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Data Skeptic

Machine learning, AI, and data science explored through interviews with experts, explainer episodes, and a broad survey of how technology is changing our world.

info_outline Lessons from eGamer Networks 11/18/2024
info_outline Github Collaboration Network 11/11/2024
info_outline Graphs and ML for Robotics 11/04/2024
info_outline Graphs for HPC and LLMs 10/29/2024
info_outline Graph Databases and AI 10/21/2024
info_outline Network Analysis in Practice 10/14/2024
info_outline Animal Intelligence Final Exam 10/07/2024
info_outline Process Mining with LLMs 09/24/2024
info_outline Open Animal Tracks 09/17/2024
info_outline Bird Distribution Modeling with Satbird 09/10/2024
info_outline Ant Encounters 08/26/2024
info_outline Computing Toolbox 08/19/2024
info_outline Biodiversity Monitoring 08/14/2024
info_outline Hacking the Colony 08/08/2024
info_outline Primate Poses 07/31/2024
info_outline Generating 3D Animals with YouDream 07/23/2024
info_outline Weird Communication 07/15/2024
info_outline Reducing the Impact of Ship Noise on Marine Mammals 07/01/2024
info_outline Analysis of Unstructured Data 06/28/2024
info_outline iNaturalist 06/24/2024
info_outline Learn to Code 06/18/2024
info_outline Animal Computer Interaction 06/10/2024
info_outline Ape Gestures 06/03/2024
info_outline Evaluating AI Abilities 05/27/2024
info_outline HMMs for Behavior 05/20/2024
info_outline Bioinspired Engineering 05/14/2024
info_outline Modelling Evolution 05/09/2024
info_outline Behavioral Genetics 04/30/2024
info_outline Signal in the Noise 04/25/2024
info_outline Pose Tracking 04/16/2024