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Tinned Fruit

Join your anonymous hosts on a meandering barroom-style discussion that neither educates nor informs, probing the most unnecessary of dead ends and cul-de-sacs of popular culture. The most pressing of issues affecting today’s society will not be discussed except in the most facetious manner, while deeply personal and social matters such as politics, spiritualism, individualism and religion will be crudely glossed over. Discover two minds locked in unintellectual debate on a miscellany of topics without conclusion and experience firsthand two modern gentlemen slipping willingly towards middle age while their social and cultural relevance declines into obscurity and surrealism. This is most certainly not a pipe, although smoking one may not be out of the question. The opinions contained within this podcast are the opinions of the stars and do not necessarily reflect truth or reality. We are not affiliated with or sponsored by any commercial entity nor do we officially endorse any organisation. Musical credit to Kevin MacLeod, the internet’s premier provider of royalty free music and graph paper. www.incompetech.com "Zazie" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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info_outline Tinned Fruit Episode 4: "Enya's Paperboy" 10/23/2018
info_outline Tinned Fruit Episode 3: "The Devil's Mop" 10/17/2018
info_outline Tinned Fruit Episode 2: "Alan Pecia" 10/10/2018
info_outline Tinned Fruit Episode 1: "Findus Bessie" 10/10/2018