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smj: school marketing journal

The School Marketing Journal podcast is for school Heads, covering the latest in school marketing and communications.

info_outline 203: Beyond the waitlist – The case for continuous marketing 03/20/2025
info_outline 202: The power of flaws: Turning brand weaknesses into assets 03/13/2025
info_outline 201: School Choice Counts – interview with Graham Catt 03/06/2025
info_outline 200: What 200 episodes have taught us about Heads as leaders in school marketing 02/27/2025
info_outline 199: Why Heads must own marketing 02/20/2025
info_outline 198: How AI can help school Heads with strategy – interview with Graham Kenny 02/13/2025
info_outline 197: Don’t be the best. Be their favourite. 02/06/2025
info_outline 196: How communication drives thriving school communities – Interview with Ashley Fell 12/05/2024
info_outline 195: Reimagine the school business model – interview with Peter Baron 11/28/2024
info_outline 194: From challenge to clarity: Enrolment insights 11/21/2024
info_outline 193: Keep your brand promise 11/13/2024
info_outline 192: Discovering your differentiators – Interview with Clayton Johnston 11/08/2024
info_outline 191: Lights, camera, enrolments! – Introducing imageseven’s new video service 10/31/2024
info_outline 190: Communicating change: a framework 10/24/2024
info_outline 189: Leading change in school marketing 10/17/2024
info_outline 188: No budget required 09/26/2024
info_outline 187: The future is fractional 09/19/2024
info_outline 186: Limit the logical 09/12/2024
info_outline 185: Boosting productivity and growth – AI in your school marketing 09/05/2024
info_outline 184: Strategy – How will you win? – interview with Tom Olverson 08/29/2024
info_outline 183: School marketing starts on the inside 08/22/2024
info_outline 182: Email newsletters – interview with Dan Oshinsky 08/15/2024
info_outline 181: Your second chance at a first impression 08/08/2024
info_outline 180: Substantiating teacher quality - interview with Matt Pfeiffer 08/01/2024
info_outline 179: Global lessons from the 2024 IBSC Annual Conference 07/25/2024
info_outline 178: AI 101 for school Heads 06/27/2024
info_outline 177: Marketing buzzwords you should know – Part 2 06/20/2024
info_outline 176: Truth and Tradition: Writing Authentic School Histories – interview with David Hastie 06/13/2024
info_outline 175: The marketing buzzwords you should know – Part 1 06/06/2024
info_outline 174: Strategy with the customer in mind – interview with Tom Olverson 05/30/2024