dr. Anthony Marotta 10/30/2022