Voice of Yahweh Radio
This is the Radio Ministry of Evangelist/Pastor Barbara of the Lighthouse Inc., Church. Voice of Yahweh is a radio ministry of Evangelist/Pastor Barbara. God has gifted in the realm of the prophetic. He speaks through and uses her to minister to God's people. Each message will inspire, correct, and encourage you to follow Christ.
Prophecy January 19, 2025
Prophecy January 19, 2025
Allow God's Love to make headway in your life right now. God sees the storms and he sees the calm seas. Let go and let God infuse you with His love this day. Transcript: My children, I want you to believe that story because the battle's already won. All you have to do is walk it out. The victory is right in front of you. The victory is all around about you. My love is never ending. I will not allow not one of you to stumble or fall. I brought you through the furnace of affliction for a purpose and that was to purify and sanctify you, to be holy and righteous, to be My vessels of honor that I'm going to work through. I'm going to work through each and every one of you. No matter what you see inside of yourself, no matter what you think in that little head of yours, I'm going to use each and every one of you. My love abounds in here this morning. I'm saturating each one of you with My love to protect you from the storms of life that are going to blow harder than ever. My love will see you through every circumstance. Let My love flow through you and flow out of you and be the vessels of honor that I have already chosen you to be. It's a finished package. You are mine and we are going to do a great and a mighty works in this end time. I know there are things in your life right now that you're still fighting but I'm in there with you and remember this song remember this story you've already won, for I am the Father that fights the battles with you. Children, come to that fountain of love and let Me wash over you. Let Me pour My love deep inside. I'm calling you to come closer to be more intimate with Me this day than when you were yesterday. It's in Me that you find all peace. It is in Me you receive all answers. Come with Me this morning. Let's you and I be totally and completely alone. Close out everything around about you and just make love to Me. Come up. Come up hither. Come up out of this room. Come into My atmosphere of love. Whoever's in here this morning that just can't quite receive God's love, let Him pour himself into you right now. Ask Him: God, let Me see you, truly see you. He wants to do so much for you this morning. I love you My children, each one of you has had a past that you wished you never had, and that is why I called you. You suffered and now I want to bring you to complete redemption and understand the suffering. I want you to feel Me, feel My love, feel My compassion. I want you to step into the overflow this morning. This is very vital. Step into My overflow this morning. I have brought My glory to you. It is coming in waves after waves after waves. You have been crying out for change on the innermost part of your beings and I have brought that change this morning. You will see life from a different perspective You will understand the love that I have for you and as you operate out of this love you will take it into the world and touch My people. I want you to understand that everything that you've been through has been for this moment for today to bring you higher in My Kingdom, to give you a sense of worth and a sense of understanding that I am your Father and I never make any mistakes when it comes to My children. I have always for you and never against you There will be times where you will not understand everything that is going on around about you. It is in those moments that I want you to use the faith that I have given you to press on and to press in. You will find that energy that Release from My spirit that you need You will find that I have fully restored each and every one of you to your rightful place in My Kingdom. It is only up from here children more glory more anointing and more of My presence inside of you. You should feel things breaking off of you. You should feel yourself coming higher into the heavenly realms. You no longer have to fear the enemy side -tracking you or stopping you. He's there, but this should be not even a thought in your mind. Because I have protected you. I have placed My holy angels around about you to keep you in this hour. There is much work that needs to be done and as you go forth in your respective areas children, you will see the harvest, you will see those who are hungry and thirsty for Me, and you will be compelled to feed them My truths, My word, My anointing. You will feel it being drained out of you and then instantly replaced as you go from person to person to person that I send your way. Do not be afraid to let the giftings that I place inside of you come forth. You have what you need in any moment. If a healing is needed, the anointing will be there for healing. If a word of knowledge is needed, the word of knowledge anointing will be there. You are fully equipped in this hour to minister on My behalf. Thank you for shunning the things of this world. Thank you for shunning vain babbling. Thank you for just giving Me your all as we go into this glorious new future There will be more that will come alongside and You will help them and you will explain the things that have happened to you and it will inspire them to go deeper. You have been going deeper in worship-- deeper in My understanding And I am marrying the two together. Little ones, this is a perfect union between you and Me and you shall see the benefits of it There shall be many, many children produced spiritually and they will go forth and produce even more children spiritually. This is a wonderful hour, and I'm so excited because I've been waiting for such a long time to see these things come to pass in the earth. This group is one of many that I have hidden in the But I am beginning to pull you all to the forefront, each group, each and every respective region to go forth and conquer on all sides. The enemy knows that he has lost this war but even though he knows this, he's still trying to fight. Keep your eyes fixed and focused upon Me. Keep your eyes not on the things of this world, but on the heavenly realms. As I take you higher and higher in Me, you will no longer feel the darkness Cutting through you. You will know that it is in the atmosphere, but you will be able to walk through it with the anointing that I place inside of you. Freedom on all sides and in all ways. This shall be your call in your cry for My people. You will see that I truly let you And I am sending forth for you to help others to be let go from everything that ties and binds in this world. I love you desperately and I thank you children for being yielded unto Me in this hour. My children, I am speaking quietly to you this morning, but I'm really screaming. I want you to hear what I have to say. I Want you to receive this true love. You need this true love to carry My glory. It's only love that's going to destroy the hate that permeates this earth I Need My love Be spread abroad throughout the nations. I Need the nations to hear about My son Jesus and his love for all Mankind. That cross, My children, that cross. Oh, the pain that was in that cross. But it was a pain of love, a pain of forgiveness, a pain of resurrection power. Hear Me this day. Hear My call to you, to walk in the love walk, to spread it abroad to all those who feel so forsaken and lost love covers a multitude of sins. Bring them forth little one. Bring them forth; not judging; not condemning, but bring them forth by speaking the love of My son over them. You have been trained and trained well Now go forth, let My love abound on all sides and bring the harvest in. For the rest of you, My children, I say unto you, the same goes to you. My promises to you are yes and amen, and whatever I have promised you, you shall receive. Keep up the good fight, stay on the path, never look to the right nor to the left. I am in full, total, and complete control of all things that pertain to your life. I know the ins and outs, the ups and downs. I know how the mind works. I know how the heart works. I know everything about you because I wonderfully formed you in your mother's womb and you are still wonderfully formed. Even though life's circumstances seem to have changed some things, you are still wonderfully formed. Never once, never once believe that the enemy can have you. You are mine now and you will be mine forever. Stay walking the path. Don't look to the right nor to the left and quit wondering and doubting. Just walk forward believing if I said it, it shall surely come to pass.
Prophecy January 26, 2025
Prophecy January 26, 2025
Come to the altar. Give God your all.The altar is a place of sacrifice, surrender, and communion. Transcript: Children, meet Me at the altar and receive all that you have need of. I am standing at the altar with My arm stretched wide. Meet Me there. Keep Me in that private place just you and I, whatever you have need of. The desires of your heart as they line up with mine. You will receive. Take My spirit. Let it move over you. Be changed and be rearranged. I know your need, but I need you to meet Me at the altar this night, and I will meet that need. Freedom! Freedom from all things. Freedom, freedom from demonic activity, freedom from frustration, regrets. What is it you have need of? I am moving among you this night. Stretch out your arms. Touch the hem of My garment that you must come to My altar to receive. No holding back. Just let go. Let Me move over you and through you. I'm a loving God, a kind and Merciful God, and I know what's best for your lives, and I so desire to give you that this night.I am moving amongst you. Some of you, I'm holding in My arms tonight. You don't see a way out, but there is always a way out I always make a way of escape and tonight, this is one of those ways. Come into the mighty move of My Spirit right now. Just receive. Just receive. It's not your flesh receiving. Receive by My Holy Spirit. Come a little deeper, a little deeper, a little deeper….. a little deeper…There's nothing absolutely nothing that I will not give you this night. It's freedom night. It's freedom night. Let My rain fall upon you this night. Let the dew of Hermon fall on you this night. Do not go away empty. Be filled. Be filled.
Prophecy January 15, 2025
Prophecy January 15, 2025
Allow God's Love to saturate you. Transcript: My children, I am pouring out a special love upon you this night, right now. A love that has come directly from the Heavenly Throne Room from My heart.I want you to receive from Me right now. The enemy is trying to steal what I am trying to do here this night. You have to enter in. You have to determine to be changed by My love. You have to grasp it to your bosom. Feel it flowing through your being and when you are totally saturated, then you will have something to flow out of you into others. I love you with an everlasting love. I gave My son for you to prove our love for you. Come, come into My heart. Come into the stream of love and never allow the enemy to ever steal your love ever again. It is pure love. It is a love that transcends all other love. It's not love as the world gives. It is My love, My perfect love. Breathe in that love right now. Saturate yourself in that love right now. My children when two people who love each other hold each other in their arms, all they do is cherish the moment. They don't break it by words, they just cherish the moment this night. We are lovers, you and I. I don't want you to speak, I want you to cherish the moment. I want you to remember this night always, for love has come down and saturated your very being. You will find that the love you had in your heart already It's going to go deeper and deeper still. You who are who are lovers right now, you will find a greater bonding than what you had when you walked through these doors. This love that I have saturated with you with tonight goes far beyond your imagination, your understanding. This love has nothing to do with this world. I am love. I came tonight for this purpose to love you, to be your one and only, to take away the hurt, the pain, to seal those who are already in love. Husbands and wives, love one another. If you're in a relationship and it's love, love even deeper still, never allow the enemy to steal this love that I have given you. You will find yourself feeling differently, more at peace. You'll be resting in My arms of love. Even though the battles will rage round about, the enemy will not be able to steal this peace and this love that I have dropped within you this night. There's so much of you in here, you've been crying out and crying out and you need answers from God as you marinate in My love you will receive those answers and when I give them to you keep them close to your bosom. You need to understand that no one-- nothing can separate that I have joined together and I have joined you together with Me this night. The love of God will be spread abroad throughout the lands. You are My beloved ones.
Prophetic Word, January 12, 2025
Prophetic Word, January 12, 2025
Do you know the plans God has for you? God is wanting to give you disclosure. Included also is a word to the youth. Transcript: Never forget that I have plans for you. Never forget that I am moving on the inside of each and every one of your Hearts. Never forget the love that I have shed abroad in this place tonight. I am moving each and every one of you to a new realm with a new destiny. As you move with Me, things will become plain and simple to you. You do not need to understand every move, every step, but it will become easy as you walk with Me. Yes, there will be challenges, but you will swiftly go through those challenges into the next realms of My glory. I am fortifying you in this season so that you can be prepared for the great darkness that is moving amongst the earth right now. The lights that I have placed inside of you will never grow dim or dark and They will overshadow the darkness and cause that darkness to be dissipated completely. I have always been your Father, and I have been teaching you and training you in My ways. This is the day and an hour where you truly see that you are My sons and My daughters. You are a rise to your full stature in My kingdom. I have placed leadership in each and every one of you and you will lead My clans, My groups in your respective areas of responsibility. Do not think of a strange thing that I have called you, handpicked you and chosen you to do the great and mighty things that I am doing. This world needs Me. This world needs My Heart to go forth like never before And I have implanted that within each and every one of you as your soul prospers. Everything else in your life will come into alignment with Me as you Heard tonight. You cannot force this. You just have to flow with My spirit as you flow- as you learn to yield - everything will fall into place. Man would have you be involved in a bunch of hype. Man would have you be involved in a bunch of gimmicks and slick programs. I'm not doing that. I'm giving you The purity of My spirit so that you can grow and Then teach others what you have learned. You all will have that responsibility of teaching the others who come behind you of My ways of My truths and of the knowledge that I share with you. Do not ever step backwards keep moving forward, even if it's just a centimeter at a time-- that forward progress; that forward momentum is all you need to be in the place that I have called you forth to be. I am taking you to places you would have never been before and you wouldn't even think of going. This is a new Height, this is a new glory, and this is My Kingdom. You will be sitting Here, you will be standing or lying down, and all of a sudden you will Hear My still small voice say: “Go Here, go There, go somewhere else…” Listen to My still small voice, follow it, follow it, always follow The still small voice. In the marketplaces in the days ahead, much destruction is coming upon the land, but you My children, you are securing Me and it will not cause you to walk in fear and trembling, that you will be a hope for those who do not know Me. I know you are young, and I know you don't know all that others know, but you do know enough to step forward and allow Me to move you and move through you. I will lead, guide, and direct you through My Holy Spirit. You will know exactly what to say and what to do in any given time. Do not be concerned about tomorrow, for tomorrow is surely already taken care of. Do not be concerned about what you're going to say or how you're going to say it. Be yielded to My spirit 24 /7 and just be, and I will speak through you. I promise you little ones, I'm going to do great and mighty works through each and every one of you. To (you) younger generation that are Here this night: You have not seen My glory in all of its fullness, but you shall. You even say to yourself, why did you choose Me, Lord? I chose you because it was already foreordained before I planted you in your mother's womb. This is The hour for you to come forth and do great and mighty things and you even say, “ I'm too young” and “I don't know”. You're never too young and yes you do know, so just take My hand tonight very securely and allow Me to lead a guide and direct your footsteps allow Me to use your mouth to speak through be holy and pure at all times. Walk in freedom at all times. When you feel bound, it Means that you've stepped outside of My will and you must quickly Get back inside of My will. When you're not at peace Then you're not in My will. Stay at peace little one. Stay in My will and then stay in peace. There's always been line upon line and precept upon precept. Tonight, He’s trying to complete the picture; complete The puzzle so we can go forth and be The warriors and The workers that God has called us forth to be. If you need to have eyes to see as God sees and you need to you need to be open to allow him to show you the broken and allow him to speak to you when to go and minister to Them. He’s talking to the whole body of Christ. It's no longer I, but it's The body. Now, God has done so much to us, and now He wants to take what He’s done to us and share it with the broken. Let your light shine. Let your light shine, children. I have given you a bright light. Even this night I have taken darkness and I have replaced it with the light. Even as I crushed you and made new wine, so much was added into the new wine. So much power and authority, so much wisdom. Now I need you to walk in it. God is saying I'm a holy saying to everybody. I'm a holy God a pure and a just God. I Love and I don't hate. I give and I don't take-- I love you totally and completely. There's not one thing that I'm going to withhold from you.
Prophecy January 5, 2025
Prophecy January 5, 2025
Let today be the day to look at the prize with brand new eyes. God's calling His people to claim what He has for us- let us rise to our positions in Him. Transcript: If I am King, then let Me rule your heart this day. Forget about yesterday. Look at today with brand new eyes. See yourself as I see you, not as others tell you that you are. You are not perfected at this moment but you are working on perfection. Children, do not allow the naysayers to bring you down Stand your ground in Me in love. Hold your head high and move on. We all make mistakes little ones- we all make mistakes- repent and move forward. Quit looking back, don't walk with regret, walk with peace, perfect peace. I do rule and I do reign from the heavenly realm but I cannot cause you to rule with Me. I so desire to give you a special touch a touch that the enemy will not be able to steal from you a new year a new day a new dawning knew everything I Knocking at the door And I am saying allow the new year to walk in. Let all the old go and just walk with Me hand in hand. There are going to be ups and there's going to be downs. That's just the way life is, but as you hold on to my everlasting arm, I will take you through the valleys, I will bring you to the mountain tops, and I guarantee you, you will be full of my love, you will be able to love the unlovable, and you will be able to shoulder the things that the enemy throws your way, they will no longer drag you back down; you have learned how to cast them off and how to walk free. Yes, the atmosphere is heavy with darkness and gloom doom and despair But as you come up into the third heaven with Me you find peace, love, and rest for your weary souls. Please listen to Me this day please understand that I love you each one of you individually I love you just where you are at and I am working to bring you to perfection do not give up now you're so close to the glory. Do not allow the enemy to steal what I've already given you and what I have in front of you My love show abound on all signs if my churches shall be churches of love, grace, mercy and long suffering. You will see my little ones as you move forward. You will look back at this and say, "Well, look what the enemy tried to do to Me, but look what my Father accomplished in me and through me." Children, this is not the hour to be discouraged or dismayed. This is the hour just to walk in perfect love and unity with a Father who loves you Me with a Father who weeps over you and with you with a Father who dances and rejoices with you in a whole oh how I do dance and rejoice with you. I love it when you dance and you shout and you sing praises unto Me! Stay free; stay calm and rest assured that I am with you. Do not allow this last thrust of the enemy take you out. Stand firm and as you overcome this last thrust of the enemy, you will then walk into total victory in every area of your lives. I am not finished with you yet there is so much to see so much to accomplish and my glory just gets brighter and brighter and brighter until you will no longer see the darkness all you see is hope everlasting hope in the light of the Father sing praises unto Me. That is what defeats the enemy. Do not allow him to steal your worship. Defeat the enemy at every turn. Come up hither right now and let's you and I dine together. Let's you and I have a great wonderful Meeting this day, a Meeting that will last you throughout eternity. You are truly mine, and I am well pleased with you. Be forewarned: the enemy desires to take you out- to take you back into his hole, but you don't have to go there, for my grace is so sufficient.
Prophecy 12-31-2024
Prophecy 12-31-2024
Enjoy this word God speaks for the New Year- meant especially for His leaders. Transcript: Leaders in this house: As you sang this song, I poured the rain out upon you. I refreshed you and I brought you forth. As you head into this new year, you are going forth full of My glory and My power and the anointing will destroy every yoke. Everyone that's in here this night is called to lead the lost and the dying into the love of My son Jesus. I have not overlooked not one of you. Stay in the flow of the rain. Let it pour out upon you. It is a continual rain that I will not cease. You can stop the flow, but I will not on My own. This is a promise I give to you. I am with you pouring out the rains upon you, even in the stillness of night when you're asleep. I am pouring My anointing out on you. The dreams and the visions are going to go stronger and stronger. You will see things you've never seen before. You will know things that you've never known before. You will have a complete understanding of where I'm truly taking you to. And I tell you this night, as you stand in My truth and you stand in My presence. I have sent those by your side that I know that will lift you up and encourage you and thrust you forth into your ministry. Never despise small beginnings. Never despise My anointing leaders that I place you under. I have called you for such a time as this. There are so few that will die to self and pick up this anointing in this anointing is warfare and this anointing is all of hell watching you but I tell you this the war is already defeated and all you have to do is go forth in total victory proclaiming that I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. This night is a very special night for this little church. Those who came out, those who sacrificed, are the ones that I'm going to be with, that I'm going to breathe life into them each and every day. You shall see, the sacrifice will mean nothing to you because you are so willing to pay the price whenever you see what I am doing with you. Come forth My children this night in total and complete victory. Knowing that I the Lord God -- I met you here and I poured out My spirit upon you. There is not one weak in this room. I'm just hearing God say tonight that this whole complete day has been a brand -new day. He's already brought us into a new realm of glory with him and we're going to find ourselves so close to God that we're not going to really function at any given moment. God is saying it is Him and He's brought us to the place where we need to know that we are full of His glory and that He loves us and that we are free to go forth and to do the things that He has called us forth to do. And He even said, even today, the healing was taking place in different people's lives. He was healing them from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet, and the manifestation of that healing is going to start even this night, And we're going to go forth knowing that we are one with the father. And He's saying even tonight, as we're even gathered together, the winds of change have been blowing, has been blowing away the old and bringing in the new. He's saying that, “There will be no more {tomorrows} tomorrow. It's gone never to be relived. It's just going forward day by day and receiving all that He has for us And he's also saying as I as I allowed job to go through lose everything he had: His finances -- his wife -- his children-- even his health.” He said, "I am bringing you out of that job experience and you will be just like Job and you will have more in the end than you had in the beginning. I am bringing wealth unknown into My body and as you stay faithful to Me, I will pour that wealth out upon you." God's also saying even though all manner of evil has been spoken against you, you've stood your ground. Church: You stood your ground and that is why I am blessing you abundantly. You shall see an overflow of all things pour into your lives And you shall go forth in My might and My power and conquer the enemy on all sides There is no negative thing in My kingdom. None. Nowhere. Everything is positive and everything is secure. Everything is possible. Make sure you stay in My realm and do not go back into the realm of the world. I even hear God say: “Some of you have trouble with your feet and he's going to cause you to start dancing and as you dance The healing will take place in your feet and even in your legs and you will minister before Kings. I Will send you forth and you will minister to those who are higher up, who think they have more authority than you. You will go and you will minister the truth of My word and you will watch those kingdoms tumble that were not of Me, and you will watch Me build up righteous kingdoms.”
Prophecy 12-22-2024
Prophecy 12-22-2024
Realize where we stand with God, on the front lines. Find out what it means to be an integral member God's Church. Transcript: I am calling you out of darkness into my marvelous light. I'm calling you to that place that will satisfy every need, every desire, every longing of the heart. You are my anointed beloved ones who might have been nurturing all these many years. and it is time for you to go forth and to proclaim victory in the camps but at the same time the enemy is trying to bring doubt and unbelief and even fear into my camps of worship. I tell you this our little ones, a dramatic change is about to occur all across the land. You will witness things that no other has ever witnessed and If you are not standing right beside me right inside of me, it will blow you away You work too hard and too long to lose it now Take my hand in a more determined way right now this moment and lets you and I continue on this journey. Greatness is there, but you have to reach for it. Freedom is there, but you have to reach for it. You cannot listen to the voice of the enemy. You cannot allow him to play with your emotions. You have to know with surety of heart that I have called you from the backside of the desert and I have brought you to the front line of the war. I have spoken over and over and over again that this hour was coming upon the church. The days of Noah have been here for over a decade. My church is still falling away, but I have chosen you to stand your ground, not to waver in any way, shape, or form, but to know who you are in me. You are not the cursed. You are the blessed. You are my mighty warriors that I've called forth to destroy the darkness across the land and Bring my light To the surface. Many are saying This is not so this is not God, but yet they agree with everything the darkness brings forth Don't be one of those. My words are always yes, and they are always amen. I never bring a half truth I bring the full truth of my gospel forth. Those who have twisted my gospel will now be removed. But those who have stood strong preach my truth. I am now going to elevate. Children, they did not accept my son Jesus. So why would you ever believe they would accept you? That you have to do as my son did. Keep moving forward in my love, my grace, and my mercy. Keep proclaiming the gospel. Bring in the lost at all costs. There is not the joy in the atmosphere that there used to be and there's a reason for that The darkness is closing in And my body of believers are giving in They're giving up instead of fighting. Your word for the hour is fight. Fight for liberty from darkness, fight for the lost and the dying, fight for the children, fight, fight, and as you fight, carry my banner of love to a lost and dying generation. Be not dismayed at what you see in the next couple months. Do not be caught off guard. Do not be unbalanced Stay on the rock Stay in the truth. Faith -- build up your most holy faith. I've been telling you over the years Your faith should be at such a place that the enemy will not make you wonder, but you will know a surety of heart That I'm in a very midst of all that is being accomplished in this hour. Children, you must be reconciled to me in wholeness and purity as you open your hearts to receive all that I am. I'm purging, cleansing, and purifying. You are vessels of righteousness that are working hand -in -hand with me. And though the trials and tribulations will come, Though chaos and discord will abound As you are secure in me, you will be a pillar of stability A strong tower that many can run into. Prepare your hearts Prepare in my word That I may draw from that well in your spirit, man, to pour out to those around about you. God's saying the whale is running deep this morning Go into the deepness of the whale and never run dry "Children, are you ready for what's going to happen when I come rushing in?" Church will definitely not be as usual. You will see and hear things that you've never seen or heard before. You will take trip after trip into the heavenly realms and set it to Father's feet as he shows you the wisdom of heaven. I want to come rushing in this morning. Is your heart ready to receive? Are you standing in a sure place with me? Are you walking in love, the copy love That my son Jesus walked in Search your hearts right now. Search your hearts Is the room for me? If you cast all darkness out If you got rid of your hate. I'm not going to share your heart with anything or anybody. It's just you and I purified, sanctified. You must prepare yourselves because there's going to become more violence in this land than there ever has been before I Do not want you to be caught off guard or unawares of the things that are going to be taking place. Many are in the valley of decision at this given time and this will be their last opportunity To get things right and into stay right with me. I am moving in an unprecedented way in this hour and I'm causing my will to be done in this earth realm. There are those who still do not believe that I am going to do the things that I have promised. They are still yes and amen they are still coming. Nevertheless great judgment is falling upon my church in this hour and I am exposing all darkness. I am causing it to be routed out and brought to the light. Those who think that they can hide their sins are gonna soon find out that I am a just and a Merciful God It is time For all things to be made plain and all things to be made clear in my houses And as I route out the things that are going on and expose the wickedness within-- Find yourself on the right side of this. Find yourself praying Fasting and seeking my face in all ways. Children there will be much bloodshed in my houses, not literal but spiritual because sacrifices, consecration has to take place in order for me to take you to the place that I have prepared you for. As you lean into me as you yield your vessels unto me You will see the truth for what it really is You will see the degradation that has taken place You will see the deception that is falling upon many. I Do not want you to be a part of that deception. I want you to stay clear of it and stay close to me. I do all things for purpose. I do all things for truth. In little ones as you, nestle yourselves into my bosom this hour. You will be protected from these things that are coming. Trust me. Trust me with everything inside of you. I want you to have the answers when these things start happening to be able to share with my people the hope of my glory that is coming and I have said over and over and over again that I will have a pure spotless bride and this is exactly what I am going to accomplish. There's much of witchcraft that is going on. There are many rituals that are being performed in my name and I have not ordained those things. And as you see me route this darkness out, remember everything that I told you, remember that I lead God indirect, everything in your lives. This is my love. this is my peace for you in this season. This atmosphere that you feel is me moving. It is me bringing the destruction that needs to take place in order to route out and pluck up everything that the enemy has sewed in my camp. This is my cleansing process, My shaking Trust me like you've never trusted me before. This is the hour for complete liberty for all those who truly want to follow me. Sin will separate you from my spirit. You must be pure in heart. You must walk upright in all of your ways. You must follow my still small voice. It is the time to spread righteousness throughout the church and throughout the world You are on the front line And the enemy has targeted you But it can't destroy you. Fight little ones fight as you fight. My angels fight with you I'm not asking you to fight alone you are strong towers that others can run into you are my beloved ones in whom I am well pleased.
Prophecy 12-18-2024
Prophecy 12-18-2024
Come forth and get on the path that God has for you. Let the gap be bridged between you and He. Be placed where you need to be at in this hour. Transcript: My children, I am here this night and I am walking in your midst. If you listen to the words of the songs that were played tonight, you will hear the story of my heart. I am speaking volumes to you in this hour. I am all around about you and I am pouring myself into you this night I am beckoning you to come up hither rest in my presence before the table that I have prepared for you love abounds there is nothing that you have done that would keep you far away from me where my arms cannot reach. And I am calling you to myself. Let us be reconciled this night. I so desire to pour all that I am into your willing vessels. As you open your heart chambers to me, I will fill you with all that you have need of. I'm here to fill every void, to heal every wound, to bring into wholeness that which was broken. This is the night of restoration. Let you and I go together hand -in -hand in the days ahead with strength, integrity, holiness and righteousness. Let us rejoice in this hour. Put all things to the side and focus upon me and my word. My children receive the freedom that are brought to you this night The enemy stomping grounds have been destroyed You now You control what happens in your life Do not allow the enemy to take you backwards. I foreordained this night for total and complete freedom for all of my children, not just one or two. The camp fires of adversity will still grow. But I, the Lord thy God, I have given you a secret place in my kingdom where the me cannot touch you unless you allow him to. Freedom is in the camp. Freedom all around about you. There's no reason for you to leave here bound and destroyed for my love abounds. My security abounds. Step into that freedom, little ones. Step in to all that I have for ordained for you this night. The shepherds are watching over their flocks, and they are doing exactly what I am instructing them to do. And I'm going to tell you this night, When revival and all of its fullness strikes the earth Make sure you are in the very center of my will Make sure that you are a leader leading others to me. I Forordained you to be Who you are and where you are at this given time. There are too many wondering feet wondering here and wondering there. When I want to plant you, where I want to use you, the enemy is deceptive. He is speaking to my people and he is telling them lies. You my children must walk in victory You must know this still small voice and Don't be moved By every doctrine that comes your way. I have brought clarity tonight You might not feel anything right now, but you will see in the days head. That I brought you gift after gift tonight, but the biggest gift was your freedom. Some of you are holding your own self in bondage. Come forth. Out of that pigsty, You are a prodigal that I am trying to bring up and bring out. Do not deny the name of my son Jesus any longer. My son Jesus was rooted and grounded. I need you rooted and grounded in me. There is a mass exodus occurring right now in my body. Many are turning back and they are not following me. These are the ones that have become hopeless, Could not stay the course But you my children You know me You know my voice and You have been following my voice Continue to follow it little ones For victory is surely in your camp this night and the enemy has been defeated. God's also saying a vast majority of the body of believers have not known him in his fullness and that is why they are walking away. He's saying, "But you, my children, you know me in my fullness. You know that I've been with you in your hours of despair. You know that I have shown my grace and my mercy over and over and over again." My children as you harken to my words You will see the truth in what I am saying the hour ahead is dire and I need each one of you to come before my footstool and I need each and every one of you to receive the weightiness of the truth that I am speaking. Now is the time that as you reconcile your hearts with me, that I desire to move you forward into all that I have for you. But the weightiness of sin of old mindsets and bad habits will keep you out of my kingdom. You must at all cost be aware of the times and the seasons. Be seeking my face for wisdom and discernment. You must heed my voice of instruction that I am speaking through my servants this night. The hour is late and we have a works to do for there are many that are lost and dying and falling into the abyss each and every day. I cannot ignore the cries that are coming up from the ground and I must respond and I want each and every one of you to be a vessel of honor and integrity that I can work through to accomplish this purpose. The Church as a whole God is saying I'm a holy God and I require holiness and purity of heart out of each one of you. What I'm taking you into is going to require walking like my son Jesus walked. You can never look to the right nor to the left or behind. But while he's doing this he wants us to have joy unspeakable It is the joy the Lord is going to win the people to the cross. And he's colonized at this given moment to be long suffering with the protocols and the unsaved that he's bringing into the house of the Lord My protocols are battle weary. They just want to lay down and just give up. But I am bringing them forth. You will tutor them in the ways of the Lord. And you will know great victories as long as you keep your eyes upon the cross.
Prophecy December 15, 2024 PM
Prophecy December 15, 2024 PM
All attention needs to be on God so that we may move in this coming season. Instruction and direction is needed to maintain your position. Transcript - https://lighthousechurchinc.org/2024/12/15/transcript-prophetic-words-12-15-2024-sun-pm/
Prophecy 12-15-2024 AM
Prophecy 12-15-2024 AM
Time to realize your potential. Understand that God has called you for a special purpose- to be His priest and warrior upon the earth. You are stronger than you think. Transcript -
Prophecy December 11, 2024
Prophecy December 11, 2024
It's time to know where you fit within God's church and Kingdom. Receive a touch that will allow you to enter in to the realization of the lane that God has placed you in. Included also is God's message of the hour to His men. Transcript - https://lighthousechurchinc.org/2024/12/11/transcript-prophetic-words-12-11-2024-wed-pm/
Prophecy December 8, 2024, PM
Prophecy December 8, 2024, PM
Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so. God has seen all of our battles and His Son knows what it is like to be one of us. Receive a touch of true reconciliation and renewal that will open your eyes to the future before you. God sees you and is here to meet your need. Transcript -
Prophecy December 8, 2024 AM
Prophecy December 8, 2024 AM
Now is the time for change. This is in fact what God is requiring from His people. No more humps to get over, it's time to be made whole. Transcript -
Prophecy December 4, 2024
Prophecy December 4, 2024
It's all led up to this fresh moment of surrender. Lay down everything. The desires, the competition, the anger, the fear and all worldliness so you may be able to fulfill the fullness of God's plan for your life. Transcript -
Prophecy 12-01-2024
Prophecy 12-01-2024
God is calling His prophets forth that they may speak His will into the earth. Come and receive instruction and a fresh anointing of CHANGE to take you to the next level in God.
Prophecy 11-24-2024
Prophecy 11-24-2024
God is calling us beyond this earthly realm. It is decision time, God's hand is extended to take us beyond our limits and into His glory realm.
Prophecy November 20, 2024
Prophecy November 20, 2024
Listen closely as God speaks into the center of our lives. There is much coming upon the land, but God calls us higher into His Kingdom. Receive your instruction of the hour.
Prophecy November 17, 2024
Prophecy November 17, 2024
God is responding to our praises, allow yourself to be lifted above all lower levels and into God's Throne room.
Prophecy 11-03-2024
Prophecy 11-03-2024
God has given us all we need to be a blessing to the world. Discern the moment. Discern your testimony and allow God to use you to reach the lost and broken.
Prophecy October 27, 2024
Prophecy October 27, 2024
Warm up to your Father and receive a unique touch of reconciliation and commission. God's glory is falling on His children receive this touch.
Prophecy 10-20-2024
Prophecy 10-20-2024
Allow God's words through His people to change and rearrange how you are viewing this season. God gives instructions, encouragement, and a look into the future in this word.
Prophetic Word October 6, 2024
Prophetic Word October 6, 2024
God is calling His people outside of all captivity and into the realm of His Spirit. Grasp hold up the upward call and get into the River of Living Water.
Prophetic Word September 29, 2024
Prophetic Word September 29, 2024
God has shook His church, but there is still a bit of a personal shaking that needs to take place. Get before the Father and allow anything in your life that is not worthy of His call on your life to be removed. It is time to inherit the Promised Land or to be stranded on the river bank. Don't miss your opportunity.
Prophetic Word September 24, 2024
Prophetic Word September 24, 2024
God is in the business of rebuilding His people. Receive an impartation to be restored to your rightful place within the Kingdom; into a season of success and productivity.
Prophetic Word September 18, 2024
Prophetic Word September 18, 2024
Rise up above all the things that tie you down. Listen to this word of Freedom that God speaks over His people. Included also is a word that God has for His woman at the end.
Prophetic Word August 2024
Prophetic Word August 2024
Within this all consuming word is the anointing to go forth and prepare the way for God's church to flourish. Receive the anointing to receive such instruction, insight and understanding that will allow you to walk down the new avenues that God has brought upon the scene.
Prophecy 8-25-2024 AM
Prophecy 8-25-2024 AM
God is calling us into a deeper realm. Allow the Holy Spirit to move you forward from wherever you are stuck at. Receive the release to progress.
Prophecy 8- 25- 2024 PM
Prophecy 8- 25- 2024 PM
Receive a touch of recovery. In times of battle we can grow weary, but God is here to raise us above our circumstances and from any condition of defeat. Walk in the light.
Prophecy 8-21-2024
Prophecy 8-21-2024
God is wanting to free his people from the perversions of the world and flesh. Discern what God has for you. Discern that the enemy is trying to get you to settle for the lower things. Reach beyond this world and its corruption.
Prophecy July 14, 2024
Prophecy July 14, 2024
In this word God addresses the country and the youth. God has his eyes open to those who open to Him. It is a time of instruction and a time to prepare yourself inwardly for what God is about to do.