Five Treasures WK 2 Find FreedomLuke 4:18-19 NIV Freedom is a healthy mind Freedom has an enemy There are counterfeit freedoms Freedom requires priorities /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34824315
Five Treasures WK 1 Love GodJohn 20:11-17 NIV God's love changes my fears God's love changes my reality God's love changes my ability to love /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34726455
Five Treasures WK 1 Love GodJohn 20:11-17 NIV God's love changes my fears God's love changes my reality God's love changes my ability to love /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34726445
Seeing Is Believing WK 4What do we need to believe? Luke 2:8-20 Believe that Jesus is "good news" Believe that a Savior is born to you Believe that you can find Him /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34645490
Seeing Is Believing WK 3Luke 1:46-56 NIV God uses the humble God uses those who fear Him God uses the hungry /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34574630
Seeing Is Believing WK 2Luke 1:39-45 NIV Look for God in the lives of others Look for God in our circumstances Look for God in His promises /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34457260
Seeing is Believing WK1Luke 1:26-38 Why should we believe? Believe when you're afraid Believe when you don't know how Believe when it's impossible /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34345845
The TruthJohn 4: 39-41 NIV Learn the truth that sets you free Give Jesus your truth LIve in the truth that sets you free /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34217315
Oh Yes We Can! WK 4Nehemiah 4:8-14 NIV The enemy is stirring up trouble Your strength will run out We have exposed places /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/34125946
Oh, Yes We Can! WK 2Esther 4:11-17 NIV We choose to ask for help We choose to see We choose to be responsible /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33867857
Oh, Yes We Can! WK 1Judges 6:11-16 How do we respond to God's calling? Don't let your situation determine your elevation Get your hopes up Do what it takes to believe the Lord is with you /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33773372
Become a DiscipleHow do you become a disciple? Matthew 4:18-22 HOL Recognize Jesus is calling you You need to leave something behind and follow Him You start today /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33630157
The Enemy WK 8Revelation 20:10-15 The devil will be eliminated. What should you do? 1.Invest in your future 2.Live like your life depends on it 3.Be in the book /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33537172
The Enemy WK 7Revelation 12:9-12 NIV God hurls him down Salvation, power, Kingdom of God, authority of the Messiah The blood, our testimony and our commitment /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33437202
The Enemy WK 6I John 3:7-12 NIV 1. Do not be lead astray 2. Do what is right 3. Find the right freedom /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33347347
The Enemy WK 41 Peter 5:8-9 NIV Be alert, not asleep Resist, don't entertain Submit, don't negotiate Stand up, don't give up /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/33168012
The Enemy WK 2Matthew 13: 36-43 NIV Choose to be wheat, not weeds If we clarify the consequences, it will help We will do God's will as a result /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/32962837
The Enemy WK 1Matthew 4:1-11 NIV He tempts us with what we want He tempts us with getting good things the wrong way He tempts us with shortcuts He tempts us to prove ourselves /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/32732292
Who Is Jesus WK 13Hebrews 12:18-24 NIV Jesus is the first born Jesus is our perfection Jesus is the blood /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/32531732
Who Is Jesus WK 12Hebrews 12: 5-11 He is our Father He chastises, reprimands, and corrects us He shares His holiness and righteousness /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/32433762
DSM StudentsHear from our HS Leaders and Youth how God spoke and worked in their lives during a week in June on a HS Beach trip! /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/32320417
Who Is Jesus WK 11Hebrews 12:1-4 NIV Jesus marks out our race Jesus is the pioneer and perfector Jesus endured the cross Jesus sits at the right hand of God /episode/index/show/discoverychurchhickory/id/32231937