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Sourced: The Coffee Podcast

Royal Coffee, Inc. is a green coffee importer serving the global coffee roasting community. Since 1978, Royal has connected coffee producers to coffee roasters. In 2019, Royal launched the highly anticipated project The Crown: Royal Coffee Lab & Tasting Room, an open-sourced coffee education center located in Oakland, California. This podcast is an extension of the thoughts and happenings taking place within the larger network of Royal Coffee & The Crown. We hope you enjoy it!

info_outline S3, Episode 8: Interpersonal Relationships in Coffee; The Magic of Catracha Coffee in Santa Elena 03/11/2025
info_outline S3, Episode 7: Early Third Wave - Discovery, Evolution, and Microlots Part 2 11/08/2024
info_outline S3, Episode 6: Early Third Wave - Discovery, Evolution, and Microlots Part 1 10/14/2024
info_outline S3, Episode 5: C Market biannual update 2024 - Where is all of the coffee? 08/23/2024
info_outline S3, Episode 4: Innovative Honduran Coffee Production Models with Richard Sandlin 05/15/2024
info_outline S3, Episode 3: Freelancing in coffee w/ Sandra Loofbourow and Isabella 04/23/2024
info_outline S3, Episode 2: Intersection of Coffee Sustainability & Business w/ Katie Carguilo 03/27/2024
info_outline S3, Episode 1: AI and Coffee Roasting w/ Chris Kornman and Doris Garrido 03/06/2024
info_outline 2023 C Market Recap w/ Spencer Ford & Alex Mason 12/21/2023
info_outline Japan Coffee Shop Culture w/ Richard Sandlin 12/12/2023
info_outline Coffee Genetics w/ Hanna Neuschwander & Chris Kornman 11/21/2023
info_outline Is it anaerobic enough? 11/03/2023
info_outline What da C do? 10/10/2023
info_outline Asia Specialty Coffee market with Royal's International Sales Team Leader 09/19/2023
info_outline Strategies for Hassle Free Coffee Shipping w/ Caitlin McCarthy-Garcia and Evan Gilman 09/06/2023
info_outline Demystifying Direct Trade 08/14/2023
info_outline Cervical Cancer, Women in Coffee, and Grounds for Health 07/27/2023
info_outline Insights from a Coffee Buyer's Trip through Indonesia and Shanghai 06/23/2023
info_outline 2023 East Africa Origin Update w/ Chris Kornman & Isabella Vitaliano 06/16/2023
info_outline Understanding Coffee Positions 05/04/2023
info_outline Colombia’s New Wave of Coffee culture and Experimental Coffee Processing 02/16/2023
info_outline Tales from The Trading Desk 01/19/2023
info_outline Episode 35: Level up your wholesale with Alli Ball of Food Biz Wiz 03/29/2022
info_outline Sustainability in Coffee w/Chris Kornman and Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian 07/21/2021
info_outline Introduction to Sustainability w/Chris Kornman & Sandra Loofbourow 07/02/2021
info_outline Episode 34 : Beyond Labels - What Certifications Really Mean for Your Coffee 06/11/2021
info_outline Episode 33 - Roasting Operations 05/26/2021
info_outline Episode 32- Royal's Farmgate Transparency Program w/ Bob Fulmer and Chris Kornman 05/05/2021
info_outline Episode 31: Good for Espresso 04/28/2021
info_outline Episode 30: Trade Secrets - What's Behind the Coffee Supply Chain Disruption 04/07/2021