Carl Gould #70secondCEO
A quick daily hit with Carl Gould to achieve a lifetime of results. #70secondCEO your micro-podcast...GO! Carl is the creator of the 7 Stage Growth Method, which has propelled over 75,000 companies worldwide. In this micro-podcast Gould shares actionable, practical tips to grow your business. You're too busy to be reading this, start listening!
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Are You Ready to Let The Systems Work
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Are You Ready to Let The Systems Work
Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. That's a system when you have an activity or a group of activities that you can remove yourself from. Now, you remember way back when we're talking about the discovery process, and we said, Every job has a personality. Every industry has a personality. Well, in your business, each job is going to start to assume its own personality. Systems, by their very nature, are predictable, they're consistent, they're reliable, they're scheduled, and they're very structured. What comes with that is a slower pace. The pace will slow a bit, just as you were being patient with yourself in stage three, it's now time to be patient with others, meaning your staff. You need to stay the course. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Ownership Lonely and Stressful
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Ownership Lonely and Stressful
Is Business Ownership Lonely and Stressful? Do you wish it were more enjoyable? Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And that's what we're after. It has been said that being a business owner is the toughest and loneliest position in business. Wouldn't you agree? You don't make it tough and lonely, is you're flying by the seat of your pants in the middle of the night with no gauges and no plan and what will make it easier and simpler and more enjoyable? If you simply plan things out in the stages. Don't skip a stage. Take them step by step by step and enjoy each step as you go. It's a wonderfully rewarding evolution of yourself, the people in your business, your customers, and the actual business itself. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Could-#70secondCEO-Understand The How What and Why of Your Business
Carl-Could-#70secondCEO-Understand The How What and Why of Your Business
Understand the “how, what and why” of your business Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. In the Business Discovery Process, there are three areas of discovery. There are your behaviors, which we call the DISC, how you do what you do. There are the values, which are the why, the motivators, the priorities and there are the attributes, meaning what you will do, you need to discover your strengths and your blind spots in these three areas, and then align them with the mission, vision, values and purpose of the company and that's when you know you have an aligned organization. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Doing The Rights Task Starts With Knowing Yourself.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Doing The Rights Task Starts With Knowing Yourself.
Doing The Rights Task, Starts With Knowing Yourself. Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. To summarize where we’ve been in the business discovery process, you must know yourself, you're the owner, you're leading this, you need to know yourself, then you need to know what's right for your business. Now that you know yourself, and you know what's right for your business, you can then bring in the people that are right for that business. Put the right people in the right jobs, doing the right tasks. Those people will now be doing those tasks for all the right reasons meaning the value–their values will be in alignment with the values of the company, and they'll be motivated every day to come to work and do their job with enthusiasm. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Before you can have alignment you need assessment.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Before you can have alignment you need assessment.
Before you can have alignment, you need assessment. Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And you'll notice as we delve deeper in stage one about what is required, and what are the power tools at each stage where your focus should be, you'll notice that assessments play a role very early on because you need to develop your identity you need to understand where you're at at any given time and you need to know what you bring to the table. So you will assess not only you but everyone else in the company, you will assess their behavior style, their value hierarchy and their attributes, having those three in mind. These are then you will have the right people in the right jobs doing the right tasks. You'll benchmark the business and all the positions later. Right now we assess the people we benchmark later. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-What Motivator Drives You
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-What Motivator Drives You
What Motivator Drives You? Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. You share your vision with all of the mirrors you're going to hire in your business. By sharing your vision, they will pick the areas that they are very good at to start with. And that's why you'll have a very flexible, quick, nimble organization early on, because people are going to gravitate towards what they like to do. And by definition, they'll be good at it. The next thing we're going to handle in the Business Discovery Process are the values why? Why is it important that you do this job? Why is it important that you're in this business? What motivates you? What motivates your employees? The values are the glue to not only the relationships inside the business; the values are the glue to the relationship between customer and company and the relationship between employees. Here's how values work. Here are the motivators that drive your everyday work. All decisions that you will make in your life are emotional decisions. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Operation Challenge
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Operation Challenge
Operation Challenge Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Same operation challenge in stage 4,5,6 and 7 that’s a dysfunctional problem, that’s a–you should have solved already, so if I were to say cash flow, good problem, bad problem, the answer is it depends, it depends on the stage you’re in. One of the interesting things about the discovery process and a dynamic that’s very very common in our personal life and in our business lives is–is that we most of us pretty much know when we get something wrong, we know it, we try something, doesn’t work out, we’ve got it wrong for sure. We don’t always know when we get something right, one of the highest and most significant services that a discovery process will help you accomplish, is that you will know when you’ve got it right. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 3
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 3
Up Strategy - Premium Price- Part 3 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. What kind of buyer would pay for the guarantee? Somebody who needs you to start on a certain date,somebody who needs you to finish by a certain date, they’re undertime distress, and you will say, “gosh who’d on the right mind would pay fifteen thousand dollars extra” ,well if your running a million dollar project and landscaper usually last one in I’m preventing you from getting your certificate of occupancy. What’s that insurance policy worth to you? If I miss, you get all the money back. If I make it, you close on time; either way, it’s a good deal. If you're having a wedding in your backyard and that whole landscaping is got to be done by June, whatever you-- is that worth it to you now? You want--you want all the family wedding photos, you walking through mud and around an unfinished pool or deck oh you know do not cross, oh don't touch the cones during the wedding, right? Now, I have become the majority of my clientele,so you have to have an UP strategy because pricing sets quality. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 2
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy-Premium Price-Part 2
Up Strategy - Premium Price - Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Cause you know what I did, I took the top five complaints. You keep on never show up on time, you don’t start on time,you don’t finish on time, you change orders us to death you tell me one price and it turns out to be another,you don’t have senior management on site and you don’t stand behind your work your fly by night you’ll be gone tomorrow the day after I pay you,your gone. So I said fine, here’s your standard proposal based on the scope of work ,here’s the guarantee. The guarantee say,s “we will pick a date, we will start on that date no matter what the weather,we will finish no matter what on that day or before,there will be no contractor driven change orders if you don’t change the scope of work change the scope of work then will have addendum there’ll be a guarantee on that,there’ll be a senior project manager on every site and we guarantee everything for at least a year”.Now I put a thirty-five percent premium on that here in MARS counting and so my average sale in 1985 was fifty thousand dollars,my average guarantee sale was sixty seven five and the guarantee sale out sold the standard two to one. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy - Premium Price Part 1
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Up Strategy - Premium Price Part 1
Up Strategy - Premium Price Part 1 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. So in our pricing strategy we need to have our Up strategy. A premium strategy that’s turn key that comes with a premium price. Now you may not end up doubled and double again you might have to bring it back down and find where the market acceptance rate would be. But it’s got to be at least twenty-five to thirty-five percent higher than your core offering. Now I don’t know how many of you remember 1985 through 1989 I launched a residential home improvement company during that time, we were in a real estate recession yeah Bill you remember what was a thirty year fixed mortgage in 1986 a good one was double digits. It was twelve to eighteen percent we were in a real estate recession. I launched my landscaping and contracting residential--contracting company into that environment. That would be like launching one today that business doubled every year until 1992 and then I sold it. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Why is Calling You Urgent
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Why is Calling You Urgent
Why is Calling You Urgent? Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Take a moment right down what is that--what is the top five complaints about your industry, maybe not about you as a company, maybe you as a company but maybe not, but about your industry so how would you know that? So think of the a customer negative customer--customers review you’ve gotten or competitors have gotten, the sales objection you get from a prospect when your telling them about your product or service and when you--when you win a project and they tell you why they choose you there are lot of times they tell you why they didn’t choose somebody else those are your complaints, those are the distresses. Now let’s add to that what’s going on in their life right now, that makes calling you a must? What was the trigger event or events that may calling you a must not a nice to have but a must like its origin I don’t mean life and death but its an origin. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
CarlGould-#70SecondCEO-Are you the front of the house or back of the house
CarlGould-#70SecondCEO-Are you the front of the house or back of the house
Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO - just a little over a minute investment everyday for a lifetime of results. Our topic today is - Are you a Muddy Fish or are you a Clean Fish? I wonder. So, a muddy fish. Are you the kind of person that is fast-paced and outgoing? You're not very detail-oriented. You’re results-driven. You like things new, trendy, flashy. You tend to be on the business development and visionary side of the business. Or are you a clean fish? You like the water clean. You like systems and processes and predictability and consistency and high-quality. You're not necessarily the front-of-the-house person like those muddy fish. You're more a back-of-the-house person, a clean fish. You like things well planned out very systematic so you can be very predictable and deliver consistent high quality results. Which one are you doing? Because you will find that there are pros and cons to both. Muddy fish you are usually great at the front of the house, clean fish you are at the back of the house. Which one are you? I want to hear it. Like, follow and subscribe to the podcast and comment, are you a clean fish or are you a muddy fish? This is Carl Gould and this is your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Client Picked You Because You Are the Best Option
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Client Picked You Because You Are the Best Option
The Client Picked You Because You Are the Best Option Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO - just a little over a minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. They're not going to pay a whole bunch of money on the off chance you're good. They're going to think you're really good already. They're going to think and by the way, if you fire them, guess what they lose you and they think you're the best option, right? That's why I was in a position one time in my landscaping company where I was in a position where I had to give back the guarantee, but if I gave him back the check then I was walking off the job and he had two days to get this thing done. I'm like, I can write you the check back, but then we're leaving. What do you mean you were leaving? I said, well, you just fired me and he's like, oh, all right. Well, can you get done by Wednesday? I'm like, we'll get done by Wednesday. So there was one time that I was in that position. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Categorize Themselves by The Pricing They Pick
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Categorize Themselves by The Pricing They Pick
Consumers Categorize Themselves by The Pricing They Pick Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Wouldn't it be nice to know and be able to categorize your clients based on their pricing? So I offer a success fee option and I offer a retainer option. Remember I said before that if the industry's sideways you gotta give something for free and you gotta bundle, right? And you say, well how am I gonna know where the industry is? You're not. You're gonna offer a menu of pricing and you're gonna let your clients are gonna tell you based on where they buy where the industry is, okay? The professionals are likely gonna, the lefties are gonna buy the no smudge or they're gonna buy, and the pros are gonna buy the $4 marker. We use these a lot. That's cheap for me. The person who's just doing one project or it's something at school might just spend a dollar. The person who forgets things all the time, they might say, that could be useful. So based on your pricing, your clients are gonna categorize themselves. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Invisible Pricing - Need a Better Offer
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Invisible Pricing - Need a Better Offer
Invisible Pricing - Need a Better Offer Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. A year, that means you're one in 600 people. That is 10 million or more, and we need to walk into a building that has 12,000 people in it to meet a peer. What we do is not easy, right? So you're doing all of this work only to price yourself to where you're invisible. That's got to change. It is unacceptable to me that you sit down with a client, you're as knowledgeable as you are, you teach them everything they need to know, and they get up and go buy from somebody else. Like, no way, right? Listen, your business is about, signing new business is about two things: the right traffic and the right offer. Most of you have pretty good traffic, meaning qualified leads. You're talking to the right people, but your offer's just not there. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Value an Expert
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Consumers Value an Expert
Consumers Value an Expert Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And so here's what I learned. What I learned was if people value what you do, if they really value what they do, and if they have a need, they want to go with an expert. I had built the reputation of the guy who came in and would bang out a job and get the heck out of there. And we demanded that we had access to your property from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week. Really? Like you're going to be at my house on Sunday? You want the guarantee or not? Right? I guaranteed everyone would get a proposal, anyone who called me. My very first guarantee was all phone calls returned. That was my very first guarantee. And so I was overrun with leads, overrun with leads. I was the guy that would show up at your house 6.30 on a Sunday morning. (Hi there. I'm Carl, the landscaper you call. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-What Kind of Buyer Buys Your Guarantee
Carl Gould-#70secondCEO-What Kind of Buyer Buys Your Guarantee
What Kind of Buyer Buys Your guarantee Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. What kind of buyer buys the guarantee? What about that buyer buys the guarantee? They really need it. They're under some sort of distress. What else? They got the money. How would you like to have a bunch of customers that have the money? We have a client that's a body shop and they're Tesla certified. Right? And you know what they do? They say, listen, we're not waiting for the insurance. You want to fix, you pay us upfront in cash, you deal with your insurance company and they get it all day long. Right? What else? Why else would somebody pay you that premium? Pardon me? Speed. Right? And that was what I found out. Almost everybody that took me up on the guarantee, they had some sort of time issue. We're having a wedding in the backyard where we need to open or close a building. We need to get our certificate of occupancy. Right? And so they were some sort of distress. So guess who I was getting? I was getting all the clients that were willing to behave, pay me a 35% premium, get out of my way and let me do my job. How would you like to have that clientele? Not a bad clientele. I was in a position, I get this question all the time. How many times did you ride a refund once? I was in a position five times and four of the five, they didn't even ask for it. They were like, listen, no one would have worked in this monsoon for the last two weeks. Just get done. Can you get done by tomorrow? I'm like, we'll get done by tomorrow because all they have to do is ask and I got to give them all the money back. One person I had to write a check back for. But remember, they're premium buyers. They don't want the refund. They need the job done. If you want the money back, I'm leaving and your backyard is not finished and Janie and Joey are getting married tomorrow. See ya. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. So it's actually because of who you're dealing with, the risk is very, very low. That's why you want to have an option to let people pay more to skip the line. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-What Are the 7 Stages
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-What Are the 7 Stages
What are the 7 Stages?. Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. So what are these 7 stages? We've been talking about them a lot already. Let me give you an overview of each of the 7 stages before we get more into it. Stage one is the strategic planning stage. This is where your dream is born, you're going to focus on the direction, the planning of your company, you're going to sell your business first, then you're going to create it. Well, what the heck does that mean? Have you ever heard of a franchise? Ray Kroc, way back when he had the idea of selling businesses to people when they didn't exist, and then creating them later on. He actually had to convince the government that it was not fraudulent. Have you ever bought a home or an apartment just by looking at the building plans when there was nothing but a hole in the ground, and a building was going to be built later on? That build or that developer sold the business first, created second. A very common practice in this day and age when they build new sports arenas is they sell what's called Personal seat licenses before the venue is ever built. They sell you the right to buy that seat once it's made. In other words, they sold the whole stadium. They sold out the stadium before the stadium was ever built. Have you ever bought a ticket to a performance that has not debuted yet? Have you ever pre purchased a book or a record album or musical album or DVD or CD? Anyone who pre sells anything, is selling the business first and creating second. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO Early Stages of your Business
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO Early Stages of your Business
Business in The Early Stage Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. In the early stages you’re focusing a lot on marketing, developing your product, you're taking–you're reinvesting in your business. You should not have mountains of cash flow in the early stages, now take that same symptom of cash flow and let’s say that was a challenge and let’s take that same symptom in the later stages, 5, 6, 7 and you had cash flow challenges, that’s very dysfunctional at that point your cash flow should be consistent, profitable, it should be predictable, you should be able to measure it, project it with reasonable accuracy and then follow up and tweak just a little bit here and there in order to match and again align with your planning, if you have operations problems in the very early stages of your business, very functional problem, we don’t want systems too early. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Goal Setting - Part 2
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Goal Setting - Part 2
Goal Setting -Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Ah 9 ½ , great! What are we gonna do to make it a 10? Here’s what we got to do bam..bam..bam..bam those are goals and then when you double that you would say “we’re better podcasters”, you know what I mean, you know so that’s how you would do it. So look it you gotta–so what most people don’t understand or they–they don’t go to the process all the way through is differentiate between the category of improvement versus the actual task or activity that is symptomatic of the category of improvement so technical nerd coach speak. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Goal Setting -Part 1
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Goal Setting -Part 1
Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. 90-day goals that have–that are actual destinations and then separate that from what we call categories of improvement or just the roles you play in your life. So, for example, it will be hard to imagine that you could do this but imagine you set the goal to be a better podcaster like hard to imagine, like this guy is crazy, right? There’s no such thing like there’s a such quantifiable thing, it’s a category of improvement as long as you’re a podcaster, you’re gonna look to make a commental improvements so you would say “okay what would be the things that would be indicative of me being a better podcaster”, you’d say “alright let’s break down the podcast, we have out opening–we have our energy, we have our enthusiasm, we have our content, we have our opening, we have our middle our questioning, our follow up questioning, our banter back and forth and our close” so you would break it down and you would say okay how can we–and if you would to look each one of those and say on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being low 10 being high, 10 being off the hook wow,right? What is each aspect of our podcast? And you would rank it. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO When Calling you is Urgent
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO When Calling you is Urgent
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Importance of Finding Peers
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Importance of Finding Peers
Finding Peers is Extremely Important Hi Everyone, Carl Gould here your #70secondCEO, just over a minute of investment per day for a lifetime of results. Some statistics for you, 1 in 15 people are business owners, if you, if you do a million dollars or more, you are, you are 1 in 600 people. So, for you to walk in a room, there’s only 4% of businesses ever reach a million dollars or more, alright, so, if you have, that means you have to walk into a room of 12 hundred people to find a peer, because there’s only one in 600, in normal, in your normal work life. So, that’s why meetings like this, meeting your Mastermind, whatever you do where you are around like minded people is so important because you’re in this room, even if you’re not the owner, even if you’re a high performer in that company, you’re among a small group. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
BONUS Offerings Hi Everyone, Carl Gould here your #70secondCEO, just over a minute of investment per day for a lifetime of results. What are your benefits and bonuses worth? They are worth something to your clientele. Think of the Mastercard commercial, great commercial, if I want to buy this 20 bucks, if I want to get that 30 bucks, peace of mind? Priceless! Peace of mind is priceless to people who don’t have peace of mind. Yeah, like us right? You ask the kids, peace of mind how much is that worth? They’re like, I’m already there Dad. There’s nothing to, there’s no cost there. It’s priceless to us because they’re featuring us, they’re featuring what’s important to us in the commercial. So, the bonuses that come with using the card are more valuable than the card. Does that make sense? Alright, let’s take credit cards while we’re on that topic. They have different types of cards, there’s the regular card, there’s the gold card, there’s the platinum card. There’s different membership levels and different features, advantages and benefits that come with those levels. So, a second way you can get obnoxious here, is to create membership levels or loyalty programs or levels of service or levels of access. Each one of them has a price to it. What should the price be? Let’s go back to the first part of the exercise, you listed your price - that’s your bronze offering. You doubled it, that’s your silver offering. You doubled it again, that’s your gold or platinum offering. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Overpaying Why do We do it
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Overpaying Why do We do it
Overpaying Why do We do it? Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Years ago, I took my daughter to a concert. She was so excited and she was just happy to get in the door and I remember calling up and getting the tickets and they said, Where do you want to sit? And I said, get me in the building. I don't care where we are. It's not gonna matter, just get me in the building. I wasn't all that hyped up, I was to hear the music and that turned out to be a great show. But I was in the nosebleed seats way in the back next to the other moms and dads who just got in the building there too, right? However, then a couple years later, we go to a concert we all want it to really go to and we got the best seats we could and you know what? I gotta tell you something from the nosebleed seats, or the front row. You can hear the music just the same. Same concert, same people, same performers, the same stage, everything. It's the same concert, but we overpaid because it was something we wanted to be out. We've all done it. And why did we overpay because the things that are most important to us, whether it's the performance or the product or the service, provides it. You overpaid for your mortgage because they know peace of mind is number one or very close in your mind.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Hey Everyone, Carl Gould here your #70secondCEO, just over a one minute investment per day for a lifetime of results. So, I am at 4000 feet elevation above the elevation I am used to. That was my bed, a little more rough than I am used to, a little bit of rain last night as well. I rappelled down that mountain, a little bit bigger than I’m used to. What you hear in the background is the river we are going to raft down which is a little faster than I am used to. What are you going to do today that’s going to challenge you? That’s going to get you a little outside of your comfort zone? Or, a lot outside your comfort zone? You find out who you really are when you stretch yourself in a way that you haven’t before. So, I want to know, put a comment below, what is it you’re going to do today to stretch yourself? This is Carl Gould, and this is your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70SecondCEO-Playing Above the Line
Carl-Gould-#70SecondCEO-Playing Above the Line
Playing Above the Line Hi Everybody, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO - just 70 seconds a day for a lifetime of results. Today's topic is - Playing Above the Line - living, working, and playing above the line. What is the line? The line is your standard. You create your metrics, your dashboard, your goals your ranking, your score or rating that you give yourself. And once you agree on specific standards, you do not negotiate those standards. You can negotiate the terms and conditions, but never the standards. So, what is your standard that you're living by, and are you living above the line? You draw the line. I don't like dashboards that have yellow in it. That's in the middle of the road. We get run over in the middle of the road. Is it red or is it green? We either live above the line or we don't live above the line. If we live below the line and it's red, fix it or find another place to go work. This group is green, and that’s our color. Ok, we are green, we like our metrics to be in the go line, and if we're below that we want to find out and fix how it is. Above the line is our standard - our minimum standard to be a championship team together. So like, follow, and subscribe to this podcast and comment on the post. To what degree are you living above the line? Where do you hold your standard and - let’s be honest - where is the standard being compromised a little bit? I want to hear from you. My name is Carl Gould and this is your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Find Someone in The Room That Sells to Like Customers
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Find Someone in The Room That Sells to Like Customers
Find Someone in The Room That Sells to Like Customers Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Find someone in the room who is not in the same business but sells to the same kind of customer. Who here sells any services to people who own homes? Raise your hand. Ma'am, what do you do? You're coaching. Okay, so she does cleaning. You do coaching. So let's just assume for a moment that her homeowner is your coaching client, right? So you would say, listen, as a value adds to those of you in my database, I'm so happy to say that I was just at a seminar. I met this great home cleaning company, and they address all of your top issues. I know you're looking for somebody to trust. Same people through your house, you know, da-da-da-da-da. They've addressed that. And don't worry about the pricing on their website. Because they're a friend of me, they're going to give you a special price. Just, you know, send me a note. I'll pass it along, and they'll take great care of you. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-How do You Become an Authority Part 2
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-How do You Become an Authority Part 2
How do You Become an Authority Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one-minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. You can't do that. You're a dentist. You can't pull that many teeth. If you're an attorney, you can't argue that many cases. You just couldn't do it. It's way too much volume. It's much easier for you to be the highest price. Okay. So if you are high-priced or low-priced, you are seen as the expert. Okay. So we're going to work on that. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-How do You Become an Authority Part 1
Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-How do You Become an Authority Part 1
How do You Become an Authority Part 1 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. Among the top priced in your niche, or among the lowest. Walmart is thought of as the best logistics company in the world. They charge the lowest amount, and they have taken most of the inefficiencies out of the supply chain. They're Walmart. They're brilliant at what they do. How do they get a $10 item from the other side of the world for $8, beat everybody out, and still? You ever read like the Forbes top 10 billionaires in the world? Six out of the top 10 are the Waltons. If you've ever seen it, it's like, oh, well, Jeff Bezos, yeah? Well, let's have a family Walton reunion, and Jeff Bezos doesn't even come close, right? Sam Walton's kids are half of the top 20. It's ridiculous, right? So they're experts. Google is expert at search. We pay nothing for that. They are experts at it. Now, in this room, it would be very hard for us to be the lowest price and be the authority. Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.