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Bringing Ayurveda to Life

Perfect for the Ayurvedic beginner, Monica B. is the expert on improving your life with daily Ayurveda basics. Monica brings modern Ayurveda to life, by taking Ayurvedic healing and wisdom, blending it with practicality and fun, so you can design and enhance YOUR unique LIFE.

info_outline Best Gift Ever: Breast Cancer Surgery Day 09/20/2021
info_outline #47 Take an Everyday Vacation 03/09/2021
info_outline #46 Six Ayurvedic Tips for SPRING, Kapha Season 02/05/2021
info_outline #45 Finding INTERNAL Balance, No Matter What the World Delivers 12/16/2020
info_outline #44 Make the MOST of the Spaces in Your Day 11/17/2020
info_outline #43 Stop Distracting Yourself, Do What Matters 10/14/2020
info_outline #42 When Your Emotions Get The Best Of You 08/26/2020
info_outline #41 Pitta Series Part 3: Pitta Spirit 06/09/2020
info_outline #40 Pitta Series: Part 2 Pitta Mind 06/02/2020
info_outline #39 Pitta Series Part 1: Pitta Body 05/26/2020
info_outline #38 It's OK, You Can't Do Everything 04/06/2020
info_outline #37 Are You Creating a Virtual Vata Imbalance? 03/21/2020
info_outline #36 Building Strong Immunity based on Ayurveda 03/13/2020
info_outline #35: Balancing Time Change 03/06/2020
info_outline #34 Kapha Dosha Remedies: Depression 02/13/2020
info_outline #33 Kapha Series Part 3: Kapha Spirit 02/05/2020
info_outline #32 Kapha Series Part 2: Kapha Mind 01/28/2020
info_outline #31 Kapha Series Part 1: Kapha Body 01/16/2020
info_outline #30 MonicaB's 5 Ayurvedic Cold Remedies 01/02/2020
info_outline #29 Holiday Help! The Food, The Cold, The Emotions 12/13/2019
info_outline #28 Vata Series Part 4: Vata Spirit 11/29/2019
info_outline #27 Vata Series Part 3: Vata Mind 11/21/2019
info_outline #26 Vata Series Part 2: What's with the Oils? 11/15/2019
info_outline #25 Vata Series Part 1: Vata Body 11/07/2019
info_outline #24 Ayurvedic Tips to Survive the Fall Time Change 10/29/2019
info_outline #23 Five Things That Create Anxiety 10/08/2019
info_outline #22 How to Make Right Choices and Follow Through 10/03/2019
info_outline #21 Ayurvedic Nutrition Guidelines 09/25/2019
info_outline #20 Why Am I Pooping Pellets? 09/13/2019
info_outline #19 Five Tips to Transition into Vata Season 09/04/2019