10 Words Only in Japanese DEBUNKED?! | Japan Station 133
10 Words Only in Japanese DEBUNKED?! | Japan Station 133
On this episode of Japan Station, we talk about 10 words that only exist in Japanese and how Japanese may not be as unique as you think it is. 👉Topics Discussed x x What komorebi means and what its parts mean What unkai means About kanji compounds in Japanese About the many meanings that can be found in a single kanji The different readings of kanji in Japanese What shinrinyoku means Whats tsundoku means What irusu means What konbi means What kogarashi means What betsubara means What kuchisamishii means What tatemae means What macchipompu means And more! 👉Subscribe to the Podcast! 👉Support on Patreon & Ko-fi 👉Links, Videos, Etc. The Article referenced in this article: Here's the 11 words we discussed in this episode: 木洩れ日 : 木漏れ日; 木洩れ日; 木漏れ陽; 木洩れ陽 【こもれび】 (n) sunlight filtering through trees 雲海 【うんかい】 (n) sea of clouds 森林浴 【しんりんよく】 (n) forest bathing; forest therapy; peaceful walk through the woods for health benefits 積読 : 積ん読(P); 積読; つん読 【つんどく】 (n,vs) (1) buying books and not reading them; stockpiling books; tsundoku; (n) (2) books bought but not read 居留守 【いるす】 (n) pretending to be out 甘美 【かんび】 (adj-na,n) (1) sweet (taste); luscious; (adj-na,n) (2) sweet (melody, dream, etc.); delightful; pleasant; mellow; mellifluous 木枯らし : 木枯らし(P); 木枯し(P); 凩; 木枯 【こがらし】 (n) cold wintry wind 別腹 【べつばら】 (n) dessert stomach; having room for dessert despite being full 口寂しい : 口寂しい; 口淋しい 【くちさびしい; くちざみしい; くちさみしい】 (adj-i) craving for food, a cigarette, etc.; longing to have something in one's mouth 建前 : 建前(P); 建て前(P); 立前; 立て前 【たてまえ】 (n) (1) (See 本音) face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts); (n) (2) (建前, 建て前 only) ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house マッチポンプ : マッチポンプ; マッチ・ポンプ (n) (in ref. to lighting a match and then putting it out with a water pump) stirring up trouble in order to get credit for resolving it (wasei: match, wasei: pomp); profiting from solving problems created by oneself 👉Follow on Social Media