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DRIVEN Professionals podcast

DRIVEN Professionals (DRIVEN) provides the opportunity for companies to outsource or bolster an existing women’s initiative and offers progressive professional development. DRIVEN is a community of motivated professionals sharing the common goal of career advancement, while integrating family life and personal development. There is an ongoing debate about women ‘having it all’… or not. DRIVEN realizes that no one can have it all. We all need to make choices. However, each of us is capable of living a richer life. Our mission is to support and provide tools to enable NYC professionals to have more and work toward their vision of “having it all” whatever that might look like. - See more at: http://drivenpros.com/about/#sthash.dIUdIzHz.dpuf

info_outline D2W OT Workshop 3 05/17/2024
info_outline Belly Breathing: Relax Your Mind and Your Body 03/16/2022
info_outline Deborah on Brian Lehrer 12/28/2020
info_outline OfficeHours with Grace Moniz 06/23/2020
info_outline 3 Breath Meditation 04/02/2020
info_outline Tracy Fink Discusses Her Self-Compassion Journey 03/09/2020
info_outline A Self-Compassion Journey with Lisa Hart 03/02/2020
info_outline DRIVEN's 2020 Word of the Year 01/17/2020
info_outline Shawna Pelton takes us through a grounding exercise 08/23/2019
info_outline The R.A.I.N. of Anxiety 01/24/2019
info_outline Keila Describing Sallie's Home - Take 2 10/20/2018
info_outline Keila Describing Sallie's Home - Take 1 10/20/2018
info_outline GRACE in the Workplace 07/13/2017
info_outline A Window into Your Unconscious Bias 06/02/2017
info_outline Home Insurance Podcast 03/14/2016
info_outline First Time Home Buyer 02/22/2016
info_outline Healthy for the Holidays 12/07/2015
info_outline Stress and Your Health 12/05/2015
info_outline Giving Gifts That Pop 11/27/2015
info_outline Deborah's Interview with Dorie Clark on Authentic Networking 10/12/2015
info_outline Subconscious Bias in the Workplace 06/18/2015
info_outline Career Navigation For First-Time Moms 06/18/2015
info_outline Reexamining Nutrition Part 2 06/17/2015
info_outline Deborah Goldstein’s B.I.G. Interview On Strategic Dining 06/17/2015
info_outline Nutrition Basics With Jodi Weinstein 05/01/2015
info_outline The Power of Change 04/14/2015
info_outline Taken for a Ride 02/21/2015
info_outline The 4 Pillars of Good Health 01/09/2015