Stop Saying You're Fortunate (FORTUNATE SON)
Stop Saying You're Fortunate (FORTUNATE SON)
You did something. You busted your but. You saved. You had discipline. You built good habits. And you should be proud of what you're doing. Not ashamed. And certainly not fall for the false belief that you were lucky. ================ LISTENER QUESTION/COMMENTS ================ I’m maxing out my 401k plan as well as max out a Roth IRA. I’m fortunate and looking to invest more money. Is the next place to look at investing in a brokerage account (Keani, Benton, AR) Can/should I create an investment account for my children (Bruno Mars, Nevada) What do you do when you want a nice vehicle, say a Porsche Carrera, Mercedes, or Land Rover, but don't want to hurt your future (savings) (Alan) What are the best robo advisors in Canada (Alyssa, Canada) ================ TOPICS =============== MONEY SAVING - Why now is a terrible time to buy a car but a great time to sell one. INVESTING - Should you be buying Ibonds? TAXES - Gordon Ramsey is moving his headquarters to a low-tax country. ================ ENCORE ================ Get your questions answered on the show: Get your accounts in order with Optimize 401k: