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Behind the Blue Curtain

Behind the Blue Curtain (BTBC) is a weekly call-in talk show streamed live on Blog Talk Radio and Facebook every Saturday morning. This show was created to facilitate better communication and cooperation between local police departments and the communities they serve. Our show tackles truly relevant issues in police/community relations. BTBC is a public forum wherein all listeners — be they scholars or past offenders — are afforded the opportunity to call and express their thoughts. On our show everybody is equal. The first half of the program is dedicated to identifying specific issues or topics and their possible solutions. The second half of the program is dedicated to the discussion of those topics and solutions. Behind the Blue Curtain frequently features special guests and co-hosts on our program. We speak to thought leaders and prominent practitioners in their fields to provide expert analysis and insight on the matters at hand. We directly and candidly address today’s most controversial and challenging issues with an eye toward developing feasible and effective solutions. Heard throughout the US and around the globe by thousands, BTBC is a collaborative effort. It is not Stan Mason’s show, or the team’s show, it is OUR show. Without the listeners, callers, and guests, BTBC would not exist. Thank you all for your support.

info_outline The Lamar "LA" Brown Story 02/09/2020
info_outline Dr. Tiffany Crutcher 02/09/2020
info_outline Police Officer Suicides 2018 01/14/2020
info_outline Behind the Blue Curtain 01/13/2020
info_outline Open Carry and the 2nd Amendment 01/12/2020
info_outline Medical Marijuana Facts, Myths & Reality 01/11/2020
info_outline THAT TALK 01/10/2020
info_outline THE ATATIANA JEFFERSON CASE 01/09/2020
info_outline The Diamond Ross Story 01/08/2020
info_outline Behind the Blue Curtain 01/08/2020
info_outline Behind the Blue Curtain 01/07/2020