After The Sisterhood
Michelle and Rochelle talk about code switching, what it is, how it effects us, and when we think we started. It's an interesting discussion that we get into a lot of information and how it's effected us personally. And we definitely have some opinions. Check out the Harvard Business Review Article - We See You, We Hear You, We Are You. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel and of course, Share!
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Michelle and Rochelle unpack ever single unwritten rule from the viral Buzzfeed article "Black People Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About, And It's Eye-Opening." Found both on and (we are reading from the MSN Article). We unpack rules 16-21 in this episode with lots of personal stories and advice and our personal views. Join these two friends as we go over some explosive topics. 16."As a Black woman who works a swing shift and gets off work at 11 p.m., I will not take off my badge until I get inside my garage. I need to have a layer of...
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Michelle and Rochelle unpack ever single unwritten rule from the viral Buzzfeed article "Black People Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About, And It's Eye-Opening." Found both on and (we are reading from the MSN Article). We unpack rules 11-15 in this episode with lots of personal stories and advice and our personal views. Join these two friends as we go over some explosive topics. 11."Something I know I have to be careful of in public (as a person mixed with white and Black) is remembering which parent I'm with and how to act. This is...
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Michelle and Rochelle unpack ever single unwritten rule from the viral Buzzfeed article "Black People Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About, And It's Eye-Opening." Found both on and (we are reading from the MSN Article). We unpack rules 6-10 in this episode with lots of personal stories and advice and our personal views. Join these two friends as we go over some explosive topics. 6."I am a Black woman, relatively new to my mostly white neighborhood. When I take a walk for exercise, I always walk in the middle of the street, not too close...
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
"Speak Your Truth to Power" - Tina Newsome-Lee What more can we say about Tina! She's a strong and impactful woman and she shared her story with us. Such a great conversation with Tina to unpack, and we love the fact that she is on the legal side. We chat about being invisible and other topics. Check out Tina's Interview here: We See You, We Hear You, We Are You! Remember to Like, Comment, and Subcribe and join Sistas N Insurance!
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Michelle and Rochelle unpack ever single unwritten rule from the viral Buzzfeed article "Black People Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About, And It's Eye-Opening." Found both on and (we are reading from the MSN Article). We unpack rules 1-5 in this episode with lots of personal stories and advice and our personal views. Join these two friends as we go over some explosive topics. Also check out the book , as mentioned in the podcast. 1. "No matter how angry you get, you try and remain calm. If you raise your voice even a little —...
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Join Michelle and Rochelle as they talk about two explosive rulings that the Supreme Court released. There are a lot more rulings that are just as polarizing, but today we talk about the roll back of Roe v. Wade and Gun Control. We share personal stories and some insight. Links to all of the content Michelle and Ro discussed. The song Michelle was thinking of was and she was remembering the hook the Lil'Kim did for them. We See You, We Hear You, We Are You! Remember to Like, Comment, and Subcribe!
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
This was an impromptu podcast that Michelle started because of the strong emotions she was having about the Buffalo Grocery Shooting. Rochelle jumps in around the 8 minute mark of the podcast and it's a great dialogue. We know that a lot has happened since there and recognize the tragedies that have happened afterwards, such as Uvalde and the victims of that tragedy. Our hearts are with everyone effected by the gun violence. We see you, we hear you, we are you. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe and join Sistas N Insurance.
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Join Michelle and Rochelle as they unpack the gems from the interview with Stacey. We really enjoyed our conversation with her and learned a lot! Stacey's background is not insurance and it was a pleasure to have her on the show. As promised, links are here! Check out Check out We See You, We Hear You, We Are You! Remember to Like, Comment, and Subcribe!
info_outlineAfter The Sisterhood
Come and join Michelle and Rochelle as they talk about the interview with Lynn. They delve deeper into the points that Lynn made while also being two friends who throw in some other topics into the conversation, such as colorism, where they went to college, and the African American Museum. Join these two friends as they bring you into the conversation. Don't forget to watch Lynn's episode also! Also, come join The Sisterhood and let us know what topics you'd like to hear!
info_outlineMichelle and Rochelle unpack ever single unwritten rule from the viral Buzzfeed article "Black People Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About, And It's Eye-Opening." Found both on Buzzfeed and MSN (we are reading from the MSN Article). We unpack rules 1-5 in this episode with lots of personal stories and advice and our personal views. Join these two friends as we go over some explosive topics.
Also check out the book Born A Crime by Trevor Noah, as mentioned in the podcast.
1. "No matter how angry you get, you try and remain calm. If you raise your voice even a little — regardless of what you say or how you say it — you are instantly labeled an 'angry Black woman' and judged wrongly, even when you’re right."
2. "My mother taught me to ALWAYS ask for a bag and receipt, no matter how small the purchase, or you can be accused of stealing."
3."As a Black woman in a predominantly white area, I make a point of approaching staff first in stores when I walk in. I ask an innocuous question in a friendly, high-pitched voice, even if I don't need anything. They seem to feel safer around me and do not follow me around when I do that first.
4."As a Black woman, I usually keep my college jacket in the car. If I have to go to the emergency room, I'll receive better treatment if doctors see that I have a higher education."
5."I'm from Louisiana where they still have 'sundown towns.' Avoid them at all costs, but if you have to pass through at night, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS so that you don't have to stop."
We See You, We Hear You, We Are You!
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