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Best Gift Ever: Breast Cancer Surgery Day

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

Release Date: 09/20/2021

Best Gift Ever: Breast Cancer Surgery Day show art Best Gift Ever: Breast Cancer Surgery Day

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

Pretend like we're on the phone...what happened on my surgery day was not what I expected. The entire experience blew my mind. I left my mind completely open like a blank slate, no judgements or preconceived ideas or agendas. I did not allow fear or negativity into my mindset. I only allowed an openness, trust, and optimism. Early on, I decided that these cancer lumps would be the best gift EVER. And they were. This episode is part of the story.

#47 Take an Everyday Vacation show art #47 Take an Everyday Vacation

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

We all love a good vacation. But what if you could design your days to include more of the things that feel like vacation. In this Ayurveda podcast episode, learn six things you can do daily to bring more fun, celebration, rejuvenation and LIFE into the every day. 

#46 Six Ayurvedic Tips for SPRING, Kapha Season show art #46 Six Ayurvedic Tips for SPRING, Kapha Season

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

In Ayurveda, it's kapha season, which is the second half of winter and spring! When seasons change, we have to change too — because we are a small part of the bigger picture. In this Ayurveda podcast, learn how to transition from Winter (vata) into Spring (kapha!) with these Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations.

#45 Finding INTERNAL Balance, No Matter What the World Delivers show art #45 Finding INTERNAL Balance, No Matter What the World Delivers

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

In this Ayurveda podcast, let's work on your mindset. No matter the external factors in life (cause things will happen! Always!), your super power will be found when you know exactly what brings you back to a balanced and happy mind.

#44 Make the MOST of the Spaces in Your Day show art #44 Make the MOST of the Spaces in Your Day

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

There’s VALUE in using your time wisely because you only get so many hours in the day. There’s also VALUE in consciously creating space and using it well. In this Ayurveda podcast episode we talk about how to intentionally create space to allow flow, creativity and productivity.

#43 Stop Distracting Yourself, Do What Matters show art #43 Stop Distracting Yourself, Do What Matters

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

In this Ayurveda podcast episode, we are talking about how to stop distracting yourself and start doing what matters. Your mindset and focus are the key! I'll give you four steps to bring focus to the things that are most important for YOU.

#42 When Your Emotions Get The Best Of You show art #42 When Your Emotions Get The Best Of You

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

Struggling to adapt? Emotions getting the best of you? In this Ayurveda podcast episode, I teach you how to let those tough emotions roll off and a technique you can use each day to adapt, solve problems, and move forward with optimism.

#41 Pitta Series Part 3: Pitta Spirit show art #41 Pitta Series Part 3: Pitta Spirit

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

The 3rd Part in the Pitta Series is all about Pitta Spirit. Learn the things that make Pittas spirit SOAR and the things that may dampen their spirit.

#40 Pitta Series: Part 2 Pitta Mind show art #40 Pitta Series: Part 2 Pitta Mind

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

This is the 2nd part in the Pitta Series — all about understanding the pitta mind. Pittas are drivers, leaders, controllers, and analyzers. They are witty, fully present, and great problem solvers. Learn how pitta can both help and hinder by way of their mind.

#39 Pitta Series Part 1: Pitta Body show art #39 Pitta Series Part 1: Pitta Body

Bringing Ayurveda to Life

The first of a 3-part Pitta series, today we talk about pitta dosha, specifically the pitta body. In Ayurveda, we talk about pitta skincare, the best exercise for pitta dosha and pitta balancing diet guidelines — and this episode includes all of those Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines for our pitta friends!

More Episodes

Pretend like we're on the phone...what happened on my surgery day was not what I expected. The entire experience blew my mind. I left my mind completely open like a blank slate, no judgements or preconceived ideas or agendas. I did not allow fear or negativity into my mindset. I only allowed an openness, trust, and optimism. Early on, I decided that these cancer lumps would be the best gift EVER. And they were. This episode is part of the story.