MCAT Basics (from MedSchoolCoach)
Join us as we detail MCAT exam topics. Each podcast covers several MCAT sections with lessons based on review material put out by the AAMC, such as practice tests and question banks. Sam also interviews MCAT tutors and experts who share tips on how premed students can raise their score to get into medical school.
The Muscular System
The Muscular System
This MCAT BAsics episode covers the muscular system. It begins with the differences and similarities between the three types of muscle (smooth, cardiac, and skeletal). Then, the podcast explores the basic structure of a skeletal muscle cell and the various organelles unique to this cell type, including the sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, myofibrils, sarcomeres, and more. Next, it discusses three main differences between Type 1 and Type 2 muscle fibers. Finally, it delves into muscle contraction, starting at the neuromuscular junction and ending with the shortening of sarcomeres, which causes muscle flexion. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Introduction [02:09] Types of muscle - smooth, cardiac, skeletal [04:49] The structure of a muscle cell in skeletal muscle [15:11] The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 muscle fibers [23:08] Understanding how a muscle contracts [27:53] The Cross-Bridge cycle
Social Stratification
Social Stratification
This MCAT podcast covers social stratification. It begins with a definition and examples of many terms related to social stratification and inequality, including prejudice, discrimination, stereotype, stereotype threat, status (ascribed vs achieved), power (six different types to know), social capital (and other forms of capital), gentrification, and poverty. The discussion then moves on to social class and the social gradient in healthcare. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Introduction [02:24] Terms related to social stratification [03:03] Defining social stratification [03:53] What is prejudice [04:57] Defining stereotype and discrimination [09:29] What is stereotype threat [13:04] Status and the six different types of power [21:50] Social Capital [23:38] Defining gentrification [25:07] Absolute poverty vs. relative poverty [27:59] Social Class [33:53] Social Stratification in Healthcare
Classic Psychology Experiments
Classic Psychology Experiments
In this episode, we delve into classic psychology experiments –relevant to the Psych/Soc section of the MCAT. We cover a range of significant studies, including Pavlov’s Dog, Harlow’s Monkey Study, Albert’s Bobo Doll Experiment, the Skinner Box Experiment, Asch’s Conformity (Line) Experiment, the Milgram Experiment, Watson’s Little Albert Experiment, Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study, and Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Dog Study. Additionally, we touch on rapid-fire cases like Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment, the Kitty Genovese case, and Phineas Gage’s story. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Introduction [02:37] Pavlov’s Dog Experiment [07:40] Harlow’s Monkey Study [12:05] Albert’s Bobo Doll Experiment [15:41] The Skinner Box Experiment [24:12] Asch Conformity (Line) Experiment [28:16] The Milgram Experiment [36:01] Watson’s Little Albert Experiment [39:10] Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study [43:17] Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Dog Study [46:14] Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment [48:39] The Kitty Genovese case [49:47] Phineas Gage’s story
The Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle
In this episode, we explore the different phases of the cell cycle: Interphase (G1, S, G2) and the M phase (mitosis). Next, we discuss the regulation of the cell cycle and the key checkpoints that ensure its proper progression. Finally, we touch on how dysfunction in the cell cycle can lead to diseases, particularly cancer. This material is likely to appear in the Bio/Biochem section of the MCAT. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Introduction [02:06] Overview of the cell cycle [02:38] Two main phases of the cell cycle [04:11] Interphase [12:43] Mitotic phase [18:20] Regulation of the cell cycle [27:09] Relevant examples of the cell cycle and disease
In this episode, we delve into three common types of isomers that you are likely to encounter on the MCAT: structural isomers, geometric isomers, and stereoisomers. We start by defining each type of isomer, providing clear and concise explanations to ensure a solid understanding. Next, we present common examples of each isomer type to illustrate their unique characteristics. Finally, we discuss real-world applications and scenarios where these isomers are relevant, particularly in the context of the MCAT. This material will appear in the Physical Chemistry section of the MCAT and may also be found in the Biochemistry section. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump Into the Conversation: [00:00] Introduction [02:06] Structural isomers [06:03] Geometric isomers [15:50] Three different kinds of stereoisomers [16:30] Enantiomers [17:44] Diastereomers [18:46] Conformational isomers [22:06] Key terms regarding stereoisomers [26:54] Difference between absolute and relative configurations of stereoisomers [28:22] Interesting example of stereoisomers in different sugars
Emotion and Motivation
Emotion and Motivation
In this episode, we cover motivation and emotion–key concepts that will show up in the Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section of the MCAT. We start with the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. We then go into various theories including evolutionary, arousal, drive-reduction, incentive, three needs theory, Maslow’s hierarchy, and the correlation between harmful behaviors like addiction and motivation. Lastly we get into emotion, covering its three components, the relationship between emotion and the brain, and an array of theories including evolutionary, James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Schachter-Singer, Lazarus, and facial feedback theories. Additionally, we discuss the influence of culture on emotion and delves into emotional disorders. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump Into the Conversation: [00:00] Introducing MCAT Basics [02:09] Defining Motivation [03:00] The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation [04:30] Theories of Motivation - Evolutionary, Arousal, Drive-reduction, Incentive, Three Needs and Maslow’s Hierarchy, [19:30] The correlation between harmful behaviors like addiction and motivation. [26:07] Defining emotion [27:50] The psychological, cognitive, and behavioral components of emotion [31:11] The theories of emotion - evolutionary perspective of emotion, James Lang theory, the Cannon Barr theory, and the Schachter Singer theory. [41:09] The facial feedback theory [46:28] Emotional disorders that you're most likely to see on the MCAT- depressive disorders anxiety based disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorders.
Cardiovascular System + Fluids
Cardiovascular System + Fluids
In this episode, we focus on the cardiovascular system and its connection to fluid mechanics. Beginning with an exploration of cardiovascular anatomy, the discussion covers various aspects of the heart: its function, contraction mechanism, the diverse cell types found within it, and its essential role in regulating blood pressure. Finally, in the latter part of the episode, several fluid mechanics topics pertinent to the MCAT and their application to the cardiovascular system are addressed. These include total peripheral resistance, viscosity, the continuity equation, and the Bernoulli equation, offering insights into their relevance in understanding cardiovascular dynamics. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Intro [02:32] Circulatory system overview [08:48] Blood's journey from the heart through systematic circulation [11:49] The reason the heart needs one-way valves [15:14] The path of blood flow through the body [16:52] Function of the heart [22:21] QRS complex [24:24] Cells that make up the heart [28:33] Hormonal control of blood pressure and its relationship to the heart [40:39] Application of physics fluids to cardiovascular system [43:31] Peripheral resistance [48:38] Viscosity [51:54] Continuity equation [55:02] Bernoulli equation
Translational Motion
Translational Motion
This podcast addresses translational motion. First, vectors are covered. Then, the variables of acceleration, velocity, and position are discussed. Next, the host discusses the relationship between those three variables. Finally, it covers free fall, projectile motion, air resistance, and friction. The example link for this segment is provided here: Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [01:57] What is translational motion [04:08] Vectors [14:21] Velocity, acceleration, and position/displacement [20:08] The relationship between acceleration, velocity, and position [34:53] Free fall and projectile motion [44:40] The four equations to know for projectile motion [47:20] Air resistance and friction
Cell Organelles
Cell Organelles
This podcast explores cell organelles, organized into five categories: organelles found in all cells, eukaryotic cells, plant and bacterial cells, human and bacterial cells, human cells only, and plant cells only. The organelles discussed include ribosomes, vacuoles, cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, peroxisome, proteasome, nucleus, nucleolus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, cell wall, flagella, mitochondria, melanosome, and chloroplasts. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [01:59] Definition of “Cell Organelles” [03:59] Organelles found in all cells - ribosomes, vacuoles, cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, peroxisome, proteasome [22:42] Organelles that show up in eukaryotes only - nucleus, nucleolus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome [40:03] Orgnalles shared by plants and bacteria - cell wall and flagella [46:40] Organelles found in human cells only - mitochondria, melanosome, and chloroplasts
Kinetics and Solubility
Kinetics and Solubility
This podcast discusses chemical kinetics and solubility. It begins with an exploration of kinetics, including the general concept, collision theory, rate laws, and the Arrhenius equation. Next, it delves into solubility, covering the general concept, solubility product (Ksp), the common ion effect, selective precipitation, and Henry’s law. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [02:37] What is general kinetics [08:53] Collision Theory [11:08] Rate Laws [21:15] Arrhenius Equation [28:00] What is Solubility [32:08] Solubility Product (Ksp) [43:49] The Common Ion Effect [45:22] Selective precipitation [48:35] Henry’s Law
Physiology and Perception of the Eye
Physiology and Perception of the Eye
This podcast focuses on the eye. It begins with a brief overview of the eye's anatomy and physiology. The discussion then shifts to rods, cones, and the phototransduction pathway. The final section addresses perception. Key topics include visual field processing, differences between binocular and monocular cues, and feature detection (covering both Magno and Parvo pathways). Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [02:10] Anatomy & physiology of the eye [16:02] Phototransduction pathway [26:59] Perception [28:13] Visual field processing [31:34] Binocular versus monocular queues [35:02] Visual feature detection - Gestalt principles [38:18] Parallel Processing [39:12] Parvo versus Magno pathways
Adaptive Immune System
Adaptive Immune System
To continue our discussion on the immune system, in this episode, we will cover the second type of immune system – the adaptive immune system. We start with covering some vocabulary that you’ll need to know to understand the immune system, then we move into the cells that make up the adaptive immune system. Then we break down the two branches of the adaptive immune system - humoral immunity including the discussion of B cells and cell-mediated immunity highlighting T cells. Don’t miss our previous episode on the other type of immune system, the innate immune system. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [02:01] Review on the difference between innate vs. adaptive immue system [02:32] General Vocabulary terms for the adaptive immune system [07:05] The cells that make up the adaptive immune system [13:09] The humoral immune system and B cells [26:07] Cell mediated immunity and T Cells [34:38] Antigen activation
Innate Immune System
Innate Immune System
The immune system is split up into two main categories - the adaptive immune system and the innate immune system. This episode will cover the intricacies of the innate immune system beginning with an overview of its constituent cells. We will then explore three pivotal elements of the system: anatomical barriers, the general inflammatory response, and the complement system. This will show up in the bio/biochem section of the MCAT. For additional reading on this topic, you can refer to the . Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [02:09] The goal of the innate immune system [04:57] The cells that make up the innate immune system [11:47] Anatomical barriers to the innate immune system [19:53] General inflammatory response of the innate immune system [42:49] Complement system [45:33] MCAT Advice of the day - take as much time as you need to study for the MCAT
Separation and Purification Techniques
Separation and Purification Techniques
This episode of MCAT Basics covers several separation and purification techniques you may see on the MCAT. We’ll cover these techniques in three distinct categories: small molecules, proteins, and cells. Within the small molecule category, we’ll discuss extraction, crystallization and recrystallization, and chromatography (TLC and HPLC). For proteins, we cover SDS-page, precipitation, soelectric focusing, and chromatography variations. Lastly, we’ll explain, within the world of cells, centrifugation, flow cytometry, and microfluidics. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutorig from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:07] Topics covered in this episode [02:24] Techniques for small molecules - extraction, crystallization and recrystallization, and chromatography (TLC and HPLC) [28:24] Techniques for proteins - SDS-page, precipitation, isoelectric focusing, and chromatography variations [54:47] Techniques for cells - centrifugation, flow cytometry, and microfluidics.
Circuit Variables & Elements
Circuit Variables & Elements
This episode of MCAT Basics covers the world of circuits. We will explore electrical circuits and their fundamental principles. We’ll start with dissecting the essential parameters that form the backbone of circuits: voltage, current, resistance, and power. These are the building blocks upon which all circuit dynamics are based. Next, we'll explore a variety of circuit elements, from resistors to batteries, capacitors, and switches. Each of these components plays a vital role in shaping the behavior of circuits and understanding their functionality. Finally, we'll delve into Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law, two fundamental principles that govern circuit behavior. By grasping these laws, you'll gain essential insights into how circuits operate and how to analyze their dynamics effectively. Visit for more help with the MCAT and use promo code PODCAST to receive a five percent discount on your first session. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutorig from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:07] Topics covered in this episode [02:14] Circuit Variables - voltage, current resistance, power [22:59] Circuit Elements - resistors, sources of voltage, capacitors, and switches [44:28] Ohm's Law [45:24] Kirchhoff's Law
DNA Replication and Central Dogma
DNA Replication and Central Dogma
DNA replication and the central dogma are fundamental concepts in molecular biology, and breaking down the different replication methods and the processes of transcription and translation is crucial for understanding how genetic information is expressed and passed on in cells. In the first part of our episode, we'll break down DNA replication, exploring the concepts of conservative, semi-conservative, and dispersive replication, unraveling the mechanisms that drive this fundamental process. Later, we'll focus on transcription and translation, delving into the nuances between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. We'll uncover the mechanisms by which genetic information is transcribed from DNA to RNA and then translated into proteins, all while considering the diverse cellular locations where these processes take place. Visit for more help with the MCAT and use promo code PODCAST to receive a five percent discount on your first session. Jump into the conversation: [01:07] Episode Overview [01:54] DNA replication explanation [05:53] Three phases of replication - initiation, elongation, and termination [25:12] Central Dogma description [25:50] Transcription Process [36:31] The differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription [37:58] Translation Process
Thermodynamics is fundamental to mastering chemistry concepts and understanding the energy dynamics within biological systems crucial for the MCAT. In this episode, host Sam Smith dives into the laws of thermodynamics, covering everything from the zeroth law to the third. You'll explore key concepts like enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs Free Energy and learn how they apply to reaction spontaneity and equilibrium. Sam also gives practical examples, including how the equilibrium constant and reaction quotient (Q vs. K) affect reactions, and covers types of heat transfer—conduction, convection, and radiation—essential for the Chem/Phys section. Visit for more help with the MCAT and use promo code PODCAST to receive a five percent discount on your first session. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:03) Introduction to thermodynamics (03:58) The four laws of thermodynamics (12:46) Thermodynamic variables: entropy, enthalpy, and Gibbs Free Energy (24:11) Phase changes in thermodynamics (25:30) Gibbs Free Energy and spontaneity of reactions (38:01) The three types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation
Cell and Tissue Types
Cell and Tissue Types
Cells and tissues form the building blocks of life, which are crucial for mastering key concepts in the MCAT’s biology and biochemistry sections. In this episode, host Sam Smith breaks down the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, exploring animal, plant, and bacterial cell structures alongside unique cell types like erythrocytes. You’ll gain insights into the various tissue types—epithelial, muscle, connective, and nervous—along with their roles in the body. Plus, Sam highlights essential details on ribosome size, cell reproduction methods, and structural elements like vacuoles and cell walls. This episode equips you with strategies to distinguish cell and tissue types confidently, setting you up for success on exam day. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:03) Cell types overview (02:44) Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells (09:53) Animal, plant, and Ffungi cells (16:20) Bacteria and archaea characteristics (19:09) Erythrocytes: Structure and function (20:15) Tissue types intro (23:35) Epithelial tissue types and functions (33:17) Connective and nervous tissues
Renal Physiology
Renal Physiology
Understanding the kidneys' role in the body’s balance is essential for the MCAT and beyond. In this episode, host Sam Smith discusses renal physiology, covering everything from kidney anatomy to the nephron’s critical functions in filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion. You’ll explore the roles of the renal cortex and medulla, learn about the loop of Henle, and uncover the importance of ions, plasma volume, and pH regulation in kidney function. Plus, we’ll examine hormones like ADH and aldosterone and their impact on fluid balance, as well as essential measurements like glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for assessing kidney health. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro to renal physiology (02:43) Kidney anatomy overview (08:38) Nephron structure and function (09:50) Six key functions of the kidney (12:03) Nephron Processes: Filtration (17:32) Nephron Processes: Reabsorption and secretion (22:51) The Loop of Henle (26:05) Understanding osmolarity in the Loop of Henle (26:55) Ion transport in the ascending limb (32:04) The role of the collecting duct (37:18) Hormonal regulation of the nephron (46:50) Key measurements of renal function (50:15) MCAT Advice of the Day
Psychosocial Development and Identity
Psychosocial Development and Identity
The essentials of identity theories and psychosocial development reveal the foundational elements of human behavior and self-perception. In this episode, Sam Smith discusses the core theories around identity, from Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development and Freud’s psychosexual stages to Piaget’s cognitive framework and Kohlberg’s stages of moral growth. Sam talks about how each theory is represented in MCAT questions, explaining key differences and how they impact our understanding of self-concept, self-esteem, and social roles. Whether it's Cooley’s looking-glass self or Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, this episode helps make sense of the MCAT’s approach to personality and identity development. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:04) Psychosocial development and identity (01:42) The different theories of identity formation (01:57) Basic ideas regarding identity and self-concept (08:29) Erikson's psychosocial development theory (16:47) Testing strategies and MCAT questions (17:57) Freud's psychosexual development theory (24:01) Piaget's stages of cognitive development (28:15) Kohlberg's theory of moral development (32:42) Cooley's looking-glass self (33:21) George Herbert Mead's the I and the Me (34:34) Vygotsky's social development theory
Functional Groups: Physical and Chemical Properties
Functional Groups: Physical and Chemical Properties
A deep understanding of functional groups is crucial for excelling in the MCAT, as they play a key role in the reactivity, physical properties, and biological functions of molecules. In this episode, Sam Smith breaks down the essential functional groups, covering their physical and chemical properties, biological relevance, and common reaction mechanisms. From alcohols and carbonyl-containing groups like aldehydes and ketones, to nitrogen-containing amines and amides, Sam explains how these groups are presented in exam questions and their impact on biological systems. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:54) How the MCAT asks questions about functional groups (02:01) Physical vs. chemical properties (04:09) Alcohols: Structure and classification (06:13) MCAT questions related to the physical properties of alcohols (10:03) MCAT question examples related to boiling points (11:54) Biological reactions involving alcohols (34:23) Reactivity of carbonyl-containing functional groups
Electromagnetism is a critical component of physics, playing a pivotal role in everything from circuits to medical imaging technologies like MRIs. It is also a crucial topic for the MCAT, appearing frequently in the physics and chemistry sections. In this episode, Sam Smith breaks down the fundamental concepts of electricity and magnetism. Sam walks through the basics of static electricity, charge conservation, and Coulomb’s Law and explains how moving charges create currents and the forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:44) How charge is defined: positive and negative (03:31) History of charge and the amber effect (05:02) Static electricity and the conservation of charge (07:26) Conductors vs. insulators (09:22) How electrostatic force is governed by Coulomb’s Law (10:52) Understanding electric fields (16:27) The relationship between electric field strength and distance (18:17) How moving charges create a current and electric potential (22:23) Different types of magnetic materials and their behavior (25:45) How magnetic fields are visualized and understood through field lines (28:32) The right-hand rule explained (33:22) How magnetic forces act on moving charges and currents (40:01) The application of electromagnetism in MRIs (44:55) MCAT Advice of the Day
Psychology and Sociology Theories
Psychology and Sociology Theories
Understanding social and psychological theories is crucial for success on the MCAT, as these concepts shape everything from human behavior to societal structures. In this episode, Sam Smith breaks down the essential sociological and psychological theories you need to master, ranging from functionalism and conflict theory to the theories of emotion. Sam explains how these theories apply to real-world scenarios, including their relevance in medicine, healthcare disparities, and patient interactions. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:58) Overview of social and psychological theories (03:23) Functionalism (09:55) Conflict theory (12:52) Symbolic interactions (15:12) Social constructionism (18:46) Rational choice and exchange theory (23:54) Feminist theory (26:10) Behaviorism (29:34) Life course theory (33:45) Theories of emotion (41:03) Motivational theories
The Reproductive System
The Reproductive System
In this episode of MCAT Basics, Sam Smith discusses the reproductive system and development, breaking down essential topics for the bio and biochem section of the MCAT. Sam walks through the key reproductive organs, the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis, and the pathway sperm and eggs take in human reproduction. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:30) Reproductive organs: Overview of male and female reproductive anatomy (03:16) Spermatogenesis: The process of sperm cell development (04:55) Meiosis in spermatogenesis: From diploid to haploid cells (07:02) Spermatogenesis recap: The pathway from spermatagonia to spermatozoa (09:45) The menstrual cycle: Overview of the four phases (11:15) Ovulation: Triggered by luteinizing hormone surge (11:55) The luteal phase: Role of the corpus luteum in progesterone production (12:56) Menstruation: Progesterone drop and the sloughing of the uterine lining (14:16) Oogenesis: The process of egg cell development (18:17) Differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis (19:18) Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) and its relation to maternal age (21:08) Fertilization: The process of sperm fusing with the egg (28:51) Gastrulation and the formation of germ layers (30:24) Germ layers: Mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm
Atomic Chemistry
Atomic Chemistry
Atomic chemistry is a core component of the MCAT, essential for understanding molecular behavior and periodic trends. In this episode, host Sam Smith explores key concepts in atomic chemistry, including the intricacies of quantum theory, hybridization, and molecular geometry. You'll gain insights into electron configuration, periodic trends, and the role of quantum numbers in describing electrons. Sam also discusses the significance of nuclear decay, from alpha to beta and gamma decay, and how it impacts atomic structure. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:48) Understanding atomic orbitals and the planetary model (04:54) Quantum theory and the wave-particle duality of electrons (06:52) Types of atomic orbitals (08:29) Electron configuration and its real-world applications (12:24) Hund’s Rule and the Pauli Exclusion Principle (17:45) The four quantum numbers (22:10) Hybridization and bond formation (26:14) Molecular geometry and its relevance (29:44) Ionic vs. covalent bonds and electronegativity (34:48) Periodic table trends: Atomic radius, electronegativity, and ionization energy (37:49) Nuclear decay: Half-life and types of decay (alpha, beta, gamma) (44:46) MCAT advice of the day
Light and Optics
Light and Optics
A foundational part of the MCAT, light and optics bridge the gap between physics and biology, making them vital for your exam preparation. In this episode, Sam Smith breaks down the fundamentals of light, covering both its wave and particle properties. From the energy of photons and the photoelectric effect, to wave behavior and the principles of refraction and reflection, Sam simplifies complex concepts to help you grasp key equations and principles. You'll also learn about lenses, ray tracing, and the real-life applications of polarization. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:03) Introduction to light and optics (03:10) How photons carry energy (05:34) The photoelectric effect and its significance (17:47) Introduction to waves and simple harmonic motion (18:46) Longitudinal vs. transverse waves explained (21:47) Constructive and destructive interference in wave behavior (23:40) Polarization, reflection, and refraction in light (36:40) How lenses and ray tracing work (44:59) MCAT Advice of the Day
Learning and Memory
Learning and Memory
Learning and memory are foundational concepts that play a critical role in acing the MCAT, especially in the Psych/Soc section. In this episode, host Sam Smith discusses the key concepts of learning and memory, covering the brain structures involved in memory formation, like the hippocampus and amygdala, as well as the different types of memory—explicit, implicit, and working memory. Sam also explores types of learning, including latent learning, observational learning, and the essential principles of classical and operant conditioning, and more. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:03) How brain structures support learning and memory (02:39) The role of memory in learning processes (03:20) How the information processing model explains memory (16:28) Types of learning: latent, observational, and conditioning (17:48) How observational learning works in social contexts (18:23) Overview of classical and operant conditioning (34:44) MCAT Advice of the Day
Study Types and Research Design
Study Types and Research Design
Understanding study design and research variables is crucial for mastering the MCAT and in medical research. In this episode, host Sam Smith discusses the essentials of study design and research methods, from understanding independent and dependent variables to navigating the complexities of correlation, causation, and confounding variables. You’ll learn about the different types of studies, including experimental, observational, case-control, and cohort designs, and how they apply to MCAT questions. Plus, we’ll explore odds ratios, study validity, and the importance of specificity and sensitivity in diagnostic tests. This episode also covers common study limitations and biases, helping you sharpen your critical thinking skills for exam day. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:22) Types of variables seen in studies (03:10) Correlation and Pearson correlation coefficient (05:38) Causation vs. correlation (07:16) Confounding variables: Examples and impact (08:55) Odds ratio and study applications (11:00) Validities in experiments (16:20) Specificity vs. sensitivity in diagnostic tests (19:13) Types of studies: Experimental and observational (31:32) Single blind vs. double blind studies (32:58) Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (35:57) Research limitations and study bias (45:39) MCAT Advice of the Day
Organic Chemistry Mechanisms To Know
Organic Chemistry Mechanisms To Know
In this episode, Sam Smith will discuss and help you understand the essential organic chemistry mechanisms and reactions you may encounter when taking the MCAT. From nucleophilic substitution reactions like SN1 and SN2 to aldol condensation and oxidation and reduction of alcohols, Sam will cover the high-yield topics that are crucial for your test prep. He will also touch on key IR and NMR values that could appear on your exam. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: (00:00) Intro (01:42) SN1 and SN2 nucleophilic substitution reactions, mechanisms, and key concepts (03:18) Carbonyl substitution and addition reactions (06:12) Introduction to aldol condensation reactions (07:17) Overview of oxidation and reduction reactions (10:09) Explanation of Fischer esterification and saponification (12:51) Summary of elimination reactions (E1 and E2) and their distinguishing features. (13:38) What numbers to know for IR and NMR
Social Groups
Social Groups
Mastering the concept of sociological groups can unlock a deeper understanding of how we interact and influence each other. On top of that, social interactions and group dynamics form the backbone of the Psych/Soc section of the MCAT, so mastering this topic is key to a good score. In this episode, host Sam Smith breaks down the essential topic of sociological groups. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the different types of groups, the dynamics within organizations, bureaucracy, and social networks, and key concepts like groupthink, group polarization, and social loafing. We also explore how these concepts apply to real-world examples, from business partnerships to historical events like the Salem witch trials. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: 00:00 Intro 02:09 Types of social groups and social networks 08:06 Organizations and bureaucracy 10:17 Normative organizations 16:16 Group interactions and dynamics 20:08 Difference between group think and group polarization 27:57 Deindividuation, aka the ‘mob mentality’ 31:57 Cultural groups and assimilation 34:22 MCAT Advice of the Day