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Out-of-School Time Podcast

The Out-of-School Time Podcast is to increase awareness of the value of OST programs in the lives of children, youth, families and the communities they serve. Join Edward Franklin, President/CEO of Voice of Hope Ministries and experts in the OST field as they discuss the various elements o​f quality out-of-school time programs.

info_outline Episode 6: Interview with Dr. King founder of I AM STEM, Professor of Science Education at Georgia State University and Author of “ Let the Church Say Amen to STEM 05/26/2022
info_outline Episode 5: Edward Franklin interviews Jennifer Peck, Founder, President and CEO, Partnership for Children and Youth in Oakland, CA 11/09/2021
info_outline Episode 4: Edward Franklin, interviews Gina Warner, the President of the National Afterschool Association 10/21/2021
info_outline Episode 3: Dr. Jenny Knowles Morrison Connects Her Research on OOST Programming to the New Normal of 2020 09/23/2020
info_outline Episode 2: Getting to Know Our Host, Edward Franklin, Part 1 08/26/2020
info_outline Episode 1: Dr. Kevin Norvell shares his research on Longitudinal Analysis of Completion Rates of Under Represented Groups in Texas Community Colleges and how OST programs can support his conclusions. 07/10/2020