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Your Next Brave Step

Are you in a season of your life where you’re just not sure you’re thriving? Does fear often get first place instead of the back seat? Are you weary of hiding and playing small? Do you long to live with greater intention and purpose? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. Welcome to Your Next Brave Step Podcast. Deb Brown is a certified Christian life and wellness coach and author of Brave as a Girl Can Be. She is passionate about helping women live more bravely – live more fully – and live more freely. Deb believes with all her heart that you are worth the journey to get there. Deb’s coaching is founded on the Word of God. Romans 12:2 tells us that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. That transformation – that renewal, defined as a change for the better, starts with how we think. When we do the challenging work of renewing our thoughts, we change our lives – that’s where the freedom is. Life coaching has been life-changing for her and so many of her clients. Consider this podcast your mini coaching session where you’ll receive practical steps to: learn to care for the woman God created you to be - create a life you love - stop living in overwhelm and playing small - prioritize the things that matter most. Your next brave step matters. Why? Because YOU matter.

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