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The Friends Reel

A podcast about FRIENDS! Two sisters, Erica and Aubrie, come together and watch one episode at a time in chronological order. They discuss the plot lines, the characters, the actors, the fashion, what's still funny 25+ years later and maybe what isn't so funny anymore. They enjoy the occasional round of FRIENDS trivia trying to stump each other. You may think you're the biggest FRIENDS fan out there. But, Erica and Aubrie may have you beat!

info_outline 175. S7 Ep21 TOW the Vows 08/03/2023
info_outline 174. S7 Ep20 TOW Rachel's Big Kiss 07/24/2023
info_outline 173. S7 Ep19 TOW Ross and Monica's Cousin 06/26/2023
info_outline 172. S7 Ep18 TOW Joey's Award 06/19/2023
info_outline 171. S7 Ep17 TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress 06/08/2023
info_outline 170. S7 Ep16 TOW the Truth About London 06/05/2023
info_outline 169. S7 Ep15 TOW Joey's New Brain 06/01/2023
info_outline 168. S7 Ep14 TOW They All Turn Thirty 05/25/2023
info_outline 167. S7 Ep13 TOW Rosita Dies 05/22/2023
info_outline 166. S7 Ep12 TOW They're Up All Night 05/11/2023
info_outline 165. S7 Ep11 TOW All the Cheesecakes 05/08/2023
info_outline 164. S7 Ep10 TOW the Holiday Armadillo 05/04/2023
info_outline 163. S7 Ep9 TOW All the Candy 05/01/2023
info_outline 162. S7 Ep8 TOW Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs 04/27/2023
info_outline 161. S7 Ep7 TOW Ross' Library Book 04/24/2023
info_outline 160. S7 Ep6 TOW the Nap Partners 04/20/2023
info_outline 159. S7 Ep5 TOW the Engagement Picture 04/17/2023
info_outline 158. S7 Ep4 TOW Rachel's Assistant 04/13/2023
info_outline 157. S7 Ep3 TOW Phoebe's Cookies 04/10/2023
info_outline 156. S7 Ep2 TOW Rachel's Book 04/06/2023
info_outline 155. S7 Ep1 TOW Monica's Thunder 04/03/2023
info_outline 154. BONUS: TOW the Season 6 Recap 02/23/2023
info_outline 153. S6 Ep25 TOW the Proposal: Part 2 02/20/2023
info_outline 152. S6 Ep24 TOW the Proposal: Part 1 02/16/2023
info_outline 151. S6 Ep23 TOW the Ring 02/14/2023
info_outline 150. S6 Ep22 TOW Paul's the Man 02/09/2023
info_outline 149. S6 Ep21 TOW Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad 02/06/2023
info_outline 148. S6 Ep20 TOW Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. 02/02/2023
info_outline 147. S6 Ep19 TOW Joey's Fridge 01/30/2023
info_outline 146. S6 Ep18 TOW Ross Dates a Student 01/26/2023