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Five Element Fridays

Who are you energetically? Want to know more about yourself and understand love and your relationships? It's time for Five Element Fridays! Explore this Ancient Chinese Philosophy about the energy that appears in all we do... how we walk, how we talk, how we think, what we care about and prioritize in our world... even how we smell! Energy is all around us and all Five Elemental energies are within us. Come play with the Elements with us on Fridays!

info_outline 16 - Are You In The Flow or in the Freeze? 🌊 🥶 03/07/2025
info_outline 15 - A Beautiful Mind: The Exquisite Duality of Metal Thought 02/28/2025
info_outline 14 - Are you too Cool for this Podcast? If so, you may be Metal!😎 02/21/2025
info_outline 13 - What on Earth Are You Thinking? - The Earth Element Mind 01/31/2025
info_outline 12 - Find Your Inner Empath - Journey to the Center of Your Earth 🌍 01/24/2025
info_outline 11 - Get Your Heart On! Finding the Fire 🔥 in You 01/10/2025
info_outline 10 - Wood You, Could You, Should You? - Unleash Your Inner Woodchuck! 12/27/2024
info_outline 9 - What is Your Emotional IQ? - Fire Elemental Thinking 12/21/2024
info_outline 8 - The Fast and the Not So Furious - Wood Elemental Thinking 12/13/2024
info_outline 7 - The Nose Knows - But Do You? - Five Element Smells 11/22/2024
info_outline 6 - The Eyes Have It - Five Element Insights 11/15/2024
info_outline 5 - Talk This Way - Five Element Voices 11/01/2024
info_outline 4 - Walk This Way - Five Element Walks 10/25/2024
info_outline 3 - Play with Yourself - Feeling the Five Elements in You! 😎 10/04/2024
info_outline 2 - The Gifts that Keep on Gifting - The Five Elements 09/27/2024
info_outline 1 - What Matters to You? The Yin, the Yang, and YOU! 09/20/2024