Unwritten Rules 1-5
Unwritten Rules 1-5
Michelle and Rochelle unpack ever single unwritten rule from the viral Buzzfeed article "Black People Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About, And It's Eye-Opening." Found both on and (we are reading from the MSN Article). We unpack rules 1-5 in this episode with lots of personal stories and advice and our personal views. Join these two friends as we go over some explosive topics. Also check out the book , as mentioned in the podcast. 1. "No matter how angry you get, you try and remain calm. If you raise your voice even a little — regardless of what you say or how you say it — you are instantly labeled an 'angry Black woman' and judged wrongly, even when you’re right." 2. "My mother taught me to ALWAYS ask for a bag and receipt, no matter how small the purchase, or you can be accused of stealing." 3."As a Black woman in a predominantly white area, I make a point of approaching staff first in stores when I walk in. I ask an innocuous question in a friendly, high-pitched voice, even if I don't need anything. They seem to feel safer around me and do not follow me around when I do that first. 4."As a Black woman, I usually keep my college jacket in the car. If I have to go to the emergency room, I'll receive better treatment if doctors see that I have a higher education." 5."I'm from Louisiana where they still have '.' Avoid them at all costs, but if you have to pass through at night, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS so that you don't have to stop." We See You, We Hear You, We Are You! Remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe!