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Brain Unblocked: The Brainspotting Podcast

How, when, and why to use self-brainspotting to unblock issues such as gray area drinking, money mindset, imposter syndrome, performance, fitness goals and other issues faced by high achievers, business owners, and high performers.

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info_outline I Missed You: What I'm BSPing Now 02/18/2025
info_outline From Mundane to Life Changing with Rebeca Gilbert 12/05/2023
info_outline How to Choose a Brainspotting Setup 08/15/2023
info_outline Why Knowing Better Does Not Equal Doing Better 08/08/2023
info_outline Game-Changing Results from Brainspotting and Business Clarity with Valarie Harris 07/25/2023
info_outline 4 Vital Issues Every Alcohol-Free Entrepreneur Should Brainspot 07/18/2023
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info_outline Financial Flow, The Curious Voyage, and other ways Cynthia Schwartzberg has made Brainspotting accessible 06/23/2023
info_outline The Surprising Way Money Mindset Postpones Your Success (and it’s not because you don’t think you’re worth it) [Money Mini-series part 2 of 2] 06/22/2023
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info_outline How Easy and Efficient is Brainspotting Really? with Kyle Talbert 06/13/2023
info_outline Brainspotting Business and Health Through Perimenopause with Erin Todd 06/07/2023
info_outline Social Media Blocks with Neuroperformance Coach Keely Rodriguez 5:30:23 4 33 PM 06/01/2023
info_outline Brainspotting and Intention Setting in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy with Thad Frye 05/16/2023
info_outline Can You Be As Successful As They Are? And Other Brain Blocks with Delee D'Arcy 05/09/2023
info_outline Are Momentum-Building Strategies Killing Your Business? 05/02/2023
info_outline 3 Lesser Known Symptoms that You're On the Burnout Expressway 04/25/2023
info_outline Healthy Sustainable Weight Loss with Rebecca Thomas 04/18/2023
info_outline How is self Brainspotting different from Self Led Brainspotting 04/13/2023
info_outline How busy people can uplevel their dry january by modernizing the 30 day challenge model of health-building 12/27/2022
info_outline How High Achievers Can Ditch their Drinking Habit, Even Over the Holidays 12/22/2022
info_outline 3 Ways to Use Brainspotting This Holiday Season 12/07/2022
info_outline My Easy-to-Follow Flow Chart for Stalled Out Entrepreneurs 11/22/2022
info_outline Self-Control is Not the Secret to Habit Change 11/17/2022
info_outline Pause and Reflect Hope for People Experiencing Complex Trauma with Jennyfer Rosado 11/08/2022
info_outline How To Wake Up Shame-Free After a Night of Over-Drinking [Moderation Series Part 4 of 4] 10/28/2022
info_outline How Wine-Lovers Can Step Off The Groundhog Day Cycle of Shame Using a Simple 3-Part Formula [Moderation Series Part 3 of 4] 10/27/2022